Mini i mikro BPL


Mini i mikro BPL

  • član biblioteke
  • Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
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Napisano: 20 Apr 2012 18:24

U diskusijama se obično okrećemo velikim BPL, njihovim dužinama trajanja leta, operativnim visinama, moćnoj optronici, a u zadnje vreme i naoružanju koje nose. Nekako se izostavljaju jeftine a u budućnosti verovatno dominantne BPL koje će svoje mesto naći u jedinicama i grupama nižeg ranga, možda čak i u borbenim timovima.
Neznam da li se sećate prvobitnog Rafaelovog projekta Skylark, BPL spakovana u transportno-lansirni kontejner? Na Paris Air Show 2011 se pojavila izraelska firma UVision sa proizvodom WASP. Meni se čini da je to potpuno završeni Skylark, kompaktniji i lakši zahvaljujući najnovijoj elektronici. Proizvođač tvrdi da poseduje karakteristike rakete uz mogućnost ekstremnog manevrisanja.

Telo je prečnika 80mm, dužine 700mm i raspona krstastih krila 670mm. Masa BPL u TLK je oko 3kg, od toga na optroniku otpada oko 1kg. Radna brzina je od 110-185km/h. Radijus iznosi 5km. Pogon je električni.
Opremljena je CCD ili termalnom kamerom sa autotrakerom, koje će u perspektivi(ako je verovati tvorcima) biti zamenjene lakšim sa masom od 115 odnosno 185g.
Evo i starog Rafaelovog projekta

Dopuna: 20 Apr 2012 18:40

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Zar nismo več ustanovili da se radi o zahebanciji odnosno o videomontaži?

  • Pridružio: 29 Avg 2011
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Minijaturni špijunski helikopter

Citat:On je tako mali da može da vam stane na dlan, teži koliko kesica bombona i mogao bi da postane moćno novo oružje u borbi protiv talibana.

Vojni zvaničnici nadaju se da će špijunski bespilotni helikopter „SQ-4 Recon“, koji košta 35.000 dolara - jedna od najmanjih bespilotnih letelica na svetu - doprineti smanjenju broja poginulih vojnika u Avganistanu.

Reč je o minijaturnoj verziji „Male Neli“ - žiroplana kojim upravlja Džejms Bond u filmu „Samo dvaput se živi“. „Nano bespilotna letelica“ ima dve kamere, koje omogućavaju vojnicima da vide iza brda, pa čak i da zavire u unutrašnjost neprijateljskih bunkera, bez opasnosti da budu ubijeni ili ranjeni. Radi na daljinsko upravljanje, što znači da vojnici mogu njome da upravljaju iz kontrolne sobe hiljadama kilometara dalje, ili dok su u patroli - pomoću tablet kompjutera s displejom od 17 centimetara.

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 172
  • Gde živiš: Na planeti majmuna

Citat:Israel Aerospace Industries' Robo-Butterfly

It makes sense that Israel would be on the bleeding edge of drone technology. Not only are its spy apparatus and tech sectors among the world's elite, Israel has a long, long history with unmanned aircraft. The Israel Defense Forces' first drone unit formed in 1971, to aid with reconnaissance. Now it's joining the U.S. military in developing tiny, tiny drones that look like bugs -- with one huge difference.

In May, Israel Hayom reported on the Butterfly, a robot weighing a mere 20 grams and designed to look like the eponymous insect, except packed with listening devices and tiny video cameras. Not altogether dissimilar from the U.S. Air Force's "micro-aviary" of insect- and bird-like unmanned aircraft. But Israel Aerospace Industries' mini-drone adds something unexpected: a helmet that gives an operator Butterfly vision. "When you put this on you are actually inside the butterfly's cockpit," enthused the company's mini-robotics chief Dubi Binyamini. "You see what the butterfly sees. You can fly at any altitude and distance and see everything in real time." In the States, drone operators merely watch their robotic aircraft's video feed, with no attempt at anything approaching a sensory meld.


Citat:AeroVironment's Switchblade

For all the upgrades drones are set to receive, U.S. military officials swear there's one unyielding constant: A human being, inside a chain of command, will always make the decision to use a drone's lethal force. The Switchblade doesn't exactly violate that rule. But it pushes drone warfare closer to the boundary.

Already heading to Afghanistan for commando usage, the tiny Switchblade folds up into a backpack; gets fired through a tube; and a soldier using a laptop sends it on a one-way mission onto a target. Count the innovations there: Most tiny drones are spies instead of killers; and the Switchblade doesn't fire a missile, it is the missile. But there's a third, and more profound, change. The drone can be pre-programmed to hit a set of coordinates, making it an "autonomous platform" that manufacturer AeroVironment likes to boast about. True, a human being still sets those coordinates. But the small Switchblade moves drone warfare a step closer to an era when the robots decide who lives and who dies.

Photo: AeroVironment

  • Pridružio: 10 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 4227

Nešto zanimljivo

A policija u SAD, tačnije Miami, več je počela da jih koristu u nadgledanju okupljanja (video je u linku)

Citat:In January 2011, the Miami-Dade Police Department announced that they would be the first in the country to use drones to patrol a city, with an array of UAVs the size of a “small office garbage can.”

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 172
  • Gde živiš: Na planeti majmuna

Citat:Aerial Vehicle Systems

scout system w caseThe Aeryon Scout is a vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) micro unmanned aerial vehicle used for tactical, over-the-hill aerial intelligence. Unlike other systems, the Scout puts the control of aerial intelligence directly into the hands of the people on the ground that require the intelligence while delivering the most sophisticated and highest quality aerial intelligence available today

Citat:Innocon reveals Spider UAS for Indian contest

By: Arie Egozi Tel Aviv

21 hours ago


Israeli manufacturer Innocon has unveiled its candidate for a requirement to supply a new class of unmanned air system to the Indian air force and navy.

Named Spider, Innocon's design weighs 2.5kg (5.5lb) without its sensor payload and battery installed, and will provide an operating endurance of 30min.

A tender will be issued soon to cover the planned acquisition of about 95 systems, with each to comprise two air vehicles, four payloads and a ground control station. Each complete system should weigh 15kg.

Innocon has teamed with an Indian partner to bid for the deal, with rivals including a BlueBird/Dynamatic offer of the 1kg MicroB air vehicle.

Israeli companies BlueBird, Elbit Systems and Innocon are among the firms also eyeing a pending 20 mini UAS contest for the Indian army.

New Delhi's interest in acquiring UAS is likely to grow to about 600 systems worth approximately $1.25 billion during the next several years, say Israeli sources.

  • Pridružio: 22 Okt 2011
  • Poruke: 159

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Ovo je odlicna ideja Exclamation mada bi trebalo razvijati u vecoj varijanti da moze nositi veci kalibar npr 7,62 mm x 100 ili jos vecu npr 12,7 x 100 metaka mm sa npr nzr 57 mm ovakva stvarcica bi bila spas za vojnike u urbanim borbama ali i opcenito da ide isped pjesadije i upozorava na prijetnju + otklanja prijetnju a ne izgleda kao nesto sto je tesko razviti Smile

Ovo ce neka vojska uvesti u naoruzanje prije ili kasnije uvjeren sam Smajli

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 172
  • Gde živiš: Na planeti majmuna

Nighthawk Micro Air Vehicle (MAV)

  • član biblioteke
  • Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
  • Poruke: 28772
  • Gde živiš: iznad smoga Beograda

Patria MAS

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