novidan ::slucajno sam naisla na ovu temu i procitala
Citat:ne znam da li su kineski bestrzajni topovi povučeni iz upotrebe, znam da ih je bilo
i malo pre citam neke informacije o kinezima kao najvecim hakerima na svetu..i upravo je Vol Strit zurnal jos pod napadom,izjavio je vlasnik zurnala prije nekoliko sati...
pa mi ovo dodje zastarjelo..
'bestrzajni ili trzajni topovi..sta ce to kome danas kad se rat vodi umovima kojima se unistava ekonomija, informacije..i sl..
ako ljudi vec moraju izliti svoju agresiju, neka to rade tako , bar nikoga ne ubijaju direktno..
Nije to bas tako da se cyber napad moze tretirati kao bezazlen nacin ispoljaavanja mrznje ili agresije. Cyber napad moze pruzit cak i ubojitije posljedice nego konvencionalno ratovanje, hakovanje daje neslucene mogucnosti i taj potencijal u cyber ratovanju ce samo dobijati na vaznosti. Cyber napad na nuklearne instalacije moze donijet jednak ucinak kao i direktan napad oruzijem, ne samo na nuklearne instalacije nego i na sve vitalne infrastrukturne objekte koji znace normalan zivot vec mogu ugroziti sve one koje ovise od njih... Ako se izvede uz dobro planiranje i pravovremeno uz asistenciju sabotaze moze paralizirati citave drzave, a da se ne ispali ni metak a efekat moze biti jednak onom uz upotrebu oruzija...
Za nevericu -
Tri egipatska ronioca-hakera, uhapšeni su nadomak grada Aleksandrija kada su hteli da preseku podmorski kabal SEA-ME-WE 4 koji povezuje evropski kontinent sa afrikom, bliskim istokom i azijom.
Kabal koji je dug preko 18.000 kilometara smatra se "kičmom" interneta - njegovim fizičkim presecanjem, nestala bi internet veza sa celokupnim azijskim kontinentom. Nije poznat motiv ovih "hakera", šta su zaista hteli i po čijem nalogu su izvodili ovu kriminalnu radnju.
Iran's Cyber warfare commander found dead in woods Citat:Mojtaba Ahmadi, who served as commander of the Cyber War Headquarters, was found dead in a wooded area near the town of Karaj, north-west of the capital, Tehran. Five Iranian nuclear scientists and the head of the country’s ballistic missile programme have been killed since 2007. The regime has accused Israel’s external intelligence agency, the Mossad, of carrying out these assassinations.
Ahmadi was last seen leaving his home for work on Saturday. He was later found with two bullets in the heart, according to Alborz, a website linked to the Revolutionary Guard Corps. “I could see two bullet wounds on his body and the extent of his injuries indicated that he had been assassinated from a close range with a pistol,” an eyewitness told the website.
Israeli defense computer hacked via tainted email Citat:Malicious email masquerading as Shin Bet message leads to internal breach in Israeli defense computer, cyber firm reports.
Finmeccanica Opens Cyber Defense Center Citat:Italy’s Finmeccanica has beefed up its presence in the growing cybersecurity business by opening a cyber attack monitoring and prevention center in central Italy, using a super computer with the power of 30,000 desktop PCs.
I think the public still isn’t aware of the frequency with which these cyber-attacks, as they’re being called in the press, are being used by governments around the world, not just the US. But it is important to highlight that we really started this trend in many ways when we launched the Stuxnet campaign against the Iranian nuclear program. It actually kicked off a response, sort of retaliatory action from Iran, where they realized they had been caught unprepared. They were far behind the technological curve as compared to the United States and most other countries. And this is happening across the world nowadays, where they realize that they’re caught out. They’re vulnerable. They have no capacity to retaliate to any sort of cyber campaign brought against them.
Israeli Army Plans Separate Cyber Division
15:29 16.06.2015
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are planning to spin off their cybercorps into a separate unit, similar to the Israeli Navy and Air Force, a senior Israeli officer was quoted as saying by local media on Tuesday