Oružane snage islamske republike Iran


Oružane snage islamske republike Iran

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 307

Zasto su informacije vezano za RQ 170 toliko bitne za Iran, nije valjda da su sve tajne Amerikanaca strpane u jedan enkriptovani hardver na letjelici. Stice se dojam kao da se radi o svetom gralu, mogu razumjeti kada neko cuva informacije koje su zaista vrijedne cuvanja poput lupam hakiranja Pentagona ili DARPA-e.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Prije svega tehnologija mlaznog pogona bez kojeg nema ni stelth letjelice,tu su takodje razni senzori,sistem navigacije...itd i problem je mnogo širi i nije vezan samo za ovu letjelicu ,tehnologije sa ove letjelice su korištene i na drugim stelth avionima vjerovatno je sistem navigacije sličan kao i kod krstareći projektila..itd.
Uostalom zato je gubitak ove letjelice i izazvao toliko pažnje i tu su sa jedne strane podaci koji če se koristiti za odbranu dok sa druge imaju takodje tehnologije koje nisu mogli platiti nikakvim parama i treće mogu je koristiti kao itekako vrjedan adut u trgovini s Kinezima,Rusima ili bilo s kim trećim i tako doći do nećeg što njima treba.

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 835

Napisano: 03 Jul 2012 8:45

Citat:Iran ispalio rakete na repliku strane baze

Iran je ispalio seriju balističkih raketa od kojih neke mogu da pogode Izrael, tokom vježbe u centralnom dijelu zemlje, simulirajući napad na "stranu bazu" u regionu, prenosi agencija AFP pozivajući se na pisanje tamošnjih medija.
"Rakete Šahab 1, 2 i 3, Kiam, Fateh i Tondar ispaljene su u okviru vježbe "Veliki propovjednik 7", objavila je TV mreža na arapskom jeziku Al Alam.
Raketa Šahab 3 dometa 2.000 kilometara jedna je od balističkih raketa iz iranskog arsenala koja može da pogodi Izrael i američke baze na Bliskom istoku. Ostale rakete korištene u vježbi imaju domet između 200 i 750 kilometara.
"Trodnevnim manevrima, koje predvode Čuvari revolucije, elitna režimska snaga, želi se "poslati poruka državama" koje bi napale Iran", rekao je general Amir Ali Hadžizadeh, komandant iranskih raketnih snaga.
Vježba koja se održava u Dašt-e-Kaviru, pustinji u centralnom dijelu Irana gdje je napravljena "replika vazdušne baze" u vlasništvu "snaga van regije", treba da omogući tačnu provjeru ispaljivanja raketa.
Iranski čelnici redovno prijete da će, ako Iran bude napadnut, gađati ne samo Izrael, već i američke baze u Persijskom zalivu i na Bliskom istoku.
Izrael i Sjedinjene Američke Države posljednjih mjeseci u više navrata su spominjali mogućnost udara na iranska nuklearna postrojenja ako propadnu diplomatski napori svjetskih sila da nagovore Teheran na smanjenje nuklearnog programa.
Rakete su jedino oružje kojim Iran može da gađa ciljeve van granica, budući da nema savremenog vazduhoplovstva ni dovoljno razvijene mornarice.

Dopuna: 03 Jul 2012 18:19

Dopuna: 04 Jul 2012 0:51

možeš li nam nešto više reći o ovome:
Citat:Iran to Boost Range of Home-Made Missile with Radar-Hitting Capability

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps will test its super-modern ballistic missile with the capability of targeting radar facilities in the near future, a senior IRGC commander said, adding that the range of the missile will be increased soon afterwards.

"The radar-hitting missile has been designed and manufactured in Iran and will be test-fired soon," Commander of the IRGC Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh told FNA on Tuesday on the sidelines of the massive missile wargames.
"The missile has a range of 300km for now which will be increased soon," he said, adding that Iran is the only country possessing such a missile.
"We don't know any other country to have such a missile."
On Monday, the IRGC took the preparatory steps for starting massive missile wargames, codenamed Payambar-e Azam 7 (The Great Prophet 7), which include heavy missile tests in various places across the country.
Different types of Shahab 1, 2 and 3 missiles, Fateh, Tondar, Zelzal, Persian Gulf and Qiyam missiles are tested in the wargames.
On Sunday, Hajizadeh told a press conference that Iran is working on a super-modern ballistic missile with the capability of targeting radar facilities and missile shields.
"You will soon hear about the latest Iranian radar-hitting ballistic missile with a range of 300km which target centers sending radar signals," Hajizadeh said.
"These advanced missiles can be used to target different types of missile shields, including the Zionist regime's Iron Dome," he explained.

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 563

Iran je objavio da je njihova AShM Khaleej Fars raketa dobila i anti-radarsko navođenje, te da može pogoditi statične i pokretne mete koje emitiraju radarsko zračenje na udaljenosti do 300 km. Također su pojasnili da postoje iste rakete sa kombinovanim opto-elektronski/IC navođenjem koju su testirali u februaru 2011. godine i koja je pogodila brod koji se nije kretao. Sada su i prikazali video snimljen sa optičko-eletronskog/IC tragača te rakete kako pogađa brod u pokretu. Video prikazuje i štetu na pogođenom brodu.
Khaleej Fars sa optičko-elektronskim/IC navođenjem

Khaleej Fars sa anti-radarskim navođenjem

Video na kojem se vidi lansiranje rakete, snimak sa tragača rakete i pogodak u brod.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102160

Odrzana vojna vezba "Veliki prorok-7"

Arrow http://postskriptum.me/2012/07/04/prophet7/2/

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

To nije nikakav avion iz WW2 mislim da je prvi prototip poletio 1980-te,radi se o EMB TUCANO avionu koji se koristi za trening pilota i može biti i kao bliska podrška u borbama u uslovima gdje nije moguče koristiti brze mlazne avione a helikopteri su previše izloženi i vjeruj da oni itekako mogu poslužiti svrsi čak i više nego mnogi to misle,imaju malu brzinu,mogu letiti dosta nisko gdje mlaznjaci to nemogu sigurno odraditi i pogodni su za djelovanje u brdovitim predjelima a za razliku od helikoptera imaju odlične manevarske sposobnosti i neuporedivo su teža meta.
Nemože se u svim uslovima koristiti mlazni avioni,nekada su ovakve letjelice svrsishodnije od mlazni i nije Iran jedini koji to radi mada se večinom koriste kao trenažni avion.

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 835

Citat:Russia May Revise Decision on S-300 Air Defense Contract with Iran

TEHRAN (FNA)- Russian sources said the country is mulling over its 2010 decision on withholding the sales of the complicated S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems to Iran if it comes to lose its regional ally, Syria.

Under a contract signed in 2007, Russia was required to provide Iran with at least five S-300 air-defense systems. However, Moscow's continued delays in delivering the defense system drew criticism from the Islamic Republic on several occasions.
Russia has been refusing to deliver the system to Iran under the pretext that the system is covered by the fourth round of UN Security Council resolutions against Iran.
Then-President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree prohibiting the sale of Russian weapons, including S-300s, to Iran in 2010 after the United Nations imposed sanctions against the Islamic republic.
Iran dismissed Russia's justification that the ban on the delivery of the S-300 missile system to Iran was in line with the (US-engineered) UN Security Council Resolution 1929, and stated that this is an air defense system which is not included in Resolution 1929.
Iran then sued Russia for breach of the contract and made Moscow return its advance payment along with its interest fees in May.
"The S-300 ban was a political decision and these systems are not actually subject to sanctions," Ruslan Pukhov, director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies in Moscow, said in an interview on Tuesday. "If the Syrian regime is changed by force or if Russia doesn't like the outcome" of a peaceful transition to a new government, "it most likely will respond by selling S-300s to Iran."
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, along with his counterparts from the US, the UK, France and China, endorsed a United Nations plan for political transition in Syria on June 30. Lavrov said the road map doesn't imply Assad's ouster and Russia says it will continue to block efforts in the UN Security Council to impose sanctions on Syria to force him out.
Assad's government is fighting an insurrection backed up by the US, Britain, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar which finance terrorist groups and equip them with arms, information and other logistical support.
"The fall of the Syrian government would significantly increase the chances of a strike on Iran," said Pukhov, who also sits on a Defense Ministry advisory board. "Resuming S-300 shipments to Iran may be a very timely decision."
Due to the export ban on S-300 exports to Iran Russia lost about $1 billion dollars, according to Pukhov's think tank.
After Russia annulled the S-300 contract, Iran started making the advanced system domestically. Tehran's defense officials have announced that the early versions of the system will be unveiled as soon as next year.
After shipments of S-300 were stopped in 2009, Iran also canceled talks on buying 40 TU-204 passenger aircraft, which would have added about $3.5 billion of revenue, CAST says.
President Vladimir Putin may resume shipments to Iran in retaliation for the US selling weapons to Georgia and at the same time to promote Russia as an arms exporter, Pukhov said.
Fifty-five countries including India, China, Venezuela, Syria and the US buy Russian weapons. Sales of new-generation air defense system S-400s to China may begin as early as 2015, Pukhov said.

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Napisano: 06 Jul 2012 12:19

Ma to je više smješno,očigledno je svakom da se to koristi kao sredstvo za neke kratkoročne dnevnoolitičke interese i Iranci su toga svjesni vrlodobro pa su kapacitete usmjerili u razvoj vlastitog srednje-dugog PVO sistema a ovo ako dodje dobro je.

Dopuna: 06 Jul 2012 12:29

TEHRAN (FNA)- As Iranian lawmakers are preparing a bill requiring the government to close the Strait of Hormuz, some in the West are asking how Tehran can do so, except for drowning an oil tanker in the midst of the waterway which is the easiest way of cutting the world oil lifeline for months.

In addition to its short, mid, and long missiles, Tehran has a range of other weapons it can use to close down the vital oil artery.

These include the hard-to-detect "rocket mine" that's triggered by the distinctive magnetic our acoustic signature of a ship, such as a US aircraft carrier, and then launches a propelled 600-popund warhead at the target.

Then there's the Russian MDM6, equally difficult to detect, that can tackle multiple targets. It lies on the seabed that fires a torpedo-like warhead when it senses a vessel.

Both these mines can be laid by Iran's Kilo-class submarines.

As the United States builds up its forces in the Persian Gulf, including the recent arrival of four new mines countermeasures ships to boost US-British minesweeping strength to 12, the New York Times quoted a senior Defense Department official as saying:

"The message to Iran is, 'Don't even think about it'. Don't even think about closing the strait. We'll clear the mines.

"Don't even think about sending your fast boats out to harass our vessels or commercial shipping. We'll put them on the bottom of the gulf."

Iran isn't planning to fight a conventional war with the US and its allies. Rather it plans to employ what's known as asymmetric warfare, in which the weaker forces uses unconventional means to overcome the power of a strong opponent.

Asymmetric warfare is specially appropriate for the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz which are too narrow for the huge US warships to maneuver.

That means mines, anti-ship missiles and swarm attacks by small heavily armed boats.

By some accounts, Iran is believed to have as many as 3,000 sea mines. Some estimates go as high as 5,000, but no one knows the exact number as Iran never discloses all its capabilities and arsenals.

Whatever, it's the fourth largest sea mine arsenal in the world after the United States, Russia and China.

The EM-52 is probably the most dangerous mine Iran has. But the bottom-influence EM-11 and the EM-31 moored mine can also play havoc with surface craft.

So the United States and its allied naval forces face a formidable foe.

"Iran's ability to lay a large number of mines in a short period of time remains a critical aspect of the stated capability to deny US forces access to the Persian Gulf and impede or halt shipping through the strait," cautioned US analyst Anthony Cordesman in a March analysis by the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

Iran has hundreds of anti-ship missiles, including 300 C-201 Seersucker weapons and 200 C-801 indigenous Noor systems, deployed along its long Persian Gulf coastline, as well as air-launched weapons and cruise missiles.

"It's notable that the US never successfully targeted Iraq's anti-ship missile assets during the Kuwait war, although they were deployed along a far smaller coastal area," Cordesman observed.

Iran's army and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, a combined force of some 400,000 troops, vastly outnumber US and allied ground forces. You may also add millions of Basij (volunteer) forces.

But it's from the sea the Iranians will out up their main fight. How long the shooting will last is anyone's guess.

Hormuz could be closed to tanker traffic for several weeks, and the disruption in oil supplies will trigger severe global economic problems.

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 563

Interesantna fotkica sa Iran military forum. Skladište za raketu (neka od njihovih srednjeg dometa), a možda i lansirno mjesto....???? Krov se otvara i iznutra je obložen nečim...??? Izvana vjerovatno izgleda kao i hiljade drugih zgrada u Iranu.....Naizgled obična krovna konstrukcija, a ipak nije...hmm, maštovito.....

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

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