Oružane snage islamske republike Iran


Oružane snage islamske republike Iran

  • nelsa  Male
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  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

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  • nelsa  Male
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  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
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Iran oprema svoje jedinice domaćim PVO sistemom Mersad....

Arrow http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=9007040555

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
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Napisano: 13 Okt 2011 11:49


  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
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Napisano: 13 Okt 2011 20:56

A senior Ukrainian aviation official says Iran and Ukraine plan to cooperate on the construction of 78 Antonov-148 aircraft.

Dmitry Kiva, the chairman of the Kiev headquarters of the Antonov Aerospace Company, made the remarks at the Paris Air Show on Tuesday, and expressed hope that all the planes would be manufactured by the end of 2011, DPA reported.

FARNBOROUGH, July 15 (RIA Novosti) -- Russia is planning to agree on the licensed production of Tu-204SM medium-haul passenger airliners in Iran, the United Aircraft Building Corporation head said on Tuesday.
Russia finally deliever those Tupolov Tu-204 Iran has 35 on order!
"In 2008, we intend to complete negotiations on manufacturing about 100 Tu-204 planes under license in the Islamic Republic," Alexei Fyodorov said at an international airshow.

[img]http://www.mycity-military.com/thumbs2 /160003_tmb_62787404_800px-Red_Wings_Airlines_Tupolev_Tu-204-100.jpg[/img]


Dopuna: 13 Okt 2011 21:06

Istraživanja na polju nanotehnologije;

Dopuna: 13 Okt 2011 21:16

President Inaugurates 1st Solar-Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant in World

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad inaugurated the world's first solar-gas combined cycle power plant in the central city of Yazd on Monday.

President Ahmadinejad inaugurated the 480MW power plant during a one-day visit to Yazd, where he also attended the inaugural ceremony of Ghadir-e Iranian Steel Production Plant in the city of Ardakan.

The combined cycle power plant, located in Northwestern Yazd, is among the largest power plants in Iran and is the first of a kind in the world.

Iran has recently taken a giant stride towards generating electricity at the national level through the inauguration of different kinds of power plants.

Iran's first solar power plant was inaugurated in Shiraz in Southern part of the country late 2009.

"All the equipment for the power plant was manufactured using domestic materials and expertise", Director of the solar energy division of the Iranian Renewable Energies Organization Peyman Kanan announced at the time.


ako se uzme za pordjenje da je busher nuk.elektrana 1000MW onda možete zaključiti da je ovo respektabilna snaga za ovu vrstu centrale.

Dopuna: 13 Okt 2011 21:19

Iran is top of the world in science growth

22:00 28 March 2011 by Andy Coghlan

Which country's scientific output rose 18-fold between 1996 and 2008, from 736 published papers to 13,238? The answer – Iran – might surprise many people, especially in the western nations used to leading science. Iran has the fastest rate of increase in scientific publication in the world.

And if political relations between Iran and the US are strained, it seems that the two countries' scientists are getting on fine: the number of collaborative papers between them rose almost fivefold from 388 to 1831 over the same period.

A rapid rise in Middle Eastern, Chinese, Indian and Brazilian science stands out from a report published this week by the UK's Royal Society, comparing global publication and citation rates between 1993 and 2003 with those between 2004 and 2008. Like Iran, other, smaller players are also stepping up their research activity. Turkey, for example, quadrupled its output between 1996 and 2008, after increasing sixfold its funding for R&D. Similar trends emerged in Tunisia, Singapore and Qatar.

On the broader scientific stage, the established leaders in the US, Europe and Japan still dominate, but their ascendency is being eroded by rapidly industrialising countries. So while the proportion of papers with US authors has slipped from 26 to 21 per cent, China has risen from sixth to second place with 10.2 per cent of the authored papers, up from 4.4 per cent in 1996. India and Brazil are rising rapidly too.

"The leading nations are not getting weaker," says Chris Llewellyn Smith, chair of the panel that produced the study. "Rather, I would say we're seeing a rise in other nations into the big league," he says.

Marking the growth of science as a global enterprise to solve global problems, Llewellyn Smith says that collaborative papers have risen from a quarter to more than a third of all papers published. "To solve a global problem, you need data from all round the world, and this helps to unify the scientific voice geographically," he says. "So I think we can all benefit from this, to solve global problems."


Dopuna: 13 Okt 2011 21:36

Dopuna: 13 Okt 2011 21:41

Odgovor na zahtjev US navy za uspostavom direktne linije sa Iranskom vojskom kako bi se izbjegli incidenti;

Commander of navy of IRGC responsed to intrest of US forces for establishment of a direct communication line with Iran in Persian Gulf, and said we establish a direct communication line with us forces when we go to gulf of mexico.

He adde we have direct and close relation with all countries of region , but what is the position of US in the region? for us illegtimate presence of Americans here in Persian Gulf has no sense.

Dopuna: 13 Okt 2011 21:46

Dopuna: 13 Okt 2011 21:55

"anti-missile" missiles were installed and tested on Iranian fighters r-73 fired by mig-29 targets a sidewinder fired by an f5

Dopuna: 13 Okt 2011 22:14

slike sa parade

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Napisano: 13 Okt 2011 22:25

Dopuna: 13 Okt 2011 22:28


Nisu sve slike sa iste parade ,mada na svakoj bude svega.

  • vrabac 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
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Koliko vidim ne treba vam ona oprema iz Belousije i Ukrajine bar ne sva. Mozda neki veci sistemi kao Panorama i eventualno Neman-sprut. Ovo sto si prikazao je nivo od ranzhira do Poljane S.

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Napisano: 13 Okt 2011 22:39


Ako pogledaš pažljivije vidječeš da na kamionu vuku gusjeničare koji nemaju gumene umetke,bar kako sam ja primjetio

Dopuna: 13 Okt 2011 22:58

Modernizacija chiftain na mobarez standard;

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118


ghadir IS-120

Moudge i Moudge 2 Frigate (na bazi Alvand clase)

SINA fast patrol boat

C14 M Fast Patrol Craft

13M & 17M Multi-Purpose Patrol Boat

DioMil Patrol Boats
Plastic patrol boat with 4x Kosar 20 km Infrared or TV targeting chip
No radar detection
Low infrared detection
Outclasses all known metal ships = metal ships will be scrapped

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Bilo koje strateško oružije od bilo koje zemlje možeš nači na netu,USA sve svoje proizvode reklamira i precjenjuje tako da to ne stoji,drugo nijedna zemlja na svijetu ne može poraziti USA u konvencijonalnom sukobu pa ni Rusija bar u ovom trenutku,Iranu to nije ni cilj,oni teže tome da se dovedu u stanje da se mogu braniti na svojoj teritoriji i da budu sposobni u eventualnom napadu od strane USA/Izrael uzvratiti napadom na Izrael i USA baze i interese u regionu i da na odredjeno vrijeme zatvore hormuz,drugi pririoritet je napraviti flotu manjih brzih plovila naoružanim protiv brodskim raketama i torpedima koji bi uz podmornice i veći broj obalnih protv br. proektila bio realna prijetnja po 5 flotu.Tako da u sukobu nije isto biti strana koja napada i ona koja se brani,a treba znati da iran mnogi vojni analitičari bilo zapadni ili Ruski Iran smatraju da je medju prvi 10 svjetskih sila a te procjene se ne zasnivaju samo na broju vojske. A što se tiče sposobnosti i spremnosti vojske Irana mislim i mnogi če se složiti da imaju jedne od bolje obučenih pilota u svijetu a imaju i popriličan broj vježbi godišnje u svim rodovima.Što se tiče mitova o Iračkoj vojsci vjeruj mi ja sam tada tvrdio da neče izdržati više od 3 mj. jer sam pretpostavio u kakvom je stanju ipak je 13 g. bio izoliran od čitavok svijeta,Iran je sasvim druga stvar druga vrsta terena,veličina,motiviranost,zemlja nije siromašna,imaju vojsku koja je logistički kvalitetno pračena,morsku granicu sa Rusijom i Armenijom koja je strateški saveznik Irana,imaju 3 satalita u orbiti (jedan je u kooperaciji sa Kinom,a dva su za njih poslali Rusi )mimo 3 koja su sami poslali i najvažnije imaju 3 najveće zalihe balističkih raketa na svijetu.

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