Oružane snage islamske republike Iran


Oružane snage islamske republike Iran

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Ti čamci nose projektile dometa 25km-60km u zavisnosti od varijante kojom su naoružane i torpeda , i to su čamci koji se proizvode većinom od nemetala sa sanjenim RCS i IC odrazom ,nedavno je uvedeno u proizvodnju više verzija koji se proizvode samo od plastike.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 30 Jul 2011
  • Poruke: 808

Po meni, najbitnija stvar kod tih borbenih camaca je prezivljavanje. Dakle, moguce ih je sakriti na bilo kom mestu u velikoj duzini obale i aktivirati u prvom trenutku. Mozda Ameri "prokrce put" ali pametnije je mozda izbegavati borbu i primeniti gerilsku filozofiju i na moru - ne ulaziti u odsudne bitke nego udariti gde je neprijatelj slab, udariti brzo i nestati. Nijedan gerilac ne udara frontalno niti ocekuje da udari tako gde je neprijatelj jak niti onda kada to odgovara neprijatelju.

Takav camac sumnjam da mu treba luka, moze se obskrbiti gorivom i naoruzanjem u primitivnim uslovima a sakriti cak i na kopnu. Niko normalan ne ocekuje da silu kao SAD napadne frontalno, otvoreno i prvog dana sukoba. Sto je najvaznije, uvek su pretnja i neprijatelj mora da drzi resurse u pripravnosti i u ocekivanju napada dok odbrambene snage ne gube puno ako ga potope. Protivnik koji je vise puta jaci se ne napada izravno ni u kojem slucaju nego uvek iznenada i indirektno.

Uostalom, kao sto je Jazbar primetio - tako su mala meta da je mozda nerealno ocekivati da ih gadjaju raketama nego izravnom vatrom iz mitraljeza. Protiv nekog americkog broda vise sanse ima 10 ovakvih camaca nego recimo scenario gde americki razarac ide na iranski razarac. Dok ih Amer sve nadje i prepozna, dok na svakog otvori vatru, makar jedan ili dva ce da budu u dometu i ispale i raketu ili dve. Mislim da je ova barkica pametnija nego 10 razaraca koji bi bili unisteni u samom pocetku potencijalnog sukoba.

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 126

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Napomenu me ovaj video klip ,Iranci su prije 3g izbacili sličan sistem sa 4 VULCAN topa sa EO I radarskim vodjenjem ,inače odlično rješenje za AScM i kr.projektile.

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Mislim da se može naći samo fotka sa prezentacije bez ikakvog testiranja i slike na maketi MOWJ 2 (Jamaran2) klase frigate koja je u izgradnji,al nači će se bar neka slika u arhivi.

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Za Irance se zna da već proizvode vulkan topove odavno kao i EO i radarske sisteme tako da njima to i nije neki problem integrisat u sistem,već prave slične sisteme u drugom kalibru a i čitao sam negdje Amerićki ili nakog Amerićkog analitičara izvještaj gdje se osvrće na taj sistem, i integrisanje vulkan topova u EO i radarski vodjen sistem je jeftin način za dobijanje odličnog sistema za zaštitu brodova od ASM ili postrojenja od kr.projektila.

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 563

Kolega Nelsa, hvala za iscrpna objašnjenja. Vidi, zna se da je Rusija isporučila Siriji 72 AShM tipa "Yakhont" u sklopu obalskih protiv - brodskih sistema "Bastion". Na iranskim forumima se pojavljuju špekulacije da i Iran posjeduje taj sistem. Ima li ikakvih pouzdanih informacija o tome?
Imaš li ti neki link ?

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Napisano: 24 Jan 2012 0:18

Te informacije postoje i prije nego je Sirija dobila te projektile,u obavještajnim izvještajima i sajtovima koje se bave vojnom tematikom se vodi da Iran od 2006 g posjeduje MOSKIT I YAKHONT projektile ali i ako do sada nisu posjedovali sada sigurno hoće.
Iran je siriji isporučio obalske baterije NOOR 2 koje su Sirijci testirali na zadnjim manevrima,pored toga Iran je isporučio Siriji nišanske HT-233 radare kao i osmatračke najvjerovatnije GHADIR ,takodje u predhodnim godinama je veliki broj bal.projektila isporučeno kao i prenos tehnologije za FATEH 110 i još mnogo toga.
Oni imaju potpisane sporazume o zajedničkoj odbrani i razmjeni tehnologije i ako još dodamo da većinu projekata i nabavki oružija za Siriju finansira Iran ,neke u cjelosti a neke djelimično onda možemo zaključiti da sve što Sirija nabavi u odredjenom djelu ide u Iran kao i obratno.
Imam u pdf-u izvještaje IISS-a i još nekih u kojima se spominju i ovi projektili pa ću postaviti.

Dopuna: 24 Jan 2012 0:45

Evo jedna analiza ,pošto je fajl prevelik evo jedan dio copy/paste , većina analiza i izvještaja uzima da Iran posjeduje odredjen broj tih projektila i opet kažem i ako ih nisu imali sada ih sigurno imaju.

So while the Bush administration has proceeded with diplomacy, officials repeat that the military option "remains on the table" if that's what it takes to deny the Tehran regime the nuclear bomb. Indeed, many in Washington believe that U.S. Air Force is ready with advanced plans to bomb Iranian nuclear sites.

John Pike maintains that not only is the administration preparing for a pre-emptive attack on Iran, but even without such a move the destabilizing forces already unloosed in the Middle East may escalate into a situation in which Iran will try to obstruct the passage of shipping through the Strait of Hormuz--where the Persian Gulf narrows to only 34 miles and through which 90 percent of Persian Gulf oil exports pass. If, according to Pike, Iraq breaks up into three partitioned regions--Kurdistan in the north, an oil-less "Sunnistan" in the middle, and a Shia-dominated region in the south--Saudi Arabia, already the Sunni insurgency's biggest supporter, will see its fellow Sunnis deprived of the oil wealth that has historically been theirs and will possibly increase its aid to the Sunni insurgency. Iran will respond with increased support for Iraqi Shias. Thence, the struggle could intensify into a conflict resembling the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq "Tanker War", when both countries attacked oil tankers and merchant ships--including those of neutral nations--to deprive their opponent of trade. As in the 1980s, U.S. naval forces would be drawn into such a conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

This time, though, the Iranians possess at least 300 Exocet antiship missile systems and an undisclosed number of Russian Moskit supersonic antiship systems--and possibly also the improved Moskit version, the Yakhont.

Recent naval history provides a foretaste of what the relatively primitive Exocet missiles could do. In the Falklands War in 1982 between the U.K. and Argentina, Argentinean jets armed with French-made Exocets hit the H.M.S. Sheffield, whose superstructure was constructed of lightweight aluminum. The aluminum melted and the frigate burned to the waterline and sank. Similarly, in 1987, during the Iran-Iraq War, an Iraqi jet launched two Exocet missiles into the U.S.S. Stark, another frigate, and its lightweight aluminum superstructure also caught fire.

It is Iran's Moskits, though, that are the real concern for American ships. These ramjet-equipped missiles, flying two and a half to three times the speed of sound and as low as five feet above the water, were specifically designed by the Russians to overcome the Aegis defense systems and SM-2 and SM-3 defense missiles protecting American aircraft-carrier groups. The maximum theoretical response time to a Moskit launch is 25 to 30 seconds, leaving little time for jamming and countermeasures--let alone bringing to bear missiles and quick-firing artillery. Unlike past decades, when U.S. warships were constructed with aluminum superstructures (which were 35 to 45 percent lighter than steel and assisted a vessel's speed and maneuverability), current American warships, like the Arleigh Burke-class destroyers that are primary components in a U.S. carrier group, generally have steel superstructures. Nevertheless, al Qaeda's attack on the U.S.S. Cole in 2000 provides some insight into what a Moskit can do. The Cole, an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer with steel armor, was docked in Aden harbor when a small craft exploded against its port side, putting a 40-by-40-foot (12-by-12 meter) gash in the Cole's flank. That explosion was the result of as much as 600 pounds of explosive. The Cole's vulnerability suggests that any of Iran's Russian-made Moskit missiles, and their 750-pound warheads, are potential ship-killers.

The Falklands War has been much pondered by military analysts. John Arquilla, professor at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, says: "The Exocet missile definitely proved the vulnerability of the slow-moving big ship." The key to the U.K.'s Falklands victory, Arquilla continues, was that the British calculated how to put their two aircraft carriers beyond the range of Argentinean air attacks while still enabling British aircraft to hit Argentinean forces. That lesson has applications for the challenge that the U.S. Navy may soon face in the Persian Gulf. Yes, the Gulf's north shore belongs to Iran and is potentially a platform for their cruise missiles. True, any ship within the Gulf, including ships docked at the U.S. Fifth Fleet's base in Bahrain, could theoretically be targeted from across the Gulf or from speedboats and helicopters that the Iranians have purportedly adapted as mobile platforms for their missiles. In practice, however, America has and will maintain complete air dominance.

That means that if America stands off its naval assets over the horizon, the Iranians have three options: they can aim their missiles at targets in visible range, employ radar-guided missiles to acquire over-the-horizon targets, or else use sea-based platforms to launch missiles. In all those cases, they will immediately become vulnerable to U.S. retaliation from the air. The Iranians would likely only get one chance at launching their cruise missiles before their platforms were destroyed.

Yet what if the Iranians could launch swarms of hundreds of missiles simultaneously? All bets might be off. In such a scenario, the Iranians could conceivably devastate an American naval force. Do the Iranians possess enough missiles to do that? The truth is that we don't know, as the congressional report released on Thursday, August 24, concluded. In terms the threat level, independent analyst John Pike puts it this way: "Iran is a riddle wrapped in an enigma."

In the longer term, the trend seems clear. Iran developed its first indigenous 32-bit microprocessor last month. Like mounted cavalry faced by the machine gun in 1914 or the battleship confronted by aerial attack in 1941, the U.S. aircraft carrier battle group seems likely to become increasingly a giant, slow-moving target when an enemy can fire swarms of self-guiding cruise missiles from hundreds of miles away. "Sixty-odd years ago, the German admiral Durnitz had in his office a picture of the ocean with a few gulls and a sunlit sea," John Arquilla says. "Durnitz would point to this picture when his U-boat skippers visited him and say, ‘That is the future of naval warfare--there will be no great vessels, only submarines and aircraft.' In 21st-century sea warfare, expect the rise of sea power without a navy."

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  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 563

Kolega Nelsa, na postovima koje si iznio vidio sam mnogo fotki iranskih brzih čamaca, raketnih i torpednih, kao i onih naoružanih VBR-ovima. Vidio sam i njihove brodove sa raketama Noor i Harpoon. Sve je to dio arsenala za tzv. asimetrično ratovanje. Ali mi se čini da ta velika flota ima dramatično pomanjkanje zaštite od prijetnji iz zraka, prije svega od napada helikoptera ili naoružanih UAV...Nisam vidio ni jedan čamac ili manji brod koji ima PVO, osim Jamaran fregata, ali njih ima mali broj....Jesam li nešto propustio vidjeti ili..? Možeš li dati neku informaciju o tome, pošto ja stvarne ne mogu skontati kako bi se branili od toga.

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