Iran je specifičan slučaj,dosta ljudi i ne voli sadašnji režim ali u slučaju rata bi 100 procentno bili uz svoju vojsku,uostalom to se najbolje vidjelo za vrjeme 8 -godišnjeg rata s Irakom gdje su u totalnoj izolaciji uspjeli izači na kraj sa Irakom kojeg je vojno podržavao cjeli zapadni svjet,a oni su bili u situaciji da je komletna vojska,dakle svi rodovi bukvalno koristila zapadno oružije i municiju i odjednom su bili svi kanali blokirani.
U takvoj situaciji su zahvaljujući prvenstveno fanatizmu i motiviranošću naroda uspjeli su izaći iz tog rata ne poraženi.
Isto to pa možda i gore bi bilo u situaciji kada bi neprijatelj bio Izrael/USA i dodajte na to 12 svjetsku silu koja zadnjih 20g razvija taktiku asimetričnog ratovanja na 5 frontova istovremeno i dobiče te odgovor zašto rata nema i vjerovatno ga neće ni biti bar u skorije vrjeme ,u ove kalkulacije nisu ni ubrojani podrška Kine i u odredjenoj mjeri Rusije ili recimo činjenicu da Iran niko nemože procjeniti ni 50% u vojnom smislu jer se večinom barata podacima koje oni sami objavljuju prilikom uvodjenja u naoružanje po raznim ceremonijama,za sve što je zapad tvrdio da Iran nije u mogučnosti uraditi ispalo je na kraju kao loša procjena.
Sam bog zna dokle su stigli na pojedinim poljima,jer ako se uzme tehnološki nivo koji su dostigli i povečanje budjeta za vojsku u 2012 za 127% u koji i ne ulazi finansiranje projekata koje rade firme okupljene oko DIOMIL grupe...
Svima je pa i Amerikancima jasno da bi sukob s Iranom izazvao totalni rat na bl.istoku koji nikom ne treba pa i sama ponuda Obamine administracije da se Iranu dozvoli obogačivanje urana do 5% za industrijske i 20% za medicinske i istraživačke svrhe gdje bi Iran za uzvrat stavio sva postrojenja pod kontrolu IAIE prvenstveno 2 koja su podzemna u sklopu vojni kompleksa(Paračin i Qom) i rješi se zaliha urana obogačenog do 20% se može okarakterisati kao početak najlogičnijeg diplomatskog rješenja krize.
Iran's Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi says the Islamic Republic will soon launch its indigenous Fajr (Dawn) satellite in yet another technological step forward in the space industry.
Brigadier General Vahidi told reporters in the northern city of Sari on Sunday that the satellite, which is said to be a reconnaissance satellite powered by solar energy, will be sent into space in June.
Speaking at a conference in Tehran’s Khajeh Nasir Tousi University of Technology on May 2, Director of Iran Space Agency Hamid Fazeli said that Iran plans to send up the Fajr satellite on board the upgraded Safir (Ambassador) carrier rocket.
Fajr satellite will reportedly be placed in elliptical orbit of 400 km in radius, and will remain in space for a year and a half.
Iran launched its first indigenous satellite, Omid (Hope), in 2009. The country also sent its first biocapsule of living creatures into space in February 2010, using the indigenous Kavoshgar-3 (Explorer-3) carrier.
Moreover, in June 2011, Iran put the 15.3-kilogram Rasad (Observation) orbiter in space. Rasad's mission was to take images of the Earth and transmit them along with telemetry information to the ground stations.
Iran also launched Navid-e Elm-o Sanat (Harbinger of Science and Industry), another indigenous satellite into orbit on February 3, 2012.
The satellite is a telecom, measurement and scientific one, whose records could be used in a wide range of fields.
Iran is one of the 24 founding members of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, which was set up in 1959.
Tehran also plans to launch the country's first manned mission to space by 2019.
TEHRAN (FNA)- Three more home-made Saeqeh (Thunderbolt) fighter jets joined the Iranian Air Force fleet, Iranian Minister of Defense Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi announced on Monday.
Speaking to FNA in Iran's Northeastern province of Khorassan Razavi, Vahidi said that the new aircraft can play a key role in protecting the countries' airspace.
The minister announced that production the new fighter jets and their delivery to the Air Force is done exactly on the drawn timetable.
In September 2011, the Iranian Air Force's first squadron of home-made Saeqeh fighter jets started operations during the large offensive air drills codenamed "Fadaeeyan-e Harim-e Vellayat III" in Northwestern Iran.
In September 2010, Iran displayed the first squadron of Saeqeh in an air show staged during the military parades at the beginning of the Week of Sacred Defense, marking Iranians' sacrifices during the 8 years of Iraqi imposed war on Iran in 1980s.
As regard the development of Sofreh Mahi (flatfish), Iran's first home-made stealth Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), Vahidi told FNA, "The design and manufacture of the prototype plane is underway on schedule."
Iran successfully tested the research model of Sofreh Mahi in early 2010.
"The research model of this plane which staged a successful flight passed all radar-evading tests that we desired," Lieutenant Commander of the Iranian Army Air Force General Aziz Nasirzadeh told FNA in February 2010.
The General said that the flatfish-inspired shape of the aircraft as well as the materials used in its structure have provided the aircraft with the radar-evading capability.
Iran has recently made good progress in the air industry and has succeeded in gaining the technical know-how for producing stealth aircraft and drones.
Iran successfully tested a home-made radar-evading UAV with bombing capabilities. Also in 2008, the country's Defense Industries launched production of two well-known home-made fighter jets, namely Saeqeh and Azarakhsh (Lightening).
Iranski Parlament odobrio dodatnih 3.75 milijardi dolara za odbrambenu industriju i odbrambene snage.
"Today Majles approved government budget bill about assigning Rial equivalent of 250 million USD to IRIAF for buying helicopter and aircraft. Iran government also assigned Rial equivalent of 500 million USD to defensive industries and 3 billions USD for reinforcement of defensive power".
Na Iranskim forumima je juče objavljena vjest gdje stoji da je iranska vlada odobrila i prebacila 750 mil $ za kupovinu vojne opreme gdje je 250$ mil. predvidjeno za kupovinu helikoptera a drugi 500$ mil. nije navedeno za šta je i takodje je objavljena vjest o izdvajanju dodatni 3.7$ mil za odbranu ,u Iranu se dodatna sredstva izdvajaju za kupovinu naoružanja jer oni to ne pokrivaju iz budjeta za odbranu kao ni domaču vojnu industriju koja se takodje finansira iz posebni stavki u budjetu.
Ovo je inače i glavni razlog kontradiktorni informacija o izdvajanju Irana za odbranu jer je to kod njih sve razdvojeno i najveća nepoznanica je ulaganje u vojnu industriju i svemirski program,uglavnom za ovu godinu je Iran povečao vojni budjet za više od duplo tačnije 127% ali niko nema pojma koliki je to iznos,po švedskom institutu u 2008 budjet je bio oko 10 milijardi a u 2011 oko 18 milijardi ali za ove informacije je zapad več rekao da nisu tačne jer nije objavljeno koliko je odvojeno za domaču vojnu industriju i svemirski program gdje su i najveća izdvajanja.
Iran has unveiled a test model of a new stealth jet fighter aircraft, that has the ability to evade radar detection, Fars reported.
The new aircraft's shape is similar to that of the flounder, and in Iran, the model is called by that name.
Speaking at the presentation of a new jet fighter, Iran's Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi said the newly unveiled stealth jet fighter model will be undergoing necessary tests in the near future.
He added that the results of the tests will be revealed later.
Vahidi also said that three "Saegheh" jet fighters were given to country's Air Forces from the Defense Ministry.
Ta je slika sa parade iz 2008g i tada je najveći broj aviona preletilo tokom parade u Iranu,ove dole slike su sa Kish air show-a,raznih manevara a manji broj je s parada.
Dugo nisam vidio ovaj ex Irački IL 76 AEW ( BAGHDAD-1/ADNAN-1 AEW) i opčenito malo slika postoji po netu a jedno vrjeme je bio na remontu i modernizaciji u teheranu i ovo je slika sa Teheranskog aerodroma.
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) naval forces monitoring foreign military moves in the Persian Gulf have recorded an almost one-hour-long video of a US aircraft carrier from a very close distance, a senior IRGC commander announced on Saturday.
"Forces of the IRGC's second naval zone have recoded a 50-minute video of a US aircraft carrier from 500-meter distance," Commander of the IRGC's Second Naval Zone Ali Razmjou said, addressing a provincial meeting in Iran's Southern port city of Bushehr.
The commander said the move "displays just a small part of the IRGC forces' power and success in the Persian Gulf", adding that given their military capabilities and preparedness, the Iranian Armed Forces do not fear the US threats.
This is not the first time that Iranian forces tracked, photographed and recorded video of a US aircraft carrier.
In December 2011, Iran's Navy Commander Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said that an Iranian vessel and a surveillance plane recorded video of a US aircraft carrier during the Navy drills near the Strait of Hormoz in the Persian Gulf.
In April, Commander of the IRGC Navy Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi had stressed his forces' domination and control over the US Navy ships in the Persian Gulf, and said that the American naval forces need IRGC's permission for any move in the regional waters.
"Today, Americans admit and acknowledge that the Persian Gulf is under the tight control of the IRGC Navy," Fadavi said at the time.
"This doesn't mean inspection (of their ships), but controlling (them). That is to say, they should receive our permission and account to us for any move they want to make," he explained.
Also in April, another commander of the IRGC said that all vessels, including the US warships, enter the Persian Gulf waters through the Strait of Hormuz only after they are checked by the IRGC naval forces.
"The alien vessels which enter the Persian Gulf via the Strait of Hormuz always provide the needed answers and information to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) units," Lieutenant Commander of the IRGC Navy Alireza Tangsiri said at the time.
In December 2011, Iran's Navy Commander Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said that an Iranian vessel and a surveillance plane recorded video of a US aircraft carrier during the Navy drills near the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf (See article: Iranian Troops Track, Record Video of US Aircraft Carrier ).
In May 2010, Iran’s air-defense units shooed away a US military reconnaissance plane which was seeking to approach the Iranian Army’s wargame zone in the Strait of Hormuz and Northern Indian Ocean.
"Today, Americans admit and acknowledge that the Persian Gulf is under the tight control of the IRGC Navy," Admiral Fadavi said.
In April, Commander of the IRGC Navy Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi had stressed his forces' domination and control over the US Navy ships in the Persian Gulf, and said that the American naval forces "need IRGC's permission for any move in the regional waters."
"This doesn't mean inspection (of their ships), but controlling (them). That is to say, they should receive our permission and account to us for any move they want to make," he explained. "The alien vessels which enter the Persian Gulf via the Strait of Hormuz always provide the needed answers and information to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) units," Lieutenant Commander of the IRGC Navy Alireza Tangsiri said at the time.
The US has positioned three aircraft carriers in the region and has provoked the Iranian on numerous occasions by sailing through the Strait of Hormuz and near the Iranian coast line (see article: US navy to position three aircraft carriers near Iran ).
It must be understood that each time the US provokes Iran the probability of war breaking out dramatically increases (see article: “Heightened tensions as Iranian fighter jets and patrol boats shadow USS Abraham Lincoln while it sails down Strait of Hormuz”
Some suspect the US wants the Iranians to attack so it can justify an all out war against the country of over 70 million people.
“A US led attack against Iran would most certainly include round the clock bombing on both civilian and military targets, much like what happened in Libya, where the US didn’t discriminate against targets in its push to crush the Libyan military and devastate the civilian infrastructure, including bombing a civilian water supply network which brought water to 70% of Libya's population”, according to one Russian military commander speaking on the condition of anonymity.
The Russian commander pointed to a “laundry list” of war crimes the US committed in previous “undeclared” wars including Libya…
The list of war crimes perpetrated by the US was so extensive in that case of Libya that we can’t list them all in this particular article.
Russia has stood opposed to US military intervention against Iran. (see video: RUSSIA WARNS THE US NOT TO ATTACK IRAN OR IT WILL TRIGGER WW3 (1/4/2012)
This latest incident of Iran being able to covertly get so close to a US Air craft carrier as to secretly videotape it at less than 500 meters has us very concerned, because it demonstrates Iran ability to get close and attack it – should it decide to do it.
Iran has thousands of specially trained frogmen who are noted already for their legendary prowess and skill in all facets of underwater warfare, most notably in defusing underwater mines (see: article: Iran scuba divers clear marine mines ).
It’s scary to think Iranian naval commandos, frogmen and scuba divers in specially designed crafts or submersibles can get so close to US aircraft carriers...
In a worst case scenario a sinking of a US air craft carrier could lead to the death of over 5000 American lives, which is the number of personnel assigned to one…
Obviously we are continuing to monitor the situation in Iran very closely for any new developments.
This latest incident of Iran being able to covertly get so close to a US Air craft carrier as to secretly videotape it at less than 500 meters has us very concerned, because it demonstrates Iran ability to get close and attack it – should it decide to do it.
Robert Tilford
3-6207 F1EQ-5
Slika iz Januara ove godine na svom prvom letu nakon 21 godine ,radi se o testnom letu nakon što je u IACI (Iranian Aircraft Industries) prošao kompletan remont i modernizaciju.Avion nije letio punu 21g,tačnije od 1991g.
MIG-21 U
Prikazan u septembru 2011 20g od neuspješne nabavke,u planu je bila kupovina 12 MIG-21 PF i 4 MIG-21 U od Ist.NJemačke ali su u Iran stigla samo dva dvosjeda a ostatak nije isporučen zbog
MIG-29B 6-104
Jedan od ex-Irački koji je 2011 poletio nako tačno dvadeset godina ,po informacijama koje su objavljene avion je prošao samo remont i naknadno bi trebao proći modernizaciju.(IRAF provodi modernizaciju mig-29 u tri faze službeno kao PHASE 1,2,3 i zvanično nema podataka šta koja faza predvidja)
5x MIG-29A i 1 MIG-29 UB, 3-61, 23. TFS
U oči upada to što su svi osim zadnjeg dvosjeda sa identičnim ser. brojevima i identičnom kamuflažom ali nije neobično u slučaju Irana.
Izvrstan video klip sa testiranja QADER projektila u klipu se vidi i razlika u veličini izmedju ovog i NOOR projektila i takodje se može vidjeti na koliko maloj visini projektil krstari i pogadja metu.
Još neki interesantni klipovi
Dopuna: 24 Maj 2012 11:55
Interesantan dokumentarac u o zajedničkoj vježbi USA-Iran codnog naziva DELAWOR iz 1964.g 1964,dokumentarac je naravno u režiji Amerikanaca i iako je 1953. nasilno uklonjena Iranska vlada demokratski izabrana na izborima i doveden na vlast klasični diktator u filmu se Iran označava kao važna i strateška zemlja "free world.
Uglavnom bez obzira na propagandnu stranu filma normalnu za to vrjeme blokovski podjela,u filmu se može naći dosta interesani podataka o političkoj i vojnoj situaciji u regionu i svjetu.