- Pridružio: 16 Apr 2014
- Poruke: 18806
Citat:KSF soldiers were trained by Turkish teams on "Infantry Tasks and Tactics"
In the framework of cooperation with the Turkish contingent, a mobile team has carried out theoretical and practical training on "Infantry Duties and Tactics" for members of the Third Regiment of the Ground Forces and the National Guard of the Kosovo Security Force.
The training aimed to prepare soldiers in infantry tactics, focusing on: Movement and camouflage, movements based on signs, movement under enemy fire, defensive attacks in urban areas, tactical use of armored vehicles in urban areas , EOD, night operations
At the end of the training, exercise scenarios were realized to practice all the preparation that was done for a month.
Present at the certification ceremony were the commander of the Turkish contingent in Kosovo, the chief of staff of the National Guard of the KSF, a Turkish officer and non-commissioned officer of the KSF.
Citat:Deputy Chief of the US National Guard Bureau, Lt. Gen. Marc H. Sasseville visits the Kosovo Security Force
The Commander of the Kosovo Security Force, Lt. General Bashkim Jashari, received today in an official meeting the Deputy Chief of the US National Guard Bureau, Lt. Gen. Marc H. Sasseville.
First, General Jashari welcomed General Sasseville, thanking him for the unreserved support provided by the National Guard Bureau, and especially the Iowa National Guard.
General Jashari has informed General Sasseville of the achievements of the KSF, the development and transition plan, as he has informed him that his focus as a commander within this plan is the development of infantry regiments and special operations, where as a model the American doctrine is taken.
Another topic of discussion between the two generals was the "Defender Europe 2023" exercise, where after the USA, in this exercise, the KSF is the second largest contributor in the Western Balkans, with over 1,300 troops.
At the end of the meeting, the American general emphasized that the National Guard Bureau and the USA will continue to be the loyal ally of the KSF, in further professional development on the way to integration into NATO and other Euro-Atlantic structures.
General Sasseville has completed his visit to the KSF, where on this occasion he visited the General Staff, where he was briefed on the achievements of the Force.
Citat:The "Steel Alpha 2023" field exercise has ended
As part of the preparations for Exercise "Defender Europe 2023", the Field Exercise "Steel Alpha 2023" was carried out for the training of Company A and the IVR Platoon from the Second Regiment of the Ground Forces.
In this exercise, defensive, offensive, security and stability operations exercises were conducted, including company-level exercises (LFX) with all weapon systems.
Citat:The Italian Carabinieri monitor the KSF Military Police
The Military Police of the Kosovo Security Force, based on the bilateral plan it has with Italy, has carried out joint training for crowd control in the "Adem Jashari" Barracks in Pristina.
In 2022, the Military Police was part of the training in Gorizia, Italy, and this year this activity was continued in Kosovo, in the framework of capacity building and the exchange of experiences with the Carabinieri.
Three carabinieri instructors have arrived in Kosovo and are monitoring the training and sharing their experiences with the KSF Military Police.
Citat:The "IRON WOLF" field exercise has ended
In the framework of the final phase of the preparations being made by the Kosovo Security Force, but the international exercise "Defender Europe 23" has begun, the First Regiment (R1K) of the Ground Forces, has successfully completed the "IRON WOLF" field exercise (UF) in the military training area in Babaj i Boka.
The purpose of this exercise was to test the R1K's ability to land, conduct conventional day and night combat operations, and re-land with its own logistical endurance.
To see closely the implementation of the exercise, the members of the regiment are from the Commander of the Kosovo Security Force, Lieutenant General Bashkim Jashari, the Commander of the Iowa National Guard, Brigadier General Stephan Osborn, who from the leaders of the regiment have been informed about the exercise, professional training and discipline shown by soldiers, non-commissioned officers and officers, in all stages of preparation and execution of the exercise.
Citat:The Commander of the KSF together with the Commander of the Iowa National Guard visited the training area in Babaj do Boka
As part of the visit of the commander of the Iowa National Guard to Kosovo, Brigadier General Stephan Osborn together with Lieutenant General Bashkim Jashari today visited the training area in Babaj t Boka, where the 1st Regiment of the Land Forces is carrying out the field exercise "Iron Wolf".
The generals closely followed the scenarios of the combat maneuver executed by the 1st Regiment, and among other things discussed the investment plans of the KSF in the training area and the training grounds planned in this area.
On this occasion, the Commander of the KSF thanked the Iowa Guard for the cooperation with the KSF, and the US Army for the support with funds to invest in this area of special interest to our army. This area will be able to be used by the partner countries and the region to create opportunities for exchange of experiences and interoperability.
Citat:Minister Mehaj and General Jashari participated in the next meeting of the Contact Group for Defense of Ukraine
The next meeting of the Contact Group for the Defense of Ukraine was held in Ramstein, Germany, with the participation of over 50 countries. In this meeting led by the Secretary of Defense of the USA, Lloyd Austin, the Minister of Defense, Armend Mehaj, together with the Commander of the KSF, Lieutenant General Bashkim Jashari, participated as representatives of the Republic of Kosovo.
The topic of discussion of this meeting was the continuation of support for Ukraine, the strategy that should be followed in relation to the threats and dangers from Russia's expansionist policies, as well as the contribution of the states in certain areas to support Ukraine and its forces, which are located in battle.
In this aspect, the Ministry of Defense reconfirmed the readiness for support from the Republic of Kosovo in the field of demining, search and rescue and management of dangerous materials, as well as the provision of training for each of the aforementioned fields.
After the session of the Contact Group, Minister Mehaj and General Jashari also met the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Oleksii Reznikov, the Minister of Defense of Germany, Boris Pistorius, the Assistant Secretary of Defense of the USA ve, Laura Kuper, Minister of Defense of Sweden, Pål Jonson, Minister of Defense of Latvia, Ināra Mūrniece, Minister of Defense of Croatia, Mario Banožić, Minister of Defense of North Macedonia, Slavjanka Petrovska, Commander of the US European Command- of General Christopher Cavoli, the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Albania, General Kingjin, as well as other dignitaries from partner countries.
The Republic of Kosovo remains committed to providing all its support in maintaining peace and stability in the region and beyond.
Citat:The director of NALT visited the KSF National Guard
As part of the visits he is making to KSF units, the new Director of the NATO Advisory Liaison Team (NALT) Brigadier General Ralf Peter Hammerstein and his staff visited the KSF National Guard Barracks in Pomozotin .
The commander of the GC, Brigadier General Naim Haziri, welcomed the director of NALT to his office, and informed him about the activity of the Guard and the cooperation with NALT's advisors for GC.
After this meeting, the GC staff held a presentation for the participating group informing them about the personnel, equipment, activities and operational status of the units.
In the framework of the visit, the training facilities of the International Training Center for Search and Rescue (QNTKSH) were visited, where the director informed them of the capacities and activities of this center.
Both generals expressed their readiness for cooperation in raising the capacities and modernizing the Guard with the highest international standards.
Citat:The Kosovo Security Force has carried out ROC DRILL for Exercise "Defender Europe 23"
As part of the final preparations before the start of the international exercise "Defender Europe 23" today in the premises of the "Adem Jashari" barracks in Pristina in front of the commander of the Kosovo Security Force, Lieutenant General Bashkim Jashari, the Minister of Defense Mr. Armed Mehaj, the Proof of Concept was carried out of the Exercise (ROC DRILL) for the "Defender Europe 23" field exercise.
Unions have briefed on the concept of the exercise at all stages of implementation, from deployment, implementation of the exercise and redeployment with all the details of real support for the exercise.
General Jashari has congratulated the officers and non-commissioned officers for their work and dedication, he has also thanked the partners for the support they have given to this exercise in all stages from planning to this stage, he has emphasized the importance of this large-scale exercise led by US Army Europe, enabling us to be interoperable with our partners in joint operations.
The Minister of Defense also emphasized that you have my unsparing support for the most successful implementation, I have expressed this to Commander Jashari since the early stages of planning.
Citat:"War in the residential centers"
The 1B Company of the 1st Infantry Regiment has completed the "War in populated areas" training with the Special Operations instructors of the Kosovo Security Force.
The purpose of this training was to train the members for war in urban centers, which is one of the main tasks of the infantry to fulfill the mission.
During the execution of the training, the participants practiced military disciplines, shooting with individual and team weapons, and were trained for war in residential centers in day and night conditions, as one of the most complex methods of war.
The training was concluded with the realization of the scenario of "cordon-search" and "cleaning the rooms" where the participants showed a high level of professional preparation.
Citat:The "Steel Live Alpha" field exercise is carried out
In order for the members of the Kosovo Security Force to be as tactically trained as possible, Company 2A of the 2nd Regiment of the Ground Forces Command has carried out the field exercise "Steel Live Alpha" at the Airport of Gjakova and Babaj of Boka, practicing shooting with real combat ammunition at squad and platoon level.
Citat:Demonstrimi i aftësive të FSK-së për manovrim me kapacitete të Operacioneve Speciale dhe Kërkim Shpëtimit malor në kushte dimërore
Sot, Forca e Sigurisë së Kosovës, në praninë e Komandantit të FSK-së, Gjenerallejtënant Bashkim Jasharit, dhe oficerëve tjerë të Forcës, organizuan aktivitetin e demonstrimit të aftësive për manovrim me kapacitete të Operacioneve Speciale dhe Kërkim Shpëtimit malor në kushte dimërore.
Garda Kombëtare që është njësia kryesore e FSK-së, me kapacitete të reagimit në emergjenca civile duke përfshirë kapacitet e njësisë së Kërkim Shpëtimit (KSH), në bashkëpunim me njësinë e Operacioneve Speciale, me qëllim të demonstrimit të aftësive për planifikim dhe ekzekutim të operacioneve të KSH malor demonstruan:
Evakuimin e të lënduarve me teleferik; Operacionet me motor-ski; Operacionet e Kërkim-Shpëtimit me K9 (qenë); Kërkim-Shpëtimi në Ortek; Trajtimin e të lënduarve, Qitjet me precizitet të lartë dhe aktivitete tjera.
Ky aktivitet gjithashtu shërben në funksion të testimit dhe ngritjes profesionale të Forcës në ofrimin e Mbështetjes Ushtarake për Autoritete Civile (MUAC) sipas mandatit dhe misionit të Forcës.
Komandanti i FSK, përgëzoi udhëheqësinë e njësive për profesionalizimin e treguar në planifikimin, përgatitjen dhe ekzekutimin e këtij demonstrimi, duke kujtuar që ky kapacitet është shumë i vlefshëm dhe i nevojshëm në mbështetje të autoriteteve civile, dhe si i tillë kërkon aktivitete të tilla për ruajtjen dhe zhvillimin e mëtutjeshëm të aftësive.
Citat:Soldiers are trained for night operations
Company 1A of the 1st Regiment of Land Forces, has carried out the training "Combat patrols at night".
As part of the training, exercises were carried out for the unit's Key Collective Tasks in night conditions.
During this time, combined patrols were carried out in different terrains, operations in urban areas, and real shootings were carried out.
The purpose of the training was to increase the unit's operational skills to operate and operate in night conditions.
Citat:The "Iron Mike" field exercise has ended
In order to evaluate and test the capacities of the Mechanized Company to execute offensive and defensive operations at the platoon and company level, the 1st Ground Forces Regiment has carried out the "Iron Mike" field exercise that culminated in the final exercise "Target Attack" which was carried out with live fire – LFX.
This exercise has been evaluated by Observers-Controllers of the Command of Doctrine and Training together with those from the US Army (SATMO).
The conclusion of the field exercise was closely followed by the deputy commander of the KSF, Major General Enver Cikaqi, the commander of the Ground Forces, Brigadier General Hysen Dreshaj and the American attaché Lt. Col. KIM, an officer and non-commissioned officer of the KSF.
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