Oružane snage islamske republike Iran


Oružane snage islamske republike Iran

  • Boskovic
  • IT-Programmer
  • Pridružio: 26 Feb 2009
  • Poruke: 1086
  • Gde živiš: Zasad u Svedskoj

Neke dzipove koje proizvode
Model: Safir a drugi Sepher

U ovom drugom video klipu pokazivaju malo vise stvari osim dzipa Sepher, pretpostavljam da je ovo na pocetku otvaranje proizvodne trake.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • vrabac 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 4961

F-14 je kod Iranaca predvodnik male grupe lovaca u svojstvu mini AWACS, potpuno jednako po maniru kao što su Izraelci koristili F-15 još 82. god. kao dopunu za radarsko polje. Prilično realna upotreba obzirom na veliki broj velikih dolina između paralenih planinskih hrbata.

  • zixo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
  • Poruke: 23387
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Citat:Pise da su 1990 imali 98 MiG-29, pa predpostavljam da je toliko avion

U Iran je preletelo 7 irackih MiG-29.

Iran je 1991. nabavio 18 MiG-29 i 7 MiG-29UB i danas su u upotrebi u samo 2 eskadrile.

  • Pridružio: 07 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 180

Boskovic ::Neke dzipove koje proizvode
Model: Safir a drugi Sepher

U ovom drugom video klipu pokazivaju malo vise stvari osim dzipa Sepher, pretpostavljam da je ovo na pocetku otvaranje proizvodne trake.

Kojeg je kalibra bestrzajna topčina koja se vidi montirana na ovaj mali džip?Meni liči na švedski Bofors 90mm.

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Neki od domaći proizvoda iranske odbrambene industrije ,koja će po njihovim najavama imati četverostruko veća ulaganja u naredne 3g od sredstava koja su uložena u zadnji 10g,e sad nisu objavili cifru koju su uložili u zadnjih 10g niti koliko će taćno biti sredstava i u koje projekte uloženo u sljedeće 3g.
Napomena da neki proizvodi nisu proizvedeni nego modernizovani /remontovani ili prije nisu bili operativni ,pa su sada uz proizvodjnu rez.djelova,ponovo vraćeni i upotrebu.


nahang domaća podmornica

[youtube] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbVKE4RPlhQ&feature=related[/youtube]

[youtube] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5Tpvv15-4E&feature=related[/youtube]

Moderni Iran koji nam zapad neće nikada predstaviti ;

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Napisano: 27 Sep 2011 14:52

Iranska ekonomija je 18 najveća u svijetu;
The economy of Iran is the eighteenth largest economy in the world by purchasing power parity (PPP). Iran's economy is a mixture of central planning, state ownership of oil and other large enterprises, village agriculture, and small-scale private trading and service ventures.


Iran je država koja drži najviše izbjeglica na svojoj teritoriji;

Iran hosts one of the largest refugee populations in the world, with more than one million refugees, mostly from Afghanistan and Iraq.[241] Since 2006, Iranian officials have been working with the UNHCR and Afghan officials for their repatriation .

U Iranu 67% stanovništva živi u gradovima što je zapadni prosjek,dvije trećine stanovništva je mladji od 30g a jedna četvrtina je mladja od 15g,što ih čini najmladjom nacijom na svijetu.

Uglavnom ima mnogih stvari koje ja nisam ni predpostavljao i bio sam iznenadjen ,pošto iran većinom predstavljaju u negativnom kontekstu,recimo Teheran je najeftiniji glavni grad na svijetu a općenito Iran je jeftin za život , imaju 4 najveći suficit budjeta od 3.9 milijardi$ ,imaju jedan od najveci industrijski rast dok je većina svijeta u ekonomskoj krizi, takodje ima tu još podataka zanimljivih o naučnim dostignućima , ovo je podatak o omjeru muški studenti / studentice ; 1.223 females per one male student


Dopuna: 27 Sep 2011 18:28

Iranian Fighters to Fly with Russian Engines
// Iran buys 50 engines to equip domestically manufactured aircrafts
A major deal to sell turbo-jet engines to Iran is to be signed during the upcoming visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Tehran, a Kommersant source reported. The deal will help Tehran to set up the serial output of its domestically manufactured jets. Russia in its turn hopes to gain access to an up-and-coming market. However, this is most likely to bring a chill to relations with the United States which is unhappy about Russia’s cooperation with the Iranian regime.
A Kommersant source reported that a deal may be signed to supply Iran with 50 RD-33 turbo-jet engines produced at the Chernyshev Moscow Machine Works for MiG-29 planes during Vladimir Putin’s visit to Tehran. Experts estimate the deal to be worth $150 million. Iran is going to use the engines for domestically manufactured Azarakhsh (Lightning) supersonic combat jet fighters. Iranian Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar has recently announced the serial production of Azarakhsh jets. “We will soon be able to produce jets like Azarakhsh on an industrial scale to add them to the arsenal of the Iranian army,” Mr. Najjar said.

Fighter aircraft Azarakhsh was built by Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industrial on the basis of the U.S. fighter plane F-5E produced in the 1960s. The United States sold these aircrafts to Iran’s shah before 1979. 50 F-5Es are still in the arsenal of the Iranian army. Iranian engineers increased the length and weight of the F-5 and changed the shape of its tail fin and engine unit. Two American engines J85-GE-21B were replaced by Russian RD-33s. The plane also received a new radiolocation station. According to media repots, this may be an Iranian radar with Russian component parts or the N-019ME Topaz radar produced by Russia’s Fazotron-NIIR. The Azarakhsh performed its first flight in June 1997. Four jets with engines taken from old Russian MiG-29s have already been successfully tests. The planes are to be equipped with new Russian engines.

President Putin’s visit is also going to be marked by signing an agreement to supply with Iran several RD-5000 engines which are a modification of the RD-93 engine without the boost camera. They are to be used on the Iranian Shafaq test jet which is being developed by the Aviation University Complex. The first Shafaq is to be tested next year. Unofficial sources report that the jet has been designed with the help of Russian engineers. It will also be equipped with the Russian K-36 ejection seat. Iranian officials say that Shafaq will be built from materials which absorb radio waves, making it barely visible (the Stealth technology). A two-seat modification will be used as a training jet while the one-seat plan will be engaged as a battle plane.

It is worth noting that the RD-93 engine was initially designed in Russia at China’s order and its money. The Chernyshev Moscow Machine Works already sells these engines for FC-1 fighters to China which will be re-exporting them to Pakistan. The MiG corporation decided to install the RD-5000 modification without the boost on its multi-purpose unmanned combat aircraft Skat. Its full-scale engineering mock-up was demonstrated at the MAKS 2007 show in August.

The largest number of fighters in Iran’s arsenal was sent to the country from the United States in the shah’s time. After 1979 the American embargo barred supplies for their component parts. The Iranian leadership decided to replace foreign components by domestically produced ones as well as design its own new fighter planes.

Analysts believe that Iran will continue buying additional supplies of Russian engines. “50 is just the beginning,” says Konstantin Makienko, expert at the Center for Strategy and Technology Analysis. “Iran is soon going to need at least one hundred engines like this to produce its own fighter jets.” He believes that the sum and size of the first contract are not important in this case unlike the fact of entering a new market. Russia has previously signed deals on selling engines for military jets produced abroad only with China and India.

A jet engine contract with Iran may bring new tensions to Moscow-Washington relations as Russian firms may fall under U.S. sanctions. A U.S. law as of 2000 bans cooperation with Iran in weapons of mass destruction and technology that may help Tehran to acquire such. This law, however, has so far been no impediment for Russia to sell conventional arms to Tehran. Russia and Iran signed an $800 million deal in late 2005 on 29 Tor-M1 anti-aircraft short-range missile complexes. The contract was executed in early 2007.

At the same time, the U.S. State Department imposed sanctions on Russian arms trader Rosoboronexport and jet maker Sukhoi suspecting them of helping the Iranian air force to modernize front bomber Su-24MK. Sanctions were lifted from Sukhoi two months late but Rosoboronexport is still under the restrictions. “This threat exists but it should not hamper military and technical cooperation with Iran,” says Mr. Makienko. “It is our traditional partner. There are no international sanctions against this country to bar Russian from sending conventional arms there.”

What Is Flying In Iran’s Sky

Most fighters of the Iranian air force were bought before 1979 during the shah rule. These are U.S. fighters – about 50 F-14 Tomcats, 47 F-4 Phantoms, about 50 F-5s as well as 24 French-made Mirage F1s. Among newer planes, Iran has some 75 Russian MiG-29 fighters, 32 Su-24MK front bombers, 13 Su-25 battle planes, 20 J-7 Chinese fighters.



  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Napisano: 27 Sep 2011 19:38

kao što se vidi nema bradonja sa turbanima i islamski fundamentalista kako tvrde USA i Izrael,ljudi su sasvim normalni ali su u ratu nevjerovatno složni i patrioti,evo malo slika oružija koja se lansiraju iz zraka ;

Dopuna: 27 Sep 2011 21:36

Trening simulatori za pilote;

Dopuna: 27 Sep 2011 21:44

Domaći avion ir-140,pravi se po licenci an-140,a pravi se u varijanti putnički,patrolni,AWAC i transportni;

Dopuna: 27 Sep 2011 22:08

Mig 31 u Iranu (kažu da je bio u prolazu prema UAE)

Dopuna: 27 Sep 2011 22:10

još jedan u prolazu ;

Dopuna: 28 Sep 2011 10:19

Drugi satelit domaće peoizvodnje koji je lansiran raketom koja je isto domaći proizvod,prvi satalit je lansiran u 2009g,prije toga iranske satalite je proizvodila rusija te ih lansirala u orbitu,takodje posjeduju zakupljene ruske i kineske .

The Islamic Republic of Iran successfully launches its second satellite christened Rasad (Observation) into the earth's orbit.


Dopuna: 28 Sep 2011 10:21

Ahmadinejad: Iran Plans to Send Heavy Satellites to 35,000km Altitude

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced on Monday that the country will soon send bigger satellites to higher altitudes, at least, 35,000km away from the Earth.

"We will launch big satellites into the space in a not far future, and these satellites will be placed in an altitude 35,000km distant from the Earth," Ahmadinejad said, addressing the inaugural ceremony of two water dams in the Northwestern Zanjan province.


Iran plans to put three new satellites into orbit by the end of the current Iranian year (ending March 20), says the head of the Iranian Space Agency (ISA).


Dopuna: 28 Sep 2011 12:48

Bezpilotne letjelice UAV ;

Ovaj je oboren iznad Izraela;



sofre mahi


Dopuna: 28 Sep 2011 13:06

Oružije malog kalibra;

Dopuna: 28 Sep 2011 14:13

Preko-okeanski tanker domaće proizvodnje IRAN ARAK 185m dug, 30 m širine ,18m visok,težak je 7000t, nosivost 30.000t ,zaplovio u 8. mjesecu 2009g ;

Drugi preko-okeanski tanker je identičan kao i IRAN ARAK a naziv mu je "Iran-Shahr-e Kord";

Treći se zove “Iran-Kashan” i nešto je veći dug je 187m širok 30 a visina je 16.5m ,težak je 9502t ;

Ovi podaci su bitni da bi se lakše procjenio kapacitet irana kao države,jer ova tri tankera su izgradjena za dvije godine,a recimo nosači aviona koje posjeduje italija,španija i tajland su otprilike ove veličine (dakle ne govorimo o USA super velikim nosačima),ne tvrdim da oni prave nosače aviona njima to i onako netreba zbog mnogih razloga a izmedju ostalog i konfiguracija zaliva je takva da njima više o dgovara imat veliki broj manjih i brzih plovila naoružani protiv brodskim raketama i torpedima a posvemu vidimo da oni to i rade.

  • Boskovic
  • IT-Programmer
  • Pridružio: 26 Feb 2009
  • Poruke: 1086
  • Gde živiš: Zasad u Svedskoj

Napisano: 28 Sep 2011 19:17

Njihova domaca podmornica Ghadir

I snimak od prosle godine podmornice Ghadir 4 komada

Dopuna: 28 Sep 2011 19:28

Jos malo slika njihove rakete NOOR protiv brodska

Dopuna: 28 Sep 2011 20:22

Malo informacije o njihovoj Corvetti Alvand. Mrzilo me da prevodim tekst, a posto google translate napravi jos vece greske onda nadam se da cete shvatiti informaciju Smile.

Quantity in Service: 3
Displacement: 1,540 tons full load
Dimensions: L 94.5m, W 11.7m, Dr 3.25m
Crew: 135
Speed: 40kt
Powerplant: 2 x Gas Turbines 23,000 shp plus two diesels 1900hp
Armament: 4 x C-802 Noor anti-ship missiles, 1 x 114mm Gun, 1 dual 35mm (manned) 3 x (manned) GAM-BO1 20mm cannon, 1 x Limbo ASW mortar (may be inoperable), 2 x triple 12.7mm lightweight torpedoes (Alvand only), 2 x 12.7mm HMGs (manned).

Of 1960s vintage, the remaining Alvand class corvettes have been partially rearmed most crucially with the generally capable C-802 anti-ship missile in place of the obsolete Sea Killer missiles.

Sensor fit and air defences are very poor by contemporary standards and the survivability of these boats in open conflict is seriously open to doubt.

  • Pridružio: 19 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 416

Ajd da ponovim pitanje sa prve strane, ima li nečeg našeg medju irancima?

  • Boskovic
  • IT-Programmer
  • Pridružio: 26 Feb 2009
  • Poruke: 1086
  • Gde živiš: Zasad u Svedskoj

Napisano: 28 Sep 2011 20:39

Kolko se secam nemaju oruzja ali je neko pisao da su kupili od nas motor za T-55icu pa nek neko drugi bolje odgovori to. Smile

Dopuna: 28 Sep 2011 21:22

Moudge Class Frigate
Posto ne pise naoruzanje dodacu ovako.
4 x C-802 (or maybe improved C-803) anti-ship missiles
1 x 76 mm Fajr-27 naval gun
1 x 40 mm Fath-40 AAA
2 x 20 mm cannons
4 x SM-1 SAM
2 x triple 324 mm torpedoes

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