Special Air Service - S.A.S.


Special Air Service - S.A.S.

  • S2M  Male
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  • Pridružio: 21 Nov 2009
  • Poruke: 6580

Napisano: 01 Jun 2022 16:50

The Prime Minister standing outside the Killing House with members of the SP Team, having just watched a demonstration of room combat and hostage rescue.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • S2M  Male
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  • Pridružio: 21 Nov 2009
  • Poruke: 6580

Napisano: 06 Jun 2022 12:28

1: ‘Pinkie’ – Land Rover 110 Desert Patrol Vehicle 􀀀DPV􀀁  The DPV was the successor to the famous Series IIA ‘Pink Panther’ used by the Regiment since the 1960s. The original vehicles were painted in a salmon-pink shade that was judged to be the best camouflage colour for the open desert; while the DPVs were painted in standard British sand, they were still reverently referred to as ‘Pinkies’. Our example shows a typical DPV toward the end of its service life in c.2003, armed with the standard .50cal M2 Browning heavy machine gun and forward-mounted 7.62x51mm L7A2 GPMG.

2: Longline Light Strike Vehicle 􀀀LSV􀀁
The illustrated vehicle is the Mk 2 four-wheel drive version of the LSV, painted in standard British sand with dark grey camouflage stripes. The LSV has entered the popular imagination as a prototypical SAS vehicle, but there is still significant controversy over whether any LSVs actually crossed into Iraq in 2003. Certainly the vehicles were forward-deployed and featured in squadron build-up training, but due to their reported poor payload capacity and relatively fragile chassis they were apparently hastily replaced with short-wheelbase Land Rover 90 ‘Dinkies’.

Dopuna: 06 Jun 2022 12:32

1: Menacity Surveillance & Reconnaissance Vehicle/Offensive Action Vehicle 􀀀SRV/OAV􀀁 
The version illustrated here shows a typical twin GPMG mount that has proven popular with the SAS as a vehicle-mounted weapon ever since Operation ‘Granby’ in 1990–91. The Menacity also features a swing-out MG mount for the front passenger, and note that this example has a Javelin anti-tank missile among the lavish amounts of stowage carried for long operations. Air-portable by Chinook or Hercules, the original Special Forces version was essentially soft-skinned, although appliqué armour was later added. Additions after experience in Afghanistan included extra belly armour to counter IEDs, and seats designed to channel any explosive blast away from the crew.

2: Toyota Hilux Non Standard Tactical Vehicle 􀀀NSTV􀀁 
In common with American SOF units, the SAS have also deployed in both Afghanistan and Iraq in civilian pick-up trucks. This camouflage-painted example from Afghanistan, c.2008, is fitted with a satellite communications array and an anti-IED electronic countermeasures system mounted on a false roof; an L7A2 GPMG fixed to the roll bar; aftermarket bull bars with attached sand channel to assist if the vehicle becomes bogged down; and extra-wide sand tyres. The SAS normally use the Toyota Hilux, although Ford Rangers acquired from the Afghan National Police, and locally purchased Mitsubishis, have also been seen. In 2014 the Regiment purchased 60 such vehicles to supplement those in-theatre.

  • S2M  Male
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  • Pridružio: 21 Nov 2009
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Toyota Hilux pick-up truck as modified for use in Afghanistan; compare with Plate F2.

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  • Pridružio: 21 Nov 2009
  • Poruke: 6580

n 2010, Australian SASR operator Ben Roberts Smith was awarded the Victoria Cross for valour beyond the call of duty in Afghanistan. Here he carries a borrowed 7.62x51mm Mk14 Mod 0 battle rifle, mounting both an EOTech optic and Aimpoint magnifier, on a bungee-cord sling. Note the national flag left-sleeve patch, and the ‘dump pouch’ at his hip. (Courtesy FCE MMT Sgt Paul Evans, Australian Defense Force)

Interesantan detalj.Da li to koriste samo spec.jed. ili i regularne ili po izboru?

  • vobo 
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 25 Apr 2011
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Britaske ili? Nase ne koriste, tj ako koriste to cine na svoju odgovornost...

  • S2M  Male
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  • Pridružio: 21 Nov 2009
  • Poruke: 6580

Uopšteno pitam.U prvi mah nisam primjetio, tek naknadno pa sam malo izmjenio post.Djeluje mi skroz ok.
Kako misliš "odgovornost"?

  • S2M  Male
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  • Pridružio: 21 Nov 2009
  • Poruke: 6580

1: Remington 870 shotgun 

One of the Regiment’s roles in Northern Ireland was to provide an immediate hostage-rescue capability should a British soldier be captured. This 12-bore Remington 870 shotgun features a folding stock, and would probably have been loaded with Hatton breaching rounds to defeat door locks and hinges.
2: Heckler & Koch MP5K sub-machine gun 
Despite its limited penetration, at less than 13in long the 9x19mm MP5K sub-machine gun was popular among UKSF in Northern Ireland. Note the magazine clamp holding a second 30-round magazine alongside the first.
3: L74A1 shotgun 
A hand-camouflaged example of the 12-bore L74A1 shotgun as modified for Afghanistan by UK Special Forces. It features a collapsible buttstock, a Tango Down foregrip, an Aimpoint Micro optic, a PEQ-15 laser illuminator (on the right side), and in this case what appears to be an improvised sling.
4: Special Air Service badge worn on the sand-colour beret, with the ‘Who Dares Wins’ motto on the scroll.
The badge of the Regiment is not in fact a ‘winged dagger’, although that term has entered into common use even amongst Special Forces. It is in fact a representation of King Arthur’s sword, Excalibur, surrounded by flames.
5: Special Boat Service badge worn on the Royal Marine Commando green beret, with Excalibur rising from the waves and the ‘By Strength and Guile’ motto of the SBS.
6: Special Reconnaissance Regiment badge worn on the khaki beret common to most British Army infantry units. It shows Excalibur and a Corinthian helmet, with ‘Reconnaissance’ on the scroll.
7: Special Forces Support Group drop-zone flash – a lightning bolt superimposed on a downwards-pointing Excalibur – as worn on the right sleeve. SFSG operators wear the beret and cap badge of their parent units.

  • Pridružio: 21 Jul 2008
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Sta komentarisete na slici gore, sta koriste na svoju odgovornost...?

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 35445

Remen za koju je zakačena M14.

  • vobo 
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 25 Apr 2011
  • Poruke: 1651

Zato sto je kod nas jos uvek nemoguce I neprihvatljivo nesto kupiti I to koristiti. Postoji formacijska oprema i skoro je nemoguce koristiti nesto sto nije u tom formacijskom kompletu.
Naravno, tu i tamo se tolerise, ali uglavnom se takvi ljudi okarektisu kao nedisciplinovani, samovoljni itd...

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