Nelsa, Na ovim starim slikama F-14 se nalazi AIM-7 sa unutrašnje strane. Sumnjam da su rani F-14A koristili R-27. Ove slike F-14 u eskortu SU-27 mi se čine zanimljivim..i ja sam negdje čitao da su iranci integrisali R-27 na mačora, ali možda smo pogriješili u procjeni...Upravo sam pregledavao njihove forume...i oni raspravljaju, ali imaju dilema u vezi s tim...
Vidi stara fotka je postavljena zbog toga što se nalazi bliže a na njoj aim-9 izgleda i krači i manjeg obima a trebalo bi biti obrnuto i to je samo za poredjenje.
Projektil koji se nalazi na mačoru u pratnji ima krilca na vrhu/glavi što AIM-7 nema i kako vidiš na drugoj slici istog aviona pri skretanju u desno se vide krilca na sredini projektila što nema aim-9,nisam ni rekao da je R-27 samo sam napomenuo da postoje informacije i da su na nekoj izložbi stavili ispred mačora Ruske verzije v-v proj. R-xx i pitao sam da li se još nekom čini da je projektil prevelik za aim-9.
Evo još nekih za poredjenje veličine projektila
Uvečano vidi se 2 AIM-54 + još dva projektila koja sigurno nisu AIM-9 jer imaju krila na sredini.
Isti avion na kojem se opet vide 2 AIM-54 + 2 projektila koja imaju krilca na glavi što AIM-7 nema
TEHRAN (ISNA)-Iran launched two major defense projects on the occasion of the Ten-Day Dawn celebrations (February 1-11) marking the anniversary of the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
The production line of the home-built Shahed (Observer) flight recorder, which can be fitted to various types of aircraft and helicopters and overhauling and upgrading line of low-altitude smart air defense systems were launched Tuesday.
Iran has achieved important progresses in recent years in defense sector, despite sanctions imposed against the country to halt its peaceful uranium enrichment activities.
The projects were inaugurated in presence of Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi and the commander of the Khatam-ol-Anbia Anti-Aircraft Base, Brigadier General Farzad Esmaeili.
Brigadier General Vahidi said that experts and engineers at the Iran Electronic Industries have taken a great stride forward and managed to design and manufacture the parts and devices needed to launch a dedicated line to upgrade and modernize the existing air defense systems.
Upgrading low-altitude air defense systems will enhance the armed forces’ capability to defend the country’s vulnerable and strategic facilities against possible air strikes by fighter jets, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles, and air-to-ground missiles, he explained.
The upgraded systems will be able to identify and intercept several targets simultaneously using various tracking stations, he said, adding that the systems can also repel the enemy’s electronic attacks.
He also said that the Shahed flight recorder has unique features and is able to record flight, image, and sound parameters.
Uspješno lansiran satalit ,više informacija če naknadno biti objavljeno
TEHRAN, Feb. 3 (MNA) – A newest domestically produced satellite was launched into space on Friday morning on the order of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Iran successfully launches new satellite into orbit.
The Islamic Republic of Iran has successfully launched its domestically-built Navid-e Elm-o Sanat satellite into orbit following a decree by Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
The satellite, completely designed and built by Iranian experts, blasted into orbit late Thursday on the third day of the 10-Day Dawn celebrations, marking the 33th anniversary of the victory of Iran's Islamic Revolution in 1979.
The 50-kilogram orbiter lifted off into space with an orbital angle of 55 degrees on the Iranian-made Safir satellite-carrier.
Head of Iran Space Agency (ISA) Hamid Fazeli said the domestically-built Navid satellite will circle the Earth at altitudes between 250 and 370 kilometers.
He added that the remote-sensing observation satellite is designed to take hi-res pictures of the globe.
Indian delegation to visit Iran to boost oil exports: report
New Delhi will send a business delegation to Tehran in late February to explore how it can increase exports in order to meet payments for Iranian oil, a senior Indian official said on Thursday, Reuters reported.
Dopuna: 03 Feb 2012 20:22
Press TV has interviewed Ralph Shoenman, author of the Hidden History of Zionism from Berkeley about the West's reaction of fear manifest in threats of war over Iran's increasingly talented labor force that are producing major scientific and technological accomplishments that pose a threat to the hegemony of Israel and the US in the Middle East region. What follows is an approximate transcript of the interview.
Press TV: President Ahmadinejad orders the launch of Iranian Satellite Navid Elm-o Sanat in the past couple of hours into orbit. What do you make of that for the country of Iran especially with all the sanctions that has occurred that we see against Iran - What kind of achievement do you see that as, for the Islamic Republic?
Shoenman: Well, I think it's important that Iran establish close relations with any and every country and population that's prepared to defend Iran against the threats that are being mobilized on a very intensive scale by the rulers in the US.
As you are undoubtedly aware - your listeners surely are - The US' Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper in what was called a world wide threat assessment referenced a so-called 2011 plot to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to the US and then stated that Iran's leader Ali Khamenei has changed their calculus and are now willing to conduct an attack in the US.
So they are upping the anti for a military attack upon Iran. And this story has been widely disseminated notwithstanding the fact that the original attempts to create this hysteria were exposed by Robert Baer, who was a high level former CIA case officer, who informed ABC news that these charges against Iranian intelligence were without any credibility and had no basis in fact.
In spite of all that, I have to say that the major spokespersons for the US ruling class are increasing the language of confrontation and attack and war and indeed the Defense Secretary Leon Panetta went on the 60 minutes program on Sunday and stated that if we have to attack Iran we are ready to do it.
So, it's important for Iran to mobilize world opinion against this imperial threat to its sovereignty and in fact to the well-being of not only the people of Iran, but to the people of the region and the world. Any opportunity and any accomplishment that Iran can manifest in demonstrating its capacity to withstand this is essential and important and to be supported.
I should further point out that the journalist Andrea Mitchell on NBC described what I mentioned before about Clapper's report of a presumptive plan for a strike on the US by Iran, talking about turning things on their head. And she asked this question - this is the NBC lead journalist Andrea Mitchell - asking if the threshold for preemptive nuclear strike on Iran by Israel has now been reached.
This is an index of the climate that's been generated here; a hysterical climate; an aggressive climate; a menacing climate against the people of Iran and against the peoples of the world in essence, with this kind of talk and this kind of high level discussion of military strikes.
So, this is not a minor matter in any sense of the term and it is essential that world opinion be mobilized urgently to defy the US and the Israelis; to oppose them and to defeat this effort to start a conflagration in the region.
Press TV: In the past two years four Iranian scientists have been assassinated because of their research development and the advancements that the country has made. Where do you see the West in relation to this and why has the West, they try to handicap the Islamic Republic, but Iran continues to advance - Where do you see this as far as in relation to the international community?
Shoenman: I have to tell you as I've mentioned prior on discussion on Press TV, the publication in the US - The American Conservative and the New York Times has done so as well - carried an account of open involvement of the US' CIA and the Israeli MOSSAD in a series of assassinations of scientists in Iran; of intelligencia in Iran and sabotage and blowing up of facilities and so on. Not even denied, openly proclaimed.
This is a measure of the recklessness of US rulers. Obama's openly embracing the drone campaign in Pakistan in which it is estimated that for every opponent of US policy who is killed, ten civilians have been killed as well. Thousands of people have been targeted in this way.
Openly now, Obama has publicly embraced these drone killings and it is linked intimately to the recklessness with which they discuss the assassination of Iranian scientists - the acts of an aggressor; a reckless imperial predator, which is what the US ruling class is in the world today.
Having said that, Iran has to be defended - Whether there is difference with Iran on this or that question is utterly beside the point. Iran must be defended; the people of Iran must be defended; the people of the region must be defended and these war games of the US and Israel must be soundly obstructed and defeated.
Press TV: You mentioned Iran must be defended - How do you see this as far as the West's reaction to this latest development and achievement in Iran especially with the sanctions that are occurring. Iran puts another satellite into orbit - What is the West's reaction to this?
Shoenman: When you speak of the West's reaction I think what I'm attempting to set forth here is that when you have an aggressor like the US and Israel are at the moment with respect to Iran, no matter what Iran does it will be used against Iran. If Iran attempts to defend itself, that will be held against Iran; If Iran puts a satellite in space that will be given a sinister construction.
The proud defiance by Iran of these threats should be supported and applauded because it's imperative that this menacing war that's on the horizon be stopped and I hope that major powers such as China and Russia an others stand by Iran in trade and stand by Iran in public support and that world opinion is mobilized as never before, while time permits, to prevent this catastrophic unfolding of a military attack.
MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — Witnesses say a surveillance drone has crashed into a refugee camp in the Somali capital.
Drones have been used by the U.S. to attack or observe al-Qaida-linked militants in the Horn of Africa nation.
Refugees and soldiers in Mogadishu's Badbado camp say they watched the drone crash Friday into a hut made of sticks, corrugated cans and plastic bags.
Sacdiyo Sheikh Madar, a refugee at the camp, says African Union peacekeepers came to remove it.
Police officer Ali Hussein says the drone was shaped like a small plane. A similar drone crashed into a house in Mogadishu last year.
Dopuna: 04 Feb 2012 10:05
Uveden novi projektil ZAFAR
Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi inaugurated the production line of new domestically-manufactured cruise missiles called 'Zafar (Triumph)
In recent years, Iran has made great achievements in the defense sector and attained self-sufficiency in producing essential military equipment and systems.
In January, Iran successfully test-fired surface-to-air mid-range Hawk missile and the Iranian Defense Ministry delivered new naval cruise missile systems to the Navy.
The systems, designed and manufactured by Iranian experts, are capable of spotting and destroying different targets at sea.
Ta raketa je skoro ista, kao raketa, koja je predstavljena pre par godina, koja se valjda
zvala, Nasr. Šteta, što Iran nema tehnologiju za proizvodnju raketa duplo bržih od zvuka poput Jakhonta, takva raketa bi mu bila veliki adut.
Razlika je u dužini,pogonu ,sistemu vodjenja i brzini,trenutno je najbrža Iranska raketa u toj klasi i u završnoj fazi je nadzvučna i već sam prije dva- tri dana pisao o tome da ova verzija(doradjena) ide i u podmornice koje mogu ispucavati projektile samo torpednim cjevima 533mm tako da je veličina projektila ograničena.
Što se tiče projektila yakhont nevjerujem da čemo uskoro vidjeti proizvodnju takvih projektila ono što je otprije poznato da je Iran krajem devedesetih nabavio Moskit projektile dok su za Yakhont bile špekulacija ali če sad sigurno doči u posjed Yakhonta ako prije nisu,Sirija je na zadnjim manevrima zajedno sa yakhont projektilima testirala i NOOR 1,2 dok otprije imaju Fateh 110 za koje su izvršili i prenos tehnologije u Siriju.
Pored toga Iran je u Siriji rasporedio osmatračke radare vjerovatno Ghadir i Iransku verziju nišanskog rada koji je nastao iz HT-233 i SJ-231 i još mnogo drugih sistema,tako da je sigurno da če nešto iči u Iran,do sad je i jedna i druga poštovala sporazum o zajedničkoj odbrani i razmjeni tehnologije a da ne govormo da dosta nabavki naoružanja finansira Iran.
Nedavno sam gledao klip Sirijske vojske gdje ima djelova nekih parada i manevara i nevjerovatno koliko Iranskog naoružanja posjeduju,u jednom djelu se vidi lansiranje projektila za kojeg sam 90% siguran da je KHALIJ FARS ASBM ali iz daljine je teško razlikovati taj projektil od Fateh 110.
Informacije za satalite daje zemlja koja ih proizvodi tako da je to nemoguče provjeriti,reči ču samo da je kompletan svemirski program pod kontrolom vojske,recimo bukvalno do dan prije lansiranja je tvrdjeno da če lansirati FAJR satalit,da bi nakon lansiranja rekli da je NAVID lansiran za kojeg su rekli da če lansirati tek u Aprilu.
Evo navešču informacije koje su poznate za satalite pod napomenom da su to šturi podaci ,čak i zapad navodi da je kompletan svemirski program namjenjen za ICBM program a da su sataliti dio vojnog programa.
SINA 1- Izvidjački satalit i prvi Iranski sat. koji je razvijen u Iranu a izgradjen i lansiran iz Rusije zajedno sa Ruskim vojnim satelitem i ima rezoluciju do 500m.
OMID-prvi satalit lansiran iz Irana za koji je rečeno da je istraživački i telekomunikacijski,uspješno lansiranje potvrdila je NASA.
RASAD 1- u prevodu znači obzervacija što mu je i navedeno u namjeni rezolucija 150m
NAVID-obzervacija u viskoj rezoluciji(nije navedena tačna rezol.),telekomunikacija i istraž. prirodni katastrofa.
MESBAH 2-obzervacijski sat. nastao nakon povlačenja Rusije i Italije iz projekta koji se zvao MESBAH poslije nastavljen i lansiran Iranskim kapacitetima,rezolucija 400m
TOOLO-špijunski izvidjački satalit nove gener. razvijen u Iran Electronics Industries sa SIGINIT kapacitetom lansiranje najvljeno do Maja.
FAJR- satalit koji nosi exper. Iransku verziju GPS-a i rezolucijom 500 do 1000m
ENVIRONMENT 1-obzervacijski Kinesko Iranski sate. lansiran u 2008.g detalji nisu poznati smatra se satalitom nove generacije opremljen kamerama HD i IR sistemia i radi u sistemu sa još 6 drugih satelita projekt je koštao 44$mil. i koristi se i kao sistem za rano upozorenje od prirodnih katastrofa .
ZAFAR-obzervacijski sa rez. 80m
Ima tu još dosta satelita ali njih nisam stavio iz razloga što se lansiranje očekuje tek u naredna 2-3g ovi su lansirani svi osim ZAFAR, FAJR i TOOLO koji če biti lansirani u naredna 3 mjeseca,treba napomenuti da Iran učestvuje u više zajednički projekata sa Kinom i očekuje se još zajednički lansiranja i več imaju zakupljene kanale na vojnim Kineskim a vjerovatno i Ruskim satal.
Kao što je očigledno svi se mogu i vjerovatno se i koriste u vojne svrhe i večina analitičara i sumnja u istinitost namjene,jer osim dva svi su mali sataliti od 50-100kg kakvi su u glavnom vojni,špijunski...
Ovdje nisam ubrojao lansiranja bio.kapsula sa biljkama i životinjama kojih je bilo takodje 5-7 ne znam sad tačno ali to nije ni bitno,treba još napomenuti da je ISA osnovana 2004.g i za kratko vrjeme je postigla ono što neke zemlje koje nisu pod sankcijama i imaju podršku zapada usvojim svemirskim programima nisu uspjele.
Dopuna: 05 Feb 2012 0:13
Iran's Navy commander says the 18th fleet of Iranian naval ships has docked in the Saudi port city of Jeddah to show Iran's authority in international waters.
Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said on Friday that the fleet, consisted of Khark supplier and Shahid Naqdi destroyers, arrived at Jeddah port in line with Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei's order to increase the country's presence in international waters.
“The mission started a few days ago and aims…to prove Iran's naval might and to counter [Western] Iranophobia [efforts],” he said.
The commander added that the mission would last between 70 to 80 days.
Sayyari said that the Iranian fleet conveys the country's message of peace and friendship to regional countries.
Iran's navy has increased its presence in international waters since last year, deploying vessels in the Indian Ocean and sending two ships to the Mediterranean Sea for the first time in February 2011 via the Suez Canal.
The country's Navy has been also conducting anti-piracy patrols in the Gulf of Aden since November 2008 to safeguard maritime trade and in particular ships and oil tankers owned or leased by Iran.
This comes while International Maritime Organization (IMO) Secretary General Efthimios E. Mitropoulos described in May 2011, the anti-piracy efforts by Iran's Navy as “effective.”
djole81 ::Ta raketa je skoro ista, kao raketa, koja je predstavljena pre par godina, koja se valjda
zvala, Nasr. Šteta, što Iran nema tehnologiju za proizvodnju raketa duplo bržih od zvuka poput Jakhonta, takva raketa bi mu bila veliki adut.
Na forumima se špekulira da raketa Zafar jeste modificirana raketa Nasr i da je modifikacija iznuđen potez. Pominje se mogućnost da je Izrael došao u posjed rakete Nasr.
Siriji su isporučena 72 Yakhonta. Forumi provlače tezu da ono što ima Iran - ima i Sirija. I obratno. Nema zvanične informacije da Iran ima Yakhonte.
Iran ima najveću potrebu upravo za ovakvim projektilima,najznačajnija promjena ovog projektila je vodjenje koje je za razliku NASR i KOWSAR serije ARH i ako se pažljivo pogleda dio gdje projektil pogadja metu vidječe se da je meta pogodjena pod izuzetno malim uglom što navodi na zaključak da krstari tik iznad mora.
Takve mogučnosti su dosada imale NOOR 1,2,3 i RA'AD zahvaljujuči DM-3B ARH + IR vodjenju,druga stvar koju treba uzeti u obzir je kao što sam već rekao ograničena veličina projektila čije če verzije ići u podmornice (pogotovo GHADIR i NAHANG) .
A kao jedan od tih projektila je najavljen ZAFAR,druga stvar je što če ovi projektili ići na UCAV KARAR i druge koji mogu nositi 2 ovakva projektila pod krilima ili jedan veči ispod rupa i kao treča prednost ovih projektila je mogučnost nošenja ispod lakiih helikoptera kao što su ŠAHED ili PANHA tako da je potreba za velikim brojem kvalitetnih projektila ove klase ogromna i možda čak i veča u odnosu na druge klase kojih oni imaju dovoljno.
Netreba zaboraviti da oni već imaju ogroman broj AS projektila dugog dometa medju kojima ima i dosta nadzvučni a tu je svakako i ASBM KHALIJ FARS ,tako da je možda domet izmaedju 25-100km i naj nepokriveni a taj domet se upravo navodi kao i naj opasniji zbog kratkog vremena za protu mjere kao i činjenica da če u tom krugu biti najviše dejstava u potencijalnom sukobu i največi malih plovila upravo nose ovu klasu projektila,dok su oni dugog dometa rezervisani za obalne sisteme i brodove velikog deplasmana kojih je dosta manje u odnosu na mala plovila.
Dopuna: 05 Feb 2012 12:30
GHADER(ljevo)220km i NOOR(desno) 170km,Ghader je nastao iz c-803 koja je nadzvučna u završnoj fazi,mada nije u pravom smislu nadzvučna ovo što jest u završnoj fazi itekako je bitno u smislu efikasnosti,dok je NOOR kao što je več poznato nastao iz C-802.
Kompletan video GHADER AScM
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