Vojne baze sveta-lokacije na Google Earth


Vojne baze sveta-lokacije na Google Earth

  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 36105
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

U ovom topicu postavljajte slike i linkove baza i podzemnih vojnih kompleksa širom sveta, bilo da su aerodromi, pomorske baze ili komandna mesta.
Poželjno bi bilo da navedete uz priloženu sliku i lokaciju gde se to mesto nalazi i u kojoj državi (ukoliko je navedeno).

*Raspored podzemnih kompleksa NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) - Severnoameričke vazduhoplovno-svemirske odbrambene komande.....

*Zanimljiv link - podzemna skloništa i uticaj nuklearne eksplozije sa pregledom kako bi prošle SAD u slučaju masovnog napada....

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*"Project Greek Island" je tajni naziv za bunker koji se nalazi u zapadnoj Virdžiniji a poznat je pod nazivom Greenbrier
Bunker je namenjen za smeštaj članova američkog senata u slučaju nuklearnog napada.
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*Kompleks osmatračkih radara "iza horizonta" OTHB (AN/FPS-118 Over-The-Horizon-Backscatter OTH-B)
Lokacija - Oregon;USA

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*Američka Strategijska komunikaciona komanda-
Lokacija - Tysons Corner, VA ; USA
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*Raven Rock kompleks -
Lokacija - Pennsylvania; USA
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*Thule AFB (Air Force base), Greenland - kompleks ogromnih osmatračkih radara iz sistema anti-balističke odbrane ranog upozorenja

*Kineska podzemna vazduhoplovna baza (lokacija nepoznata)

*Napuštena bivša sovjetska nuklearna baza - Jezero Platelai-Litvanija

Link sa više slika i podataka, kao i ostalim sovjetskim bazama u Litvaniji-
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*Mapa jednog podzemnog nuklearnog silosa (lokacija - USA, mesto gde je ovo snimljeno nije navedeno)

Na površini - šaht kroz koji je ulazilo osoblje

Pogled iznutra - silos (prazan) u kojem je nekad bila smeštena interkontinentalna raketa

Podzemne prostorije

Slike sa Google Eartha.....

*Albanski vojni aerodrom kod Skadra - interesantno je za primetiti dva podzemna ulaza u planini. U kakvom je sadašnjem stanju taj aerodrom nije poznato, ali primetno je da po slikama nema baš nešto neke avijacije...

*Mađarski vojni aerodrom Kapošvar -

slika 1 i 2 - prikaz aerodroma....

slika 3 - vide se dva aviona (Su-22 i MiG-21)...

slika 4 - tehnička baza i položaji PVO sistema...

*Rumunski vojni aerodrom kod Temišvara (Timisoara-Giarmata (LRTR)
Baza 71 Aeriana annex)-

Po podatcima iz 2004 u bazi su ostala "aktivna" samo 4 aviona MiG-23 MF (dva dvoseda i dva jednoseda) - ostatak od oko 30-tak 23-ki povučen je iz upotrebe. Pored te "četvorke", stalno dežuraju još dva Lancera, a aerodom služi i drugim letelicama poput transportnih aviona i helikoptera.

MiG-23 (135) koji je "preživeo"-

Pogled na aerodrom-

Dežurna para - 2 MiG-21 Lancer -

"Uskladišteni" MiG-ovi 23 -

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 04 Apr 2006
  • Poruke: 488

Evo jedan kompleks blizu moskve.[/img]

Dopuna: 16 Apr 2006 17:06

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Dopuna: 16 Apr 2006 17:07

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Dopuna: 16 Apr 2006 17:07

In September 1967, Yu.V. Votintsev was appointed chairman of an inter-departmental commission for examining new ABM system and equipment designs. The commission rejected the designs by A.L. Mints for the Don-2N multifunctional radar, since it did not resolve the main problems of antiballistic-missile defense with the required effectiveness -- the discrimination of ballistic missile warheads in the presence of countermeasures.

By June 1975 it possible to define the purpose and time periods of development and creation of the new Moscow ABM system. The Mints Radiotechnical Institute (RTI) was assigned the task of developing and constructing facilities for the upgraded Moscow ABM defense system, and V.K. Sloka was the chief designer. The Don-2NP multifunctional radar [known in the West as PILL BOX] is located not far from Pushkino (Moscow region).

The multifunctional Don radar had a shape of a truncated pyramid with equal length and width (100 meters), and height of 45 meters. Phased arrays with diameter of 16 meters each were mounted on four sides of the pyramid. Along with the digital processing of incoming signals and information, this radar features an antimissile missile control channel and a wide range of probing signals, making its operation possible in various modes. The resolution characteristics of the radar are excellent, and it can see space objects a few centimeters in size.

Building of the radar began in 1978, and it reached full operational capability around 1989. The modified Don 2NP large multifunction phased-array radar at Pushkino is an integral part of the A-135 Moscow ABM system. The radar, which has 360-degree coverage, provides support for GAZELLE and GORGON interceptor systems.

Zaloga reports that this facility is located at Krasnoarmeisk, but provides coordinates that are substantially different from those provided by NIMA [Krasnoarmeisk, aka Krasnoarmeysk, PPLX 48°31'48"N 44°37'59"E].

A map that appeared in Soviet Military Power incorrectly labeled the radar site as a [non-existent] Moscow ABM launcher complex under construction, and placed the radar location several kilometers to the east of the actual location.

Fryazino PPL 55°38'00"N 38°30'00"E
Fryazino PPL 55°57'38"N 38°02'44"E

According to one published Russian report, the main radar station and computer complex are "in the region of the town of Fryazino" near Moscow. Fryazino is small scientific town, located in the north-east area of Moscow region, 25 km from Moscow. Fryazino is located on Metshersk lowland on the river Luboseevka running into the river Vorya (the left inflow of the river Klyaz'ma). It had a population of 54,000 as of 1992. Large enterprises at the location of the modern city appeared in the middle of the 19th century (factory Kondrashovykh-Kaptchovykh). In 1900 a factory for mechanical engines was built, and about 450 persons worked in the factory by 1916. In 1934 a mechanical plant was built, and at the end of 1930s a branch-line from Ivanteyevka (located on the railway line Moscow - Yaroslavl) to Fryazino was constructed. Since 1938 it is a worker's settlement Fryazino, and since 1951 it became a city. Later the city developed as a center of microelectronics.

The Fryazino part of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FIRE RAS) together with Special Design Bureau was founded in 1955. The total staff of the FIRE RAS is about 1000. About 700 researchers and engineers, including 58 doctors and 230 candidates of sciences work in 60 laboratoriesof the FIRE RAS. The laboratories of the FIRE RAS are located in 6 separate buildings and take the area of 13000 square metres. The total area of the FIRE RAS territory is 68 hectares. Work at the institute includes fundamental researches in radio engineering, radio physics, electronics and informatics, as well as applied researches, development of high technologies and design of new scientific instruments.

Other scientific institutions and organizations include Research-and-production enterprise "Cyclone - Test", Production enterprise "Electron-device" and State research-and-production enterprise "Istok".

ISTOK is the State Research and Production Corporation (SRPC) of the former USSR, and one of the largest producers of microwave components inthe world. Founded in 1943, ISTOK's capabilities encompass almost every equivalent of US and European technology. ISTOK is the leading microwave tube company in Russia and has research,development, and manufacturing facilities located in the Moscow area. Founded in 1943, ISTOK designs and manufactures klystrons, TWTs, BWOs, IOTs, CFAs, magnetrons, solid state devices, and complete microwave and millimeter subsystems. ISTOK had a broad product line of rugged magnetron and klystron powertubes at 5800, 2450, 915, and 460 MHz with CW power levels from 100 W to 100 kW for industrial processing. ISTOK has an extraordinary array of industrial products. ISTOK magnetrons are manufactured in Russia in the Fryazino Region of Moscow. The strict manufacturing and quality control procedures for Russian military products are enforced throughout the Fryazino plant for all products. ISTOK's plant, with 8,500 employees and 270,000 square meters of space, has manufactured thousands of high quality microwave and millimeter tubes for military and industrial applications.

Although the general location of the PILL BOX radar is well established, evidently the exact location is a matter of some confusion. In fact the radar site is 48 kilometers North of Moscow, about 2 kilometers from the town of Balabanovo. This is established through LANDSAT imagery, which reveals a large circular exclusion zone around the radar complex.

Dopuna: 16 Apr 2006 17:08

Sta mislite o ovome?

Dopuna: 16 Apr 2006 17:12

A evo popis lansera ICBM iz Kine.
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Dopuna: 16 Apr 2006 18:43

Baze ICBM u SSSR-u.
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Dopuna: 16 Apr 2006 18:46

Cuveni Cat House Dunay-3U u blizini Moskve. Pogledajte dimenzije PVO postrojenja.

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The Moscow A-35 anti-ballistic missile system includes the Dunay-3 (chief designer V.P. Sosulnikov) and the improved Dunay-3U (chief designer A.N. Musatov) sector radars, known in the west as DOG HOUSE and CAT HOUSE. A total of eight Dunay sector radars were originally planned, but by 1971 only four of the Dunay sector radars had been built. At that time a decision was made to finish building the facilities already started at the second Dunay-3U radar, and to halt the rest of the work.

In 1979 the United States began planning to station 108 new Pershing-2 medium-range ballistic missiles in Germany. The Pershing-2's flight time to Moscow was only 10-12 minutes, posing a possibility of surprise destruction of hardened command and control facilities. the Dunay-3U long-range detection radar, oriented to the west, was capable of detect the launch of Pershing-2 missiles no later than 2-3 minutes after launch from the northern and central part of Germany [the southern part of German territory was not monitored by the radar at extremely low angles]. Modification of the radar transceivers, increasing their power, made it possible to expand the search sector and reliably cover the entire territory of Germany. It was decided to modify the transceivers and combat program of the radar, taking additional steps for fire safety, and the radar was modified in a short time with minimal costs.

Zaloga reports that the Cat House radar is located at Stremilovo, but provides coordinates [55°10'N 37°11'E] that are somewhat different from those provided for this placename by NIMA [55°08'43"N 37°09'10"E].

Dopuna: 16 Apr 2006 18:49

Vojni aerodromi u Pakistanu.
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Dopuna: 16 Apr 2006 19:12

A sada malo ameri:

The 548th SMS was based at Forbes Air Force Base in Topeka, Kansas from 1961 thru 1965

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  • Pridružio: 21 Nov 2005
  • Poruke: 18



  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 36105
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

ivche_tocky ::Batajnica



ja sam ovaj topic otvorio da se postuju strane baze a ne domaće - imaš topic o domaćim bazama.

  • Pridružio: 04 Apr 2006
  • Poruke: 488

@Ron Jeremy evo aerodrom sa grenlanda.USA. Thule Air Base.

Dopuna: 17 Apr 2006 21:21

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Dopuna: 17 Apr 2006 21:22

Thule Air Base/Pituffik Airport) (IATA: THU, ICAO: BGTL), an unincorporated enclave within Qaanaaq municipality, Greenland, is the United States Air Force's northernmost base (76°32′N 68°50′W), located 695 miles (1118 km) north of the Arctic Circle and 947 miles (1524 km) south of the North Pole on the northwest side of the island of Greenland. It is approximately 550 miles (885 km) east of the North Magnetic Pole. It is the site of the former town of Dundas, which was moved to Qaanaaq for the construction of the base. The permanent population of the base was 235 as of Jan. 01, 2005.

The military installations at Thule was first constructed during World War II, when the U.S. in 1941 took protective custody over Greenland due to Nazi occupation of Denmark. By 1951 sufficient improvements to the infrastructure had been made to stage some bombers here during periods of international tension with the Soviet Union.

For instance: in the winter of 1956-57 three KC-97 tankers and alternately one of two RB-47H aircraft made TOP SECRET polar flights to inspect Russian defenses as depicted in the drawing below. Five KC-97 prepared for flight with engines running in weather 50F below zero in order to insure three got airborne. After a two hour start a B-47 would catch up with them at the NE coastline of Greenland where two would off-load fuel to top-off the 47's tanks. (The third was an air spare) The B-47 would then fly seven hours of reconnaissance; while the tankers would return to Thule, refuel, and three would again fly to rendezvous with the returning 47 at NE Greenland. The B-47 averaged ten hours and 4500 nm in the air, unless unpredictable weather closed Thule. In that case the three tankers and the B-47 must additionally fly to one of three equidistant alternates: England, Alaska, or Labrador. All of this in moonless, 24 hr artic darkness December through February. These flights demonstrated the capability of Strategic Air Command to Soviet Anti-Air Defense.

In 1961, a Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS) radar was constructed at "J-Site," 13 miles northeast of main base. BMEWS was developed by the Raytheon Corporation in order to provide North America warning of a transpolar missile attack from the Russian mainland and submarine-launched missiles from the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans. At this time, Thule was at its peak with a population of about 10,000. Starting in July 1965, there was a general downsizing of activities at Thule. The base host unit was deactivated. By January 1968, the population of Thule was down to 3,370. Thule became an Air Force Space Command base in 1982.

Today it is a military base, home to the 821st Air Base Group, which exercises Air Base support responsibilities within the Thule Defense Area. The base hosts the 12th Space Warning Squadron, a Ballistic Missile Early Warning Site designed to detect and track Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) launched against North America. The 21st Space Wing operates around the world to provide missile warning and space surveillance information to North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) command centers located in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado. Thule is also host to Detachment 3 of the 22d Space Operations Squadron, part of the 50th Space Wing's global satellite control network and a lot of new weapon systems. In addition, the modern aerodrome boasts a 10,000 foot runway (3000 m) and 2,600 U.S. and international flights per year.

Thule, Greenland, is also the home where the fastest surface wind speed in the world was measured when a peak speed of 333 km/h (207 mph) was recorded on March 8, 1972. Interestingly, Thule is the only Air Force Base with an assigned tugboat.

Regarding the past and present military use of Thule Air Base see The Danish Peace Academy's Danish and English documentation in the Encyclopedia on peace and security's article: US Thule Air Base - Greenland.

Dopuna: 17 Apr 2006 21:23

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  • Pridružio: 21 Nov 2005
  • Poruke: 18

Ups sorry
ali Pleso je "strana" vojna baza Confused

  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 36105
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Strategic Air Command - Barksdale Air Force Base

Location:Shreveport, Louisiana
Linkovi -
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Jedna od najpoznatijih strategijskih vazduhoplovnih baza na tlu SAD, za nas naročito značajna jer su upravo iz ove baze poletale leteće tvrđave - B 52 u operaciji Allied Force na našu zemlju.

  • Pridružio: 04 Apr 2006
  • Poruke: 488

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Dopuna: 19 Apr 2006 20:35

Area 51 (also known as Dreamland, Watertown Strip, Paradise Ranch, The Farm, The Box, Groom Lake, and The Directorate for Development Plans Area) is a remote tract of land in southern Nevada, owned by the federal government of the United States, containing an airfield apparently used for the secret development and testing of new military aircraft. It is famed as the subject of many UFO conspiracy theories. There are also many rumors that the fedral government also use this are to store weapons of mass destruction and this is why there is maximum secruity in and around the area.
Area 51 is a section of land of approximately 60 square miles (155 km²) in Lincoln County, Nevada, USA. It is part of the vast (4,687 square mile [12,139 km²]) Nellis Air Force Range (NAFR). The area consists largely of the wide Emigrant Valley, framed by the Groom and Papoose mountain ranges (to the North and South respectively) and the Jumbled Hills to the East. Between the two ranges lies Groom Dry Lake (37°16′05″N, 115°47′58″W), a dry alkali lake bed roughly three miles (5 km) in diameter. A large air base exists on the southwest corner of the lake (37°14′N 115°49′W) with two concrete runways, one of which extends onto the lake bed, and four unprepared runways on the lake bed itself.

High-resolution satellite images have shed some light on the facility's complex runway layouts. Area 51 has two operating runways, the main is 14L/32R, a concrete runway constructed in the 1990s, measuring 11,980 x 200 feet (3,651 x 61 m) with a 1000 x 100 feet (304 x 30 m) overrun at each end and the secondary, shorter runway is 12/30 which also doubles as a taxiway, measuring 5,420ft x 150 feet (1,652m x 45m). The older runway is exactly six miles (9,656 m) long. It is composed of 12,500 feet of concrete, 11,080 feet of asphalt, and 5560 feet and 2540 feet of now dismantled asphalt on the north and south ends respectively. At least three sets of old runway markings are found, suggesting that the full six-mile length was probably never used in its entirety. Currently only a 6,600 feet (2011 m) stretch of the concrete section is marked for use, forming runway 14R/32L. The dirt lakebed runways, comprising two twin airstrips, measure up to 11,270 feet (3435 m) in length and 100 to 170 feet (30 to 52 m) in width.
USGS map of the Groom Lake area, notably not showing the secret facility
USGS map of the Groom Lake area, notably not showing the secret facility

Area 51 shares a border with the Yucca Flats region of the Nevada Test Site (NTS), the location of many of the U.S. Department of Energy's nuclear weapons tests. The Yucca Mountain nuclear storage facility is approximately 40 miles (64km) southwest of Groom Lake.

The designation "Area 51" is somewhat contentious, appearing on older maps of the NTS but not newer ones, but the same naming scheme is used for other parts of the Nevada Test Site.

The area is connected to the internal NTS road network, with paved roads leading both to Mercury to the northwest and west to Yucca Flats. Leading northeast from the lake, Groom Lake Road (a wide, well-conditioned dirt road) runs through a pass in the Jumbled Hills. Groom Lake Road was formerly the track leading to mines in the Groom basin, but has been improved since their closure. Its winding course takes it past a security checkpoint, but the restricted area around the base extends further east than this (unauthorized visitors who travel west on Groom Lake Road are usually observed first by guards located on the hills surrounding the pass, still several miles from the checkpoint). After leaving the restricted area (marked by numerous warning signs stating that "photography is prohibited" and that "use of deadly force is authorized") Groom Lake Road descends eastward to the floor of the Tikaboo Valley, passing the dirt-road entrances to several small ranches, before joining with Nevada State Route 375, the "Extraterrestrial Highway", south of Rachel.

Dopuna: 19 Apr 2006 20:40

Za one koji ne citaju engleski: USA vlada nikada zvanicno nije priznala postojanje bilo kakvog objekta pod nazivom 51. Mada aerodrom i kompleks zaista postoji. Bilo kakve informacije, koje nisam objavio potrazite na googlu earthu ili na:
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  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 36105
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Albanska "podzemna" vazduhoplovna baza Berat-Kučova

Albanska vazduhoplovna baza Berat-Kučova (Berat-Kuçovë) nalazi se oko 40-tak kilometara južno od Tirane. Aerodrom datira još od 1955 godine i na njemu se nalaze (ili su se nalazile) lovačko bombarderske eskadrile naoružene avionima MiG-15/17/19 kao i 21.
Avioni MiG-15 povučeni su iz upotrebe i po saznanjima svi su "stokirani" u podzemnom tunelu čiji se ulazi mogu vrlo lepo videti na slikama sa Google Earth-a. Takođe se vidi i izvestan broj MiG-ova 17 koji su gotovo 100% van letnog stanja kao i 15-tice.
Aerodrom je 10 marta 1997 stradao u napadu demonstranata kada je iz njega odnešeno dosta opreme a infrastruktura prilično oštećena

Shenjang J-2 (MiG-15bis, kod NATO: "Fagot") iz baze Kučova-Berat

Podzemni ulaz aerodroma Kučova i dvosed Shenjang FT-5 (MiG-17 UTI)-

Shenjang J-6 (MiG-19S, kod NATO: "Farmer") iz baze Kučova-Berat

Aerodrom Kučova on-line map....
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  • Pridružio: 04 Apr 2006
  • Poruke: 488


Camp Bondsteel je glavna baza americke vojske, pod komandom KFOR-a na Kosovu i Metohiji. Nalazi se u blizini mjesta Urosevac, u istocnom dijelu pokrajine. Baza ima funkciju glavnog NATO staba za kontrolu multinacionlne brigade istok (MNB-E).
Kasarna je konstruisana snagama 94.inzinjerskog bataljona uz pomoc BROWN & ROOT SERVICES CORPORATION, koja je takodje pomogla funkcionisanju baze. Kasarna je gradjena uglavnom od drveta. U unutrasnjosti se nalazi veci broj baraka namijenjenih smjestaju materijala i osoblja. Baza je okruzena 2,5 metara visokim zbetonskim zidom. Za konstrukciju kasarne 2 brezuljka su "odsjecena" i dolina izmedju njih je napunjena zemljom.
Americka vojska je bila kritikovana zbog navodnog koristenja baze za nasilno ispitivanje i pritvaranje osumnjicenih za terorizam. Novembra 2005. Alvaro Gil-Rosles, borac za ljudska prava je u Vijecu Evrope, opisao bazu kao "manju verziju Gvantanama". U demantu US Army je izjavila da na Kosovu ne postoji kamp za isledjivanje ili pritvaranje sumnjivih osoba.

Dopuna: 19 Apr 2006 21:30

Dopuna: 19 Apr 2006 21:32

Dopuna: 19 Apr 2006 21:49


Aviano bazu vazduhoplovnih snaga koristi americko RV. Aerodrom se nalazi u sjeveroistocnom dijelu Italije. Smjesten je oko 30 km sjeverno od grada Perdononea. Do 1. 11. 2005. bila sjediste 31. lovackog vinga.

Baza i aerodrom su nastali daleke 1911. godine za potrebe italijanskog vazduhoplovstva. Tokom I svetskog rata koristena je za dejsto protiv Austro-Ugarske armije. U to vrijeme, dva italijanska avijaticara, kapetan Mauricio Pagliano i porucnik Luidji Gori izveli su malo poznat, ali junacki i ucinkovit napad na usidrene austrijske brodove u Pulskoj Luci (tadasnja Jugoslavija). U njihovu cast, aerodrom je 1919 promijenio ime u Aeroporto Pagliano e Gori.

Tokom II svjetskog rata i Italijanska RV i njemacki luftwafe su koristi aerodrom u samo nekoliko misija. 1945 Britansko Kraljevstvo Vazduhoplovstvo je zauzelo i obnovilo aerodrom. Citav kopleks je bio pod konrolom Anglo-amerikanaca sve do 1947., kada je Italijansko RV uspostavilo komandu nad novostvorenom armijom. 1954. ITAL. RV je prepustio kontrolu baze NATO trupama ( US AIR FORCE ) koja ga koristi i dan danas.
Tokom sukoba na prostoru SFRJ, letovi sa aerodroma su postali svakodnevnica, za misije cuvanja vazdusnog prostora BIH, te bombardovanja Srbije i Crne Gore. Dio aviona je preletio u baze u Rumuniji i Madjarskoj.

Dopuna: 19 Apr 2006 21:57

Dopuna: 19 Apr 2006 21:58

Dopuna: 19 Apr 2006 22:04

Dopuna: 19 Apr 2006 22:22

Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton

Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton ja najveca kasarna koju koristi korpus marinaca na americkom tlu. Nalazi se negdje izmedju gradova Oceanside i San Clemente.
Baza je nastala 1942. za obuku marinaca koji su poslije ucestvovali u II svjetskom ratu. Kasarna je dobila ime Joseph Henry Pendleton po americkom generalu koji je bio jedan od vodecih ljudi u konstruisanju kompleksa. Danas je baza dom 1. Marinske expediocione divizije.
Baza danas sluzi prije svega za obuku marinaca. Postoje posebni poligoni za vjezbanje desanta sa mora. U bazi zivi i radi oko 100000 ljudi. Camp Pendleton ostaje najvece vojno postrojenje u drzavi Kalifornia.

Jedinice koje se nalaze u krugu kasarne:
* 11 Area - 1st Marine Division headquarters
* 21 Area - 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion
* 32 Area - MASS-3, 3rd LAAD, MTACS-1
* 33 Area - Headquarters Battalion, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion
* 41 Area - 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 5th Battalion 11 Marines
* 43 Area - 11th Marine Regiment
* 53 Area - 1st Marine Regiment
* 62 Area - 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Combat Engineer Battalion

Dopuna: 19 Apr 2006 22:27

Dopuna: 19 Apr 2006 22:36

Dopuna: 19 Apr 2006 22:38

Dopuna: 21 Apr 2006 9:53

Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard

Pearl Harbour je baza americke mornarice, ciji je prvenstveni cilj popravak i odrzavanje povrsinskih ratnih brodova i podmornica. Odrzavanje ukljucuje:
popravak trupa, punjenje gorivom, naoruzavanje....
Preko 4300 civila i 700 vojnih lica radi u bazi.

Zanimljivosti: -najveci havajski poslodavac, oko 5000 zaposlenih
-svake godine mornaricka baza uplati oko 1000000000 dolara dravi HAWAY
-baza je osnova 1908. kao baza obalne artiljerije
-Pearl Harbour je poznat po napadu 7. 12. 1941. od strane Japana

Nacelnik baze: Captain Frank J. Camelio
United States Navy

Adresa baze

Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard
Attn: __________
667 Safeguard Street, Suite 100
Pearl Harbor, HI 96860-5033

Dopuna: 22 Apr 2006 20:03

CFB Wainwright Kanada

Nalazi se u blizini grada Wainwrighta, drzava Alberta. Zauzima prostor od 620 kvadratnih kilometara. Sluzi kao poligon za obuku artiljerijskih, oklopnih i pjesadijskih jedinica.
Tokom hladnog rata u bazi je zivjelo i radilo oko 3000 ljudi. Poslije raspada Varsavskog pakta i SSSR, prestala je potreba za vecim brojem ljudi i sada se u bazi nalazi oko 1000 vojnika. Tokom ljeta zbog obuke rezervnih jedinica, dolazi jos oko 3000-4000 vojnika.
U kasarni se nalaze sljedece jedinice:
* 742 Signal Squadron Detachment
* 1 Field Ambulance Detachment
* 1 Dental Detachment
* 1 Garrison Military Police Company detachment

Grb baze

Obuka oklopnih jedinica

Zalazak Sunca u Wainwright-u

Dopuna: 22 Apr 2006 20:43

Naval Station San Diego USA

Najveca baza americke mornarice na zapadnoj obali. Nalazi se neposredno uz SAN DIEGO.
Baza je nastala 1919.
Zauzima povrsinu od nevjerovatnih 85000 m2 vode i oko 312000 m2 kopna.
Tokom II svjetskog rata "BAZA RAZARACA" je preimenovana u U.S. Naval Repair Base San Diego, da bi se pokazala prava funkcija objekta. Tokom rata, vise od 43000 mornara i oficira se obucavalo u kompleksu, a vise od 5000 brodova se prepravljalo, popravljalo, odrzavalo i naoruzavalo u bazi.
Danas je baza dom za 60 brodova i preko 50 komandi. U kompleksu radi 48000 ljudi, a 3000 radnika zivi u samoj bazi.
Glavno-komandujuci oficir ima istu ulogu kao i gradonacelnik grada srednje velicine. Pod njim 3000 ljudi radi u komandi baze.
U zoni odgovornisti baze se u svakom momentu nalazi najmanje 98 brodova.

Grb baze

Glavno komandujuci oficir > Captain D. R. Smith, USN

Lokacija baze

Usidreni brodovi unutar zasticenog sidrista

Dopuna: 22 Apr 2006 21:44


Kopleks bunkera, zapreka, podzemnih baza i drugih prepreka koji je sagradjen izmedju dva svjetska rata na granici Francuske i Njemacke. Ime je dobila po tadasnjem ministru odbrane André Maginot-u. "Linija" je nastala na osnovu iskustava iz I svj. rata. Cilj Maginjoa je bila da zadrzi moguci napad iz Njemacke. Uspjeh "staticke odbrane" u I svj. ratu je imalo kljucnog uticaja na odluku Francuza.
Linija je konstruisana od 1930-1935. Potroseno je oko 3 milijarde francuskih franaka. Materijal od koga je gradjen kompleks je bio uglavnom armirani beton i celik.
Kriterijumi za izgled linije su bili veoma visoki. Tako naprimjer, postojali su brojni povezani bunkeri za smjestaj omogucen hiljadamae ljudi. Postojalo je 108 glavnih tornjeva, nalazili su se na svakih 15 km. Brojni manji tornjevi sa puskarnicama izmedju njih. Ti tuneli su bili ukupne duzine preko 100 km. Linija nije gradjena kroz Ardene (jer se vjerovalo da su neprohodni za tenkovske jedinice), niti uz granicu sa Belgijom, jer je bila prijateljska zemlja Francuske.
Neposredno prije rata Maginjo linija je produzena uz Belgiju, ali standard i kvalitet utvrdjenja ni izbliza nije bio kao ostatak kompleksa.
Cvrstina linije je bila najjaca u blizini industrijskih gradova: Meca, Lotera i Alsaka. Francuska je pokusala da prikaze kopleks kao neosvojivo utvdjenje sa brojnom i obucenom posadom....
U II svj. ratu, maginjo linija se pokazala kao potpuni promasaj i beskorisna gradjevina. Wermacht je napao direktno iz Belgije. Odbrana uz belgijsku granicu je bila nedovoljna za odbijanje njemackog napada, te je brzo unistena. Tokom sljedecih 15 dana, Njemacke snage su opkolile Maginjo liniju, te prisilile vojnike na predaju.
1944, kada su saveznici bili u punom naletu, Njemacke Snage su pokusale iskoristi polozaj kompleksa da bi odbili Americke jedinice, koje su krenule prema Njemackoj. Medjutim, ni njima linija nije pomogla, jer su je Saveznici zaobisli i opkolili.
Poslije rata kopleks je opet zaposjednut od francuskih oruzanih snaga kao podrska novostvorenom NATO paktu. Medjutim 1966 kada su se NATO jedinice povukle iz Francuske, Maginjo linija je poslednji put napustena.
Nakon toga dio kopleksa je pretvoren u podzemni muzej, dio linije u uzgajaliste gljiva, itd.
Maginjo linija je postala sinonim za neki propali projekat sa promasenom svrhom (sto je ustvari i bila).


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