Citat:„Данас су војници 54. засебног извиђачког батаљона Оружаних снага Украјине изабрали живот и предали се ЛНР и Оружаним снагама РФ „у селу Николајевка“ Попаснајског округа.
-то значи да су РФ/савезници у тој области
Возило пуно Украјинаца слетело са моста у пуној брзини. Снимак од једног од војника. Овима не требају више ни Руси да се десеткују.
[Izviđači južnog vojnog okruga zarobili grupu vojnika VSU
Pentagon objavio kompletnu listu oružja i opreme koju su dali Ukrajini
The Pentagon has published a complete list of weapons provided to Ukraine:
▫️ more than 1,400 Stinger man-portable air defense systems;
▫️ More than 6,500 Javelin anti-tank missile systems;
▫️ more than 20,000 other anti-tank weapons;
▫️more than 700 Switchblade kamikaze drones;
▫️126 155mm howitzers and 260,000 155mm artillery shells;
▫️108 tactical vehicles for towing 155mm howitzers;
▫️19 tactical vehicles for the evacuation of equipment;
▫️MLRS HIMARS and ammunition for them;
▫️20 Mi-17 helicopters;
▫️hundreds of armored highly mobile multi-purpose wheeled vehicles;
▫️200 M113 armored personnel carriers;
▫️more than 7000 small arms;
▫️ More than 50 million rounds of ammunition for small arms;
▫️75,000 sets of body armor and helmets;
▫️121 Phoenix Ghost tactical unmanned aerial system;
▫️laser-guided missile systems;
▫️ Puma unmanned aerial systems;
▫️ unmanned coastal defense ships;
▫️22 counter-battery radars;
▫️4 anti-mortar radars;
▫️4 air surveillance radars;
▫️2 Harpoon coastal defense systems;
▫️M18A1 Claymore anti-personnel ammunition;
▫️ S-4 explosives and explosive equipment for clearing interference;
▫️tactical secure communication systems;
▫️ Thousands of night vision devices, thermal imaging systems, optics and laser rangefinders;
▫️commercial satellite imagery services;
▫️ protective equipment for the disposal of explosive objects;
▫️chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear protective equipment;
▫️ medical supplies, including first aid kits;
▫️ means of electronic warfare;
▫️field equipment and spare parts;
▫️Funding training, maintenance and support.