Hawk75 ::Treba otici u HV na testiranje ova HR FAMAS verzija
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New has premiere on 2008 Eurosatory, automatic carbine has has turned out croatian in match 5,56 -mm VHS bezkolbowym. Weapon show in (to) two changes VHS-D and VHS-K. it defends automatic carbine 5,56 -mm VHS-D. Capability exists on three universal rail (track) assembly łożu zamocowania, it is possible to install additional four on transport catch / photo it has been showed croatian product of automatic carbine by in match without proper (suitable) flask (butt) in (to) 2004 wolf first dummy developed (spread out) Remigiusz HS. Prototype of weapon present to year later, called VHS, which (who) acted in foothold about principle of utilization of collected gas by opening in (to) lufie, however, part was driven (caused) from they too also suwadło, for braking movable group in (to) its (his) backward movement (traffic). It had, according to framers, assure (provide) liquid work of mechanism more and better accuracy of led fire. It was polished up in lats (summers; years) 2005-2006 VHS, were rounded form kanciaste, they appeared on locking room and assembly rails (tracks) passed away, but primary (original) concept has has turned out ultimately blind street. Second (other) prototype present in (to) 2007, considerably external appearance distinguishing (differ), as well as operation of internal mechanism, it resign from braking too suwadła. Hand straining, locking comoros (rooms) in front placed primary (original) part < frequent >, over łożem, locking comoros (rooms) has been placed on back, under big transport catch. Has been placed in front with fuse part < frequent > switch kind fire jointed kabłąka spustowego 3-położeniowy. Switch is rotary, removed allows to shoot on right part single fire, on left – continuous, for middle site removed, weapon indemnifies and language blocks spustowy. It defends shortened change it , with (from) 400 -mm VHS-K lufą. Mechanical instruments are implicit < hide (cover) > inside of transport catch / photo celownicze there is unit weapon wolf new Remigiusz VHS, grapple suspended is in place possible łoża, 40 -mm of howitzer. Weapon is supplied with (from) 20 - and from box 30-nabojowych magazynków M16. Movable group is detained (halted) after all shooting cartridge in back site, it can be dismissed behind assistance removed from which (who) thumb of lever, in overhead placed pistol catch part < frequent >. It is not fitted for left-handed archers in the form of baseline VHS, window is placed after right part only shell wyrzutowe, though framers of carbines tried (look) to bypass on edges of windows this problem introducing prowadnice, it is possible to grapple on which (who) to bottom additional reflective shell deflektor. With (from) presently 300 carbines ( length 500 mm VHS-D lufą, furnished with capability grenade ) wystrzeliwania nasadkowych and there is with (from) 400 by croatian army -mm ( ) tested VHS-K lufą. If research will fall out (will should) prosperously, weapon will be introduced for arming. There is project engineer VHS Vuković, framer carrying (concern) international progress pistol 2000 HS.
Dopuna: 26 Jun 2008 12:38
sebab ::plavooki tigar ::VHS-D
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