Oružane snage islamske republike Iran


Oružane snage islamske republike Iran

  • nelsa  Male
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  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
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Ja pratim Iran i krizu oko Irana još 2-3g prije napada na Irak i poznajem situaciju dobro,a opet kada sam pregledao ovo sve na postavljenom linku ipak me dosta toga iznenadilo prije svega zbog toga što i ja kao i večina drugi pratim večinom vojnu industriju ali i iz dostignuča na polju civilne tehnologije se može procjeniti dosta toga vezano za vojne mogučnosti.

Ovdje je sve od metka do najsloženiji vojni i civilni projekata

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  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
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Napisano: 11 Apr 2012 9:35

Iran Deploying New Home-Made Radar System

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran will start using a new home-made powerful radar system in coming days, a senior Iranian commander announced on Monday.

"Samen Radar System will come online in the next ten days," Commander of Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base Brigadier General Farzad Esmayeeli told FNA.
"We are now deploying it," the commander said, adding that Samen's range is "good" and is able to detect and identify targets with very low Radar Cross Section (RCS).
Esmayeeli stated that the radar will be stationed in the most far-fetched and remote areas first and will later be deployed throughout the country.
In February, the Iranian Armed Forces launched new radar and missile systems with various ranges all throughout Iran.
Tens of radar and missile systems with various ranges were manufactured and deployed in Iran's defense sector and new systems were to join the defense network during the 10-Day Dawn celebrations, marking the anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran.
Iran has recently renewed and upgraded the weapons and defense systems of its air defense units.
Also in February, Iran's air defense units assessed the performance and capabilities of different types of mobile and fixed radar systems during Sarallah military drills in Southern Iran.
During the air defense wargames, different fixed and mobile radar systems manufactured and upgraded by Iranian experts and under the control of Iran's integrated air defense network were used.
Kasta and NEBO radars as well as the Iran-made Kashef (Discoverer) and Matla ol-Fajr (The Start of Dawn) radars were used to detect and identify aerial threats.

Dopuna: 11 Apr 2012 10:19

Robot fish

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Iran Unveils Modern Fire-Control System for Home-Made Zolfaqar Tank

AhmadReza Purdastan commander of Ground Force of Army said: new fire control system of Zulfaqar MBT has been ready and unveiled and laser range finders has been installed on it. He added now Zulfaqar can compete with advanced MBT's of the world.

He said "Akhgar" that is a 6 barrel 7.62mm gun with 4500 rpm fire rate has been delivered to armed forces and "Three-Barreled 50 Caliber gun" will be mass produced this year.

He also added "Vertical Wind Tunnel" will be unveiled this year.

TEHRAN (FNA)- Commander of the Iranian Army Ground Force Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan on Wednesday underlined the army's high capability to produce different hi-tech military tools and weapons, including a modern fire-control system mounted on the home-made Zolfaqar Tanks.

"The (new) fire control system of Zolfaqar tank has been manufactured and unveiled and the laser telemetry devices have also been mounted onto the tanks. Zolfaqar can now vie with the world's most advanced tanks," Pourdastan told reporters on Wednesday.

Zolfaqar is a second generation of Iran's main battle tank (MBT). The test prototypes of the tank were evaluated in 1993. Six semi-industrial prototypes of the tank were produced and tested in 1997. The tank has a distinctive box-shaped, steel-welded turret of local design. Zolfaqar combat weight is reported to be 36 tons and has a 780 hp diesel engine; the tank has a 21.7 hp per ton ratio.

Zolfaqar is operated by a crew of three personnel. The automatic loader is believed to be the same one from the T-72 tank.

The Zolfaqar-1 uses a fire control system which enjoys a 'fire-on-the-move' technology. The Zolfaqar mounts a laser-warning pod on the turret. Its design enables the tank to use an Iranian-made package of reactive armor.

Zolfaqar-2 is a prototype tank used as a test bed. The Zolfaqar-3 also features considerable upgrades to the fire control system, chassis, engine and main gun, with a 125mm autoloader.

As regards other achievements, the Iranian Army commander said that Akhgar machineguns have been manufactured by Iran's Self-Sufficiency Jihad and have been supplied to military units.

Akhgar is a Gatling type machine gun. it has 7.62 caliber and an effective range of more than 2km and has a fire rate of 4000 to 6000 rounds per minute.

Pourdastan further announced that the army has also built and started using the country's first home-made Vertical Wind Tunnel, adding that the tunnel is a new and unprecedented project in Iran and even in the region.

A vertical wind tunnel (VWT) is a wind tunnel which moves air up in a vertical column. The wind tunnel, frequently advertised as "indoor skydiving" or "bodyflight" is also a popular training tool for skydivers.


Iran air defense to deploy new Thamen radar system soon
Mon Apr 9, 2012 10:16AM GMT

The new, completely indigenous Thamen radar system, which has been designed and produced by Iranian experts, will be added to the country’s air defense within the next 10 days.”

Commander of Iran's Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base, Brigadier General Farzad Esmaili
Iran's air defense will deploy a new domestically-manufactured radar system in the near future, says the commander of the Iranian Army’s Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base, Brigadier General Farzad Esmaili.

The new, completely indigenous Thamen radar system, which has been designed and produced by Iranian experts, will be added to the country’s air defense within the next 10 days,” Brig. Gen. Esmaili told IRNA on Monday.

In the first stage, the system will be stationed in one area and later relocated to other spots, he added.

The Iranian commander also noted that the army base has increased its deployment of locally-built information systems, which are ‘unique’ in the Middle East region, across the country.

In a bid to enhance Iran's air defense capabilities, Iran’s Army staged a major defensive military exercise codenamed Tharallah across a vast area in the country’s south in February, with the deployment of stationary and mobile home-built Kashef and Matla’ al-Fajr radar systems.

In addition to the Kashef and Matla’ al-Fajr radar systems, the Kasta surveillance radar and Nebo mobile radar system were also deployed to detect, identify and report enemy movements to operational units.

Iran maintains that the military drills are defensive in nature and meant to convey a message of peace and friendship to regional countries.

FAJR-3 MIRV Testiranje (iz 2006g)

Tehran has also conveyed a public invitation to regional states to engage in joint naval drills with Iranian forces.


  • vrabac 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
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Daleko od toga da potcenjujem Irance, zemlja sa ovakvim školstvom može da iam samo dobre rezultate u svemu, a Tor je stvarno nezgpodan.
Drugo, grešiš, možemo mi da napravimo veš mašinu ali za razliku od IRANA koji ulaže pre svega u SVOJE LJUDE ovde je obrnuto...Drugo ka i i Kinezi imaju KULT INŽENJERA ovde je KULT EFEMERINIH ali uspešnih NITKOVA.

  • vrabac 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
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A ono je gore antena od čega, NEŠTO MI POZNATA.

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
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  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 835

Dekodiran softwer na RQ-170

Citat:Data on downed US drone decrypted: IRGC Cmdr.

A senior Iranian commander says Iran has successfully decoded all the records on the downed US RQ-170 Sentinel reconnaissance drone.

Iran has easily (zabranjeno)ed the codes on the data of the drone’s operations and tasks recorded on the aircraft’s memory, said Navy Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi.

There were “numerous codes, but we obtained all the information on its memory, including protocols, repairs and flight sorties; for instance, the data of a flight after repairs in 2010 or the [drone’s] deployment in the operation against [slain al-Qaeda leader Osama] bin Laden in Pakistan,” IRNA quoted the commander as saying on Sunday.

On December 4, the Iranian military's electronic warfare unit announced that the country successfully downed the US RQ-170 Sentinel stealth reconnaissance aircraft inside Iran with minimal damage.

The aircraft, designed and developed by the American company Lockheed Martin, had crossed into Iran's airspace over the border with neighboring Afghanistan.

The naval commander also criticized the presence of extra-regional forces in the Persian Gulf and stated, “The Islamic Republic has dominance over the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz.”

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Napisano: 28 Apr 2012 20:47

Iran to Unveil New Model of Iran-140 Plane Monday

TEHRAN (FNA)- Former Head of Iran's Civil Aviation Organization Reza Nakhjavani announced on Saturday that the country is due to unveil a new model of home-made Iran-140 planes Monday, which will be used for marine patrolling missions.

"The new model of Iran-140 planes for sea patrol will be unveiled in Isfahan on April 30," Nakhjavani said, addressing a ceremony to introduce his successor in CAO.

He also said that Iran has received the necessary license and certificates for using the Iran-140 plane.

The first IRAN-140 aircraft was introduced by Iran in 2003. Five domestically-manufactured IRAN-140 planes were completed in October 2008 to increase the country's transportation capacity and upgrade the Iranian passenger fleet.

The IRAN-140 is a double-engine turboprop aircraft which can fly almost 1,865 miles before re-fuelling and seats 52 people.

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi had announced in 2010 that his ministry is ready to mass-produce the home-made IRAN-140 passenger and cargo planes.

"Once the Roads and Transportation Ministry makes the decision for purchasing such airplanes from the Defense Ministry, the Ministry is fully prepared to manufacture them," Vahidi told FNA at the time.

Iran has already manufactured 10 IRAN-140 planes.

The Defense Ministry is ready to mass-produce the airplane on demand, Vahidi said, reminding that the aircraft which can be used as a 52-seater passenger plane is also good for cargo transportation and marine patrolling.

The head of Iran's Aerospatiale Industries Organization (AIO), Majid Hedayat, said in 2008 that the aircraft would be equipped with the needed technology for undertaking marine patrol missions.


Dopuna: 30 Apr 2012 18:31

IR 140 MP

Avion uveden danas za potrebe Iranske mornarice,inace danas je uvedena osnovna verzija HMS 100 i receno je da na prikazanom modelu neki sistemi nisu ukljuceni zbog tajnosti i da ce naknadno biti dodani,u naoruzanje ce biti uvedene jos dvje verzije HMS 200 i HMS 500 koji ce biti sposobni i za protu podmornicko djelovanje.
Od naoruzanja avion ce pod krilima moci nositi ASM NOOR i ASM FATH prikazan na posljednjoj paradi a posjeduje i unutrasnje spremnike za naoruzanje ispod trupa.

Dopuna: 01 Maj 2012 9:59

Dokumentarac o bombi QASSED 1

Dopuna: 06 Maj 2012 11:29

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