Русија наставила разраду борбеног ласера
Министарство одбране Русије усвојило је одлуку о обнови радова током 2013 године на конструкцији борбеног ваздушног ласера, способног да уништава авионе, сателите и балистичке ракете. Рад на овом систему који је добио име „Соко-Ешелон“, био је суспендован 2011. године због недостатка средстава.
Претходно се САД бавио градњом борбеног ласерског система, који је у фебруару 2012. године успео да порази две балистичке ракете убрзаној фази лета, међутим каснији тестови нису били успешни. 2011. године Пентагон је потврдио да је разрада неприменљива у пракси и прескупа.
Russia resumed military laser development
The Russian Defense Ministry has ordered the military-industrial complex to create a resumption of military lasers, capable of engaging aircraft, satellites and ballistic missiles. According to the newspaper "Izvestia", the development of lasers will engage Concern PVO "Almaz-Antey", Taganrog Aviation Scientific-Technical concern Beriev and company name "Himpromavtomatika." Work will begin in 2013.
According to a source, "News", Beriev resumed work on upgrading the flying laboratory A-60 on the basis of transport aircraft IL-76 that was used in Soviet times for developing new laser technologies. In the Soviet Union was created two aircraft, but only one survived, created in 1991. He is based at the airfield near Taganrog.
Lasers on A-60 were used in experiments to dazzle optical homing missiles, and surveillance satellites. Work on the project was suspended in 2011 due to lack of funding. Equipment-A-60 was partially dismantled. Source of "News" said that funding is resumed. At the A-60 is planned to install an optical unit with a more powerful laser.
In addition, the A-60 will be a complete redesign. The aircraft did not carry out operations the past two years. Beriev expects to upgrade the A-60 during 2013. Then with "Almaz-Antey" it will set new units 1LK222 laser system. Setting established a "Almaz-Antey" and "Himpromavtomatikoy." According to the companies, the terrestrial version of the laser is ready.
According to the newspaper, in the test system, called "Falcon-Echelon" that could begin in late 2013, to be seen in the work of the laser system differential pressures, temperatures and loads. The developers do not yet know what kind of aircraft to be used as carriers of laser weapons - modified military transport or bombers.
Create airborne laser, capable of destroying massive moving objects that require the development of reliable and powerful energy. In addition, likely to be developed and accurate guidance system and retention goals of the laser beam. To solve the problem of a destructive purposes - increasing power of the laser beam does not guarantee defeat targets at a distance.
Range depends, in part, on the state of the atmosphere. In addition, the laser beam can be a so-called break-down, at times reducing its capacity. Finally, using a powerful laser system can manifest self-focusing effect of the laser beam in space.
Earlier, the U.S. military engaged in setting the laser system based on a modified Boeing 747 cargo plane-400F. In February 2010, this plant was able to hit two ballistic missiles in the boost phase of flight, but the subsequent two tests failed. The system consisted of a chemical laser and two less powerful laser systems control the atmosphere and guidance.
In 2011, the U.S. Department of Defense recognizes the development is not applicable in practice and costly. Carrier battle laser in February 2012, went to the on-site storage 309th of maintenance and repair of aerospace engineering (AMARG), more known as the "Graveyard"