Poslao: 05 Okt 2009 13:25
- Danko SVIK VRS
- Mod u pemziji
- Pridružio: 19 Maj 2009
- Poruke: 4980
- Gde živiš: Beograd - Srbija; Novi Grad - Republika Srpska
Razvoj strateškog bombardera Mirage-IV započet je 22. marta 1954. godine, kad je FRV objavilo konkurs za nadzvučni lovac.
Prototip Mirage-IV poleteo je prvi put 17. juna 1959. godine. U 14 opitnom letu jula 1959. godine postigao je 1,9 Maha, a kasnije 2 Maha.
Sledeća tri Mirage-IV iz predserije, od kojih je prvi poleteo 12. oktobra 1961. godine, a treći 23. januara 1963. godine, određeni su za potrebe ispitivanja: prvi za ispitivanje bombardovanja u Colomb-Bechar-u, a ostali za razvoj navigacijskog sistema i punjenje gorivom u vazduhu koristeći kao avion cisternu KC-135 Stratotanker.
FRV je poručilo ukupno 62 Mirage-IV od kojih je do oktobra 1965. godine isporučeno operativnim jedinicama oko 30 aviona, formiranih u tri skvadrona strategijske avijacije. Isporuka je završena u 1966. godini. Tad je tempo proizvodnje bio oko 2 aviona mesečno.
Na prvi pogled je jasno da je MIRAGE-IVA kao povećani dvomotorac jednomotornog lovca MIRAGE-III. S vremenom avioni MIRAGE-IVA umesto zadataka strategijskog bombardera za napade sa velikih visina, dobili su zadatke prodiranja na malim visinama. Od 1983 godine počeo je program modifikacije 19 bombardera MIRAGE-IVA u MIRAGE-IVP koji su dobili ASMP nuklearne rakete snage 300 kilotona. Inače MIRAGE-IVA nosi jednu atomsku bombu AN-11 od 60 kilotona na daljinu od 4000km. Ima posadu od dva člana, koji sede na izbacivim sedištima MARTIN BAKER.
MIRAGE-IV ima pet podvesnih tačaka za oružje i poseduje radar Thomson-CSF ARCANA. Avion je opremljen i samozaštitnim sistemom senzora radarskog i IC zračenja i dispenzerom radarskih i IC mamaca. RV Francuske svojevremeno je raspolagalo sa 27 bombardera MIRAGE-IVA i 19 bombardera MIRAGE-IVP.
Niti jedan Mirage-IVA/P nije upotrebljen u borbenim misijama za koje je namenjen. Iz operativne upotrebe povučeni su 1996. godine, kad su ih zamenili Mirage-2000N.
U operativnoj upotrebi ostali su samo Mirage-IVP, koji su pretvoreni u strategijske izviđače, od kojih su tri aviona korišćena u izviđačkim zadacima za potrebe NATO-a, tokom, agresije na SRJ 1999. godine. Poslednji primerci povučeni su iz naoružanja 2005. godine.
Proizvođač: Avions Marcel Dassault– Breguet Aviation, Vaucresson.
Namena: Dvomotorni mlazni supersonični strategijski bombarder, dvosed.
Verzije: Mirage-IVA; Mirage-IVP.
Razvoj: Prvi let prototipa 17. juna 1959.godine. Uveden u naoružanje 1964. godine.
Pogonska grupa: Dva turbomlazna motora “Snecma” ATAR 09K14
-potiska po 69,30KN sa dodatnim sagorevanjem.
Dva turbomlazna motora "Snecma" ATAR 09K50
- potiska po 70,6 KN sa dodatnim sagorevanjem.
Gorivo: Opremljen sa uređajem za punjenje u vazduhu sa aviona cisterni
Dimenzije: Razmah krila 11,85m; dužina 23,50m; visina 5,40m; mpr.14500kg; m.maks. 33500kg.
Karakteristike: Brzina-maksimalna na 11000m 2340 km/h {2,2M}.
Brzina-krstarenja na visini od 18000m 1982 km/h {1,7M}.
Brzina penjanja 150m/s.
Operativni vrhunac leta 20000m.
Taktički radijus dejstva 1240km.
Maksimalni dolet 4000km.
Dužina staze za poletanje 1800m.
Dužina staze za sletanje 1000m.
Naoružanje:Atomska bomba AN-11 od 60 KT ili nuklearna raketa ASMP od
300KT ili 7257kg raznih bombi i raketa na pet podvesnih tačaka na krilima i trupu.
Korisnik: Francuska.
Dopuna: 05 Okt 2009 13:25
Da dodam nešto da vas zainteresujem:
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 13 Mar 2012 10:35
- vrabac
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
- Poruke: 4961
Koliko se sećam ruta atomske patrole je bila preko Italije, Grčke i Egeja , pa do Turske i ka Crnom moru, dakle trebali su da napadnu cilj u SSSR-u sa juga.
El imaš neke detalje o tome Danko, ArDžej?
Poslao: 13 Mar 2012 17:09
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24208
Napisano: 13 Mar 2012 12:16
Dopuna: 13 Mar 2012 17:09
A-bombe na cetvorci
Citat:AN-11 Bomb
This free fall bomb was the first nuclear weapon stockpiled by France, going into service in 1964. It was a pure fission plutonium implosion design, a development version of which was fired in France's first nuclear test on 13 February 1960. A prototype bomb was first tested 1 May 1962. The bomb was intended for high altitude delivery against strategic targets by France's first strategic nuclear bomber - the Mirage IVA (entered service October 1964). A live drop from a Mirage IVA was conducted 19 July 1966. The bomb weighed 1500 kg, and had a yield of 60 kt. The bomb was stockpiled from 1963, when full-scale production commenced, to November 1968. About 40 were built. Replacement by the AN-22 began in 1967.
Citat:AN-22 Bomb
This bomb replaced the AN-11, which it resembles in most respects. It was a pure fission plutonium bomb, originally weighing 1400-1500 kg, with a yield of 60-70 kt, intended for free-fall delivery from Mirage IVA bombers. It went into service in late 1967 and was retired July 1988. The bomb had improved safety features. Modifications while in service reduced its weight by half (with yield unchanged) and equipped it with a retarding parachute for low-level delivery. About 40 bombs were built, one for each of the 36 Mirage IVA aircraft in service. As the Mirage IVAs were retired in the late eighties so were their bombs. The last squadron retired 1 July 1988.
Mirage IV reconnaissance mission report, south of Western Sahara in late 1977
Citat:The primary objectives of the Mirage IVA force were major Soviet cities and bases. With aerial refueling, the plane was able to attack Moscow, Murmansk or Ukrainian cities from French bases. In order to refuel the Mirage IVA fleet, France purchased a number of U.S. C-135F tankers. Mirage IVAs also often operated in pairs, with one aircraft carrying a weapon and the other carrying fuel tanks and a buddy refueling pack allowing it to refuel its mate en route to the target. Even so, some sources state that some of the mission profiles envisioned were actually kamikaze missions from which the pilot had no chance of returning after bombing a Soviet city.
Petite histoire du Dassault Mirage IV
Citat:14x Dassault Mir IVa in storage at Chateaudun
At Chateaudun there is a highly restricted area they stored surplus Mirage IV's (2003). Three years later the Mirage IV fased out and it's unknow what the actual status is of these stored aircraft.
During a visit to Chateaudun AFB in 2008 we couldn't confirm the presents of them due of security reasons.
![](https://www.mycity-military.com/thumbs2/139754_tmb_332913643_retratodefamilia.jpg) ![](https://www.mycity-military.com/thumbs2/139754_tmb_332913650_post-25040-1239390869.jpg)
![](https://www.mycity-military.com/thumbs2/139754_tmb_147961645_IVP%20BV%2049%20Dijon%2006-1994.jpg) ![](https://www.mycity-military.com/thumbs2/139754_tmb_57898039_MIRAGE%20IV%20A%20JATO.jpg)
Poslao: 08 Apr 2012 15:47
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24208
Napisano: 08 Apr 2012 15:40
Citat:The weapon for which the Mirage IVA was designed, the 60 kilotonne AN-22 nuclear bomb, fit into a recess in the fuselage. A ferry tank could also be plugged into the recess. The AN-22 was modified after late 1967 to be parachute-retarded, when it was realized that the Mirage IVA could not expect to penetrate Soviet airspace at high altitude. If the drop tanks were not carried, the Mirage IVA could carry six 1,200 kilogram (2,645 pound) conventional bombs or four AS-37 Martel anti-radar missiles, though conventional strike was apparently never more than a secondary mission at best.
Dopuna: 08 Apr 2012 15:47
vrabac ::Koliko se sećam ruta atomske patrole je bila preko Italije, Grčke i Egeja , pa do Turske i ka Crnom moru, dakle trebali su da napadnu cilj u SSSR-u sa juga.
El imaš neke detalje o tome Danko, ArDžej?
Ne samo sa juga vec i prema severu tj.strateski vazne vojne ciljeve tamo ( pomorske i vazd. baze itd .)
Citat:The primary objectives of the Mirage IVA force were major Soviet cities and bases. With aerial refueling, the plane was able to attack Moscow, Murmansk or Ukrainian cities from French bases. In order to refuel the Mirage IVA fleet, France purchased a number of U.S. C-135F tankers. Mirage IVAs also often operated in pairs, with one aircraft carrying a weapon and the other carrying fuel tanks and a buddy refueling pack allowing it to refuel its mate en route to the target. Even so, some sources state that some of the mission profiles envisioned were actually one-way, with the crew having no chance of returning after bombing a Soviet city.[8]
Citat:In February 1964 deliveries of the Mirage IV to the French Air Force started, with the first French strategic bombing squadron being declared operational on 1 October that year.[5] The Mirage IV bomber force, when fully built up, consisted of three wings. These wings were each divided into three bomber squadrons, each with four Mirage IVs, each deployed at a different base to minimise the potential for an enemy strike to knock out the entire bomber force. These squadrons were:[6]
1/91 'Gascogne' based at Mont de Marsan
2/91 'Bretagne' based at Cazaux
1/93 'Guyenne' based at Istres
2/93 'Cevennes' based at Orange
1/94 'Bourbonnais' based at Avord
2/94 'Marne' based at St-Dizier
3/94 'Arbois' based at Luxeuil
3/91 'Beauvaisis' based at Creil
3/93 'Sambre' based at Cambrai