Poslao: 11 Mar 2009 15:05
- Pridružio: 24 Avg 2007
- Poruke: 998
Citat:Croatian Armed Forces in EU NAVFOR Somalia
On today's session Croatian government has reached the decision on participation of Armed Forces members in EU NAVFOR Somalia - ATALANTA peacekeeping mission.
In 2009 five Armed Forces members will join EU NAVFOR Somalia - ATALANTA mission, with possibility of rotation. Three Croatian officer will be deployed on Belgian frigate and two of them will be in operation HQ near London. Financial resources are secured from MoD's budget. Structure of the operation anticipates participation of European Union's forces till six ships, 3 patrol airplanes and total of 1200 soldiers.
Currently, forces of Great Britain, France, Greece, Spain and Germany are situated on operation's area.
Ima nas svugdje
Poslao: 12 Mar 2009 16:05
- Pridružio: 24 Avg 2007
- Poruke: 998
Sutra čemo vidjeti tu novu borbenu odoru za HV
Citat:Potpisivanje ugovora o nabavi novih borbenih odora
Ministarstvo obrane RH i predstavnici "Zajednice ponuditelja" u petak, 13. ožujka 2009. s početkom u 12 sati u Maloj dvorani Doma HV Zvonimir, Stančićeva 6 potpisat će Ugovor o nabavi novih borbenih odora za potrebe OSRH za 2009. godinu, uz mogućnost višegodišnjih nabavki. U ime Ministarstva, Ugovor će popisati ministar obrane Branko Vukelić te u ime "Zajednice ponuditelja" nositelj ponude tvrtka KROKO – International d.o.o. Zagreb.
Riječ je o nabavci novih borbenih odora koje su drugačijih tehničkih i vizualnih značajki u odnosu na stare odore, te će biti i predstavljene javnosti. "Zajednicu ponuditelja" čini četrnaest hrvatskih tvrtki koje zapošljavaju ukupno oko 2500 radnika, pri čemu će se proizvodnja odora obavljati u Hrvatskoj.
Poslao: 13 Mar 2009 00:08
- Gavrilo Milentijević
- Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
- Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 36039
- Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet
I evo potvrde Trpetove vesti sa prethodne strane - makedonija će izgleda pazariti "Bukefal" i to 200 komada.....
Macedonia Purchasing 200 BTR Armored Vehicles from Ukraine
(Source: Forecast International; issued March 10, 2009)
NEWTOWN, Conn. --- The Macedonian government is prepared to purchase 200 BTR 4 "Bukefal," armored personnel carriers (APCs) from Ukraine's Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau, according to reports in Interfax. While the Macedonian Defense Ministry was not able to completely verify Interfax's account, a spokesperson did confirm that an APC purchase will be forthcoming in the near future.
The size of the reported order, however, is sure to draw criticism, since the Macedonian Army needs no more than 110 APCs to fill outs its ranks as the country tries to gain acceptance into the NATO Alliance. In order to comply with NATO requirements, Macedonia will procure 30 new APCs by the end of 2009, with a total of 80 in service by year-end 2015.
The Finnish Patria AMV, the Austrian Steyr Pandur, and the Swiss MOWAG Piranha are all preferred options at the moment. The BTR-4 is modeled after the Russian BTR-80, 12 of which the Army of the Republic of Macedonia (ARM) currently has in its service.
The Ukrainian deal seems to hinge on two things: good relations between the two countries, and the possibility of building a new plant in Macedonia where final assembly of the new vehicles would occur. Once this step has taken place and the requisite technical skills of the workers and proper infrastructure are in place, the plant would then move toward full production of the BTR 4s.
The Macedonian government will likely need the offsetting industrial work share in order to justify the project to its public at a time when the economies of Europe are in a tailspin and numerous infrastructure needs remain for the country.
Poslao: 13 Mar 2009 14:03
- S-lash
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 09 Apr 2008
- Poruke: 4904
- Gde živiš: Slovenija
I ja za nas. Volio bi da imamo sve od te firme, ali šta je - tu je.
Poslao: 18 Mar 2009 08:00
- Trpe Grozni
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 03 Apr 2008
- Poruke: 5910
Makedonska policija dobila jos pet transportera tipa Wolf , sto znaci da su do sada pristigli ukupno deset komada.
Kolko su ugovoreni nije poznato , jer niko u makedonskoj policiji nije potvrdio pristignuce doticnih transportera.
Inace izvor ove novosti je covek koji ih je sam video na ulici.