Poslao: 22 Jun 2022 09:36
- janezek67
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Dec 2007
- Poruke: 783
[quote="jazbar"]djox ::Stizu M-80
Neprijatno me iznenadili. Baš sam pre mesec dana razgovarao kako su slovenski levičari izdajice, lopovi... ali da su barem radili na dobrim odnosima sa Rusijom. I tu sam pogrešio, ipak su samo globalističke lutke.
Meni se čini slanje M80A ukraini dobar posao, ako čemo još dobiti od amerikanaca nešto, onda je to to.
Ako nebi slali ili pomogli Ukraincima, onda bi za nekoliko godina imali rat i na tlu Slovenije. Tu mi se čini stav Evrope u ovim okolnostima pravi.
Poslao: 22 Jun 2022 11:02
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 100866
Nemci im poslali mine DM31
Citat:This is the Swedish FFV-028, a high-explosive (HE), magnetically influenced, anti-handling, self-destruct (SD), shaped-charge (SC), anti-vehicle (AV) landmine part of the FFV-028 family of RU, SD and SN variants with a German version designated the DM-31.
The FFV-028 is a preproduction version, the FFV-028-RU is a reusable version that can be manually disarmed, the FFV-028-SD is a self-destructing version that incorporates an anti-disturbance device and the FFV-028-SN is the self-neutralising version of the landmine.
The FFV-1-24 is the lot number used from German stocks of the FFV-028-SN with a fuze adapted.
The FFV-028 landmine weighs 9.0 kilograms (19.8 pounds), the RU and SD landmines each weigh 7.5 kilograms (16.5 pounds) and the SN landmine weighs 8.0 kilograms (17.6 pounds).
Od ceha dobili minobacace vz. 82 (Type 82) 120mm
Ukrima stigle puske Ruger M-18080