  • Pridružio: 02 Jan 2010
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Russia’s Sukhoi and MiG working on unmanned combat air vehicles
15.07.2008 Source: Pravda.Ru

Mikhail Pogosyan, the General Director of Russia’s aircraft-building giant Sukhoi, stated at the Farnborough International Airshow that the sixth generation of the Russian combat aviation would be unmanned.

MiG's Skat

For the time being, the Russian Armed Forces have only one domestic unmanned vehicle complex – Stroi-P complex with its Pchela-1T aircraft. The complex proved to be successful during military actions in the Caucasus, especially during the first and the second Chechen campaigns. Stroi-P successfully provided reconnaissance information to Russian troops during combat actions in Chechnya. However, the Russian unmanned system has become outdated and inferior to modern systems made in other countries of the world.

Another Russia’s aircraft design bureau, MiG, said last year that it was developing a combat unmanned aircraft known as Skat (Stingray). However, the company added that it was its own initiative which the state had not supported yet.

The MiG program is one of two competing designs that will be presented to the Russian Defense Ministry as a strike unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV), aviationweek reports.

MiG unveiled the program during the Moscow air show, though only a few journalists were taken off the show site to a MiG facility at the Gromov flight test research institute.

Skat has two internal weapons bays, capable of carrying air-to-surface missiles as large as the Kh-31 (AS-17 Krytpon). Possible roles include the suppression and attack of enemy air defenses.

MiG is working with a number of Russian companies and state institutes - including the 2nd Central Scientific Research Institute - on Skat. The institute is known to be closely involved in low-observable research and development.

The first version of Skat to fly is planned to be piloted in order to meet Russian flight regulations. A number of aerodynamic configurations have been wind-tunnel tested, including with small twin fins. MiG has settled on a tail-less configuration.

The single-engine subsonic design has an 11.5 meter wingspan, and it is 10.25 meters long. The UCAV has a maximum take-off weight of 10 tons, with a maximum speed of 800 kilometers per hour (497 mph) at low altitude. It is intended to carry a combat load of up to two tons, with a combat radius of 2,000 km.

The Skat will be powered by the Klimov RD-5000B, a derivative of the RD-93. Two demonstrators will be built, the second will be unmanned. The flight tests will be used to prove the design and air vehicle systems. Weapon firings will also be carried out.

Текст је из 2008 али је то једини текст неко од конструктора из ОАК који сам ја нашао.

Ево нешто о самом авиону

Possible roles include the suppression and attack of enemy air defenses. The first version of Skat to fly is planned to be piloted in order to meet Russian flight regulations. A number of aerodynamic configurations have been wind-tunnel tested, including with small twin fins. MiG has settled on a tail-less configuration.
The single-engine subsonic design has an 11.5 meter wingspan, and it is 10.25 meters long. The UCAV has a maximum take-off weight of 10 tons, with a maximum speed of 800 kilometers per hour (497 mph) at low altitude. It is intended to carry a combat load of up to two tons, with a combat radius of 2,000 km.

General characteristics

Crew: 0
Length: 10.25 m (33.6 ft in)
Wingspan: 11.5 m (37.7 ft in)
Powerplant: 1 × Klimov RD-5000B, ? kN (? lbf) thrust


Maximum speed: 800 km/h (497 mph)
Range: 2000 km (1242 miles)
Up to 2 tons of weapons in internal bays

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
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Jos jedna ruska kopija zapada Laughing

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
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frenki1986 ::Jos jedna ruska kopija zapada Laughing
ili mozda zakasneli ruski original Mr. Green

  • Pridružio: 29 Jul 2010
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  • Gde živiš: Niš

Ako si vec stavio temu trebao si da ga prevedes na nas jezik, nije da ne znam engleski ali ovako izgleda kao poso za 2min. copy/paste...

  • mickie 
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Vikipedija kaze da je projekt otkazan. Steta ako je tacno. Ima li neko pouzdane informacije?

  • Tano 
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  • Pridružio: 19 Jul 2011
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mickie ::Vikipedija kaze da je projekt otkazan. Steta ako je tacno. Ima li neko pouzdane informacije?

Ako mnoge male i mnogo manje naucno i tehnoloski sposobne zemlje mogu da proizvedu odlicne dronove, trutove pa i napadne bpl, a rusija od toga odustaje, sta je zakljucak?

Pa ako blp kosta isto ko i avion a pritom nemoze da ponese isto kao pilot, a ni lik za dzojstikom nemoze imati isti osecaj i efikasnost kao pilot, zasto bi neko bacao novac na to. I sve dok najbolji ruski avion vs najbolja usa bpl ne budu imali odnos bar 1:2, rusi nece bacati novac.

  • Toni  Male
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  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
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Dobar ti je zakljucak...

A sto kupuju BPL od Izraela uz TOT ? Nikada nisu bili nesto na polju minijaturizacije elektronike. Sada rade vise na tome. Tebi je zakljucak, Rusi ne rade na BPL znaci BPL su glupost Bebee Dol
Rusi bi se kao bunili da imaju nekakav bespilotni UCAV sa malim RCS koji nosi 2 bombe interno za precizan udar ili da salju Su-34 ?

A i ruski UCAV bi bio 2-3 puta jeftiniji od aviona kao sto su i americke jeftinije od njihovih.

  • Pridružio: 27 Dec 2010
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Ako odustanu, to bi bila velika glupost. SAD umaju najmoćniju vojnu mašineriju, veoma sofisticiranu, i sumnjam da bi ih imali čisto da se neko igra sa džojstikom. Recimo, u borbi protiv terorista u klancima Kavkaza, po meni je to vrhunsko oružje.

  • Pridružio: 02 Jan 2010
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Erich Hartmann ::Ako odustanu, to bi bila velika glupost. SAD umaju najmoćniju vojnu mašineriju, veoma sofisticiranu, i sumnjam da bi ih imali čisto da se neko igra sa džojstikom. Recimo, u borbi protiv terorista u klancima Kavkaza, po meni je to vrhunsko oružje.

Толико су непобедиви џоистик авиони да Иран приземљи један баш леп,и оде неколико година рада,деситене милијарди$ у три лепе. Има великих мана ови авиони и бескорисни су против одличног ПВО,а ипак врло корисни за гађање терориста и банана земаља.

  • Pridružio: 27 Dec 2010
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Ti upravo potvrdi ono što ja napisah, ali ti izgleda zasmeta što spomenuh SAD. Nisam napisao da su nepobedivi, nego da imaju svoju ulogu, čak i u tako dobroj vojsci kao što je američka. Btw, "Glas Rusije" napisa da i Severna Koreja pravi svoju bespilotnu:

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