Iran's Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi says the Islamic Republic has set up several projects intended to design and build new advanced stealth and fighter planes.
Speaking at the 11th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference in the capital Tehran on Monday, General Vahidi said that Iran enjoys considerable expertise to manufacture various military, fighter and passenger aircraft.
He noted that Iran has made great strides in the aviation industry through the design and mass production of its first home-made Saeqeh (Thunderbolt) fighter jet, which has joined Iran's air force fleet.
Brigadier General Vahidi highlighted that while a large number of world countries assemble airplanes under the license of a certain country, Islamic Republic of Iran produces domestically developed aircraft.
The Iranian defense minister had earlier said that the design and production of advanced home-made fighter jets reveal the competence of Iran's defense industries and prove the futility of the US-led UN sanctions and additional unilateral sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic by the US and its European allies.
Brigadier General Mohammadreza Karshki said in February 2011 that the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force has begun an extensive project to design and build the country's most advanced fighter jet.
He added that the Iranian Air Force is cooperating with the nation's Defense Ministry in the project.
The Iranian fighter jet is similar to the US-built F/A-18, although its appearance looks similar to F-5E/F Tiger II. The new single-seat bomber has the ability to track down enemy aircraft, engage in combat, target locations on the ground, and carry a load of assorted weapons and ammunition.
Iran unveiled its first squadron of Saeqeh fighter-bombers in an air show in September 2010.
In recent years, Iran has made great achievements in the defense sector and gained self-sufficiency in essential military hardware and defense systems.
Iran has repeatedly assured other nations, especially regional neighbors, that its military might poses no threat to other countries, stating that its defense doctrine is merely based on deterrence.
azarakhsh ::
Pa zar od ovoga foruma očekuješ dokaze o tome u kojoj je fazi iranski nuklearni program.
Pa i same zapadne obavještajne službe sa CIA i MOSAD-om na čelu imaju potpuno nepouzdane informacije koje se temlje na onome šta njima odgovara a ne na stvarnom stanju stvrari.
Ako pažljivo pročitaš, ja od njega tražim "informacije", na osnovu kojih to priča. "Vreme je zato" zahteva objašnjenje. Pa ozbiljni smo valjda ljudi Ne mislim stvarno da ima neki tajne podatke o iranskom nuklearnom programu
Pre će brate biti da USA nije mogla i idalje ne može logistički da izvrši taj napad. Ako si ti nekada organizovao invaziju na neku zemlju, veličine tipa Irak, onda sigurno možeš da nam objasniš na koji je način lako napasti Irak pa onda produžiti na Iran. Što ne otići malo i do Rusije, kada su već tu? Šetnja kroz parkić.
Revolucije su mnogo jeftinije od masivnih, tenkovskih bitki. A i lkše prođu kod moralista, kod kuće.
Pazi ovako, ja sam te pitao na osnovu čega pričaš to što si tvrdio pre 10 dana, a ti tek sada iskopao članak. Nisi valjda ovo:
su47berkut ::Оно најлепше што би могли да објаве јесте да су завршили процес обогаћивња ураниума на 90% пошто је већ време за то....lupio?
U svakom slučaju jedino je jasno, da niko ne zna šta se sa tim dešava.
U pravu si,istina je da niko pojma nema šta se dešava i dokle se stiglo,sve se procjene svode na nekim informacijama i podacima koji su čiste špekulacije i u večini slučajeva su na bazi zastarjeli podataka.
Evo recimo USA je u zadnjem izvještaju VS UN-a u kojem se traži uvodjenje novi sankcija Iranu njihov glavni argument i dokaz da rade na izradi nuk.bombe je bio njihov raketni program i činjenica da su učinili ogroman napredak sa SEJIL 2 projektilom,koji je po procjenama Amerikanaca i Rusa najnapredniji projektil Irana koji je sasvim novi proizvod koji nije baziran na SCUD tehnologiji ili bilo kojem drugom projektilu.
Dakle vrlo je malo ili nimalo toga bazirano na informacijama o nuk.programu i sve se svodi na na to da je jedini logičan razlog Iranskog raketnog programa i njegovog razvoja izrada nuk.bojeve glave.
Da napomenem da su procjene Amerikanaca i Rusa da SAJIL 2 ima domet od 2500-3000km i ovo se bazira na tome da je ovaj projektil značajno duži od ŠAHAB 3 (2000km) a uz to koristi napredniji pogon na kruto gorivo i za razliku od ŠAHAB 3 je iz dvije faze,takodje je procjena da če ovaj projektil (ako već nije) biti i u IRBM verziji dometa 4500-5500KM,vjerovatno će ovo biti postignuto dodavanjem treće faze mada postoje i druge procjene.
Dakle da postoje bilo kakvi opipljivi dokazi ili informacije o nuk.programu Irana to bi se davno iskoristilo .
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's air defense units assessed the performance and capabilities of different types of mobile and fixed radar systems on the third day of Sarallah military drills in Southern Iran.
During the current phase of the air defense wargames, different fixed and mobile radar systems which have been manufactured and upgraded by Iranian experts and are under the control of Iran's integrated air defense network were used.
Kasta and NEBO radars as well as the Iran-made Kashef (Discoverer) and Matla ol-Fajr radars were used to detect and identify aerial threats.
Iran's Air Defense Unit started massive air defense drills, codenamed 'Sarallah', in Iran's Southern regions on Monday to test the latest radar and missile defense systems.
On First day, the air defense units of the Iranian Armed Forces under the command of Khatam ol-Anbia base managed to detect and identify invading aircraft and started confrontation with the enemy warplanes using air defense systems and Scramble and CAP air defense planes.
During the second day of drills, Iran's air defense force assessed the preparedness and performance of its air defense artillery and mid-range missile systems against low-altitude aerial threats.
The drills were staged by the air defense units of the Iranian Army and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC).
Iran's home-made air defense radar systems can easily detect cruise missiles and drones.
Last week, Commander of Khatom ol-Anbia Air Defense Base Brigadier General Farzad Esmayeeli announced that the country's Armed Forces have launched new radar and missile systems with various ranges.
Tens of radar and missile systems with various ranges have been manufactured and deployed in Iran's defense sector so far and new systems are on their way to join the defense network during the 10-Day Dawn celebrations, which began on February 1 to mark the 33th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Esmayeeli said at the time.
Iran has recently renewed and upgraded the weapons and defense systems of its air defense units.
Колега омашио сам изгледа за 6 недеља у прорачуну,односно моји прорачун и прорачун Мосада се за толико разликују,а како ја нисам екперт,а до овог прорачуна су екперти долашли пре би реко да су они управу,али остаје да се види.
Ситуација око иранског атомског програма се не може поправити и сада је неопходно предузети хитне војне мере како Иран не би успео да направи атомско оружје, сматра израелска обавештајна служба, а преносе израелски медији.
Почев од среде 22.фебруара, ситуација у региону се кардинално променила за Израел. Неуспешно путовање делегације ИАЕА у Иран је завршило у уторак, а Иран је јавно запретио да може да нанесе превентивни удар по Израелу.
Забележено је премештање већ обогаћеног уранијума до 20% у подземни центар Фордо у подножју града Кум, како би се наставило са обогаћивањем, а то значи да се значајно смањило време које је потребно Ирану за стварање атомског оружја. Експерти израелске обавештајне службе сматрају да је за то довољно шест недеља.
^Licno nadam se da si u pravu i da moze ne ZA 6 nedelja vec PRE 6 nedelja da napravi bombice.
ali sto se tice izraelsko-zapadnih eksperata oni su "kakodunepolitici" eksperti. bese ono i irak mogo za par nedelja na KAMIONIMA da pravi svasta