- dragon986
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 02 Jun 2013
- Poruke: 3904
Napisano: 04 Feb 2022 9:07
Citat:Ja sam pre nekoliko stranica napisao viđenje stvari sa pravnog aspekta i sve dalje od toga bi bilo suvišno i natezanje oko egzaktnih stvari. Ukoliko neko sa pravnog aspekta ne želi da vidi razliku između Krima i Kosovoa i Metohije tu zaista nema prostora za zdravu raspravu.
Sa iskljucivo pravne tacke gledista razlike ne postoje, osim ako ne zelimo da ih stvaramo....
Citat:Grešiš "kolega". Mašiš suštinski i fromalno.
Ako je vlast pravno neograničena, na osnovu kog pozitivnog zakona je zakonita? Suverenost (vlasti) nije samo puka sila, već zakonita vlast.
Pravo ne prepoznaje pretpostavke. Pravo prepoznaje zakonitost i nezakoitost.
Ja apsolutno ne znam odakle i kojim definicijama se sluzis, posto vlast ima vrlo jasnu i preciznu definiciju i jedan je od tri elemenata svake drzave uz (stanovnistvo i teritoriju). Evo ja nisam bio lenj i doslovce cu ti prepisati definiciju vlasti iz mog udzbenika, a kasnije i ostale definicije kako bi razvezali ovo sto si zavezao, posto ovo o cemu ti pricas mislim da ides na pol. odredjenja vlasti...a to je onda druga tema posto se teorije politike bave drukcije vlascu a ne iskljucivo kroz kodifikovane norme kao pravo.
Citat:Vlast je treci element drzave i predstavlja svojstvo drzave , odn. njenih organa, da izdaju obavezna pravila ponasanja kojima su duzni da se pokoravaju oni na koje se ta pravila odnose. Dakle vlast pretpostavlja postojanje drustvenog odnosa nadredjenosti i podredjenosti iza koga kao garant stoji MONOPOL SILE . U vezi sa elementom vlasti obavezno treba imati u vidu postojanje svojstva legitimnosti, cije odsustvo znaci da je ona samo najjaca sila u drustvu. Dakle vlast nije ogoljena sila sama po sebi cilj. Vlast je legitimni drustveni odnos, sto znaci da znacajan (vecinski)broj drzavljana te drzave prihvata i odobrava vrednosti -ciljeve za cije ostvarenje se pravila propisuju odn sila primenjuje. Sticanje i posedovanje legitimnosti je fakticka i promenjiva cinjenica drzavne vlasti i ona ne mora biti ni objektivna ni racionalna vec iz bilo kog razloga postojeca svest i uverenja da su propisana pravila i primena sile opravdani i ispravni i da se na njih pristaje. Dakle, za postojanje legitimnosti nije potrebno da prihvatljivost, odn. pristajanje postoji kod svih drzavljana, niti da je ono izricito formulisano i iz tih razloga utvrdjeno kod svih drzavljana.
Polazeci od prethodno utvrdjenog svojstva drzave da je to teritorijalizovani monopol sile, drzavna vlast ima dva svojstva koja u svojoj celini cine karakteristiku koja se naziva SUVERENOST.
Prvo, prema drugim drzavama (drzavnim vlastima), njena vlast je nezavisna i ravnopravna, Vlast je treci element drzave i predstavlja svojstvo drzave , odn. njenih organa, da izdaju obavezna pravila ponasanja kojima su duzni da se pokoravaju oni na koje se ta pravila odnose. Dakle vlast pretpostavlja postojanje drustvenog odnosa nadredjenosti i podredjenosti iza koga kao garant stoji MONOPOL SILE . U vezi sa elementom vlasti obavezno treba imati u vidu postojanje svojstva legitimnosti, cije odsustvo znaci da je ona samo najjaca sila u drustvu. Dakle vlast nije ogoljena sila sama po sebi cilj. Vlast je legitimni drustveni odnos, sto znaci da znacajan (vecinski)broj drzavljana te drzave prihvata i odobrava vrednosti -ciljeve za cije ostvarenje se pravila propisuju odn sila primenjuje. Sticanje i posedovanje legitimnosti je fakticka i promenjiva cinjenica drzavne vlasti i ona ne mora biti ni objektivna ni racionalna vec iz bilo kog razloga postojeca svest i uverenja da su propisana pravila i primena sile opravdani i ispravni i da se na njih pristaje. Dakle, za postojanje legitimnosti nije potrebno da prihvatljivost, odn. pristajanje postoji kod svih drzavljana, niti da je ono izricito formulisano i iz tih razloga utvrdjeno kod svih drzavljana.
Polazeci od prethodno utvrdjenog svojstva drzave da je to teritorijalizovani monopol sile, drzavna vlast ima dva svojstva koja u svojoj celini cine karakteristiku koja se naziva SUVERENOST.
Prvo, prema drugim drzavama (drzavnim vlastima), njena vlast je nezavisna i ravnopravna, sto znaci da ne moze i nece od drugih drzavnih vlast, primati nikakve naredbe i upustva. Drugo na svojoj teritoriji (odn. prema drugim zajednicama i nosiocima manje sile) drzavna vlast ima svojstva vrhovnistva-suprematije, tj sve zajednice i pojedinci na njenoj teritoriji joj se moraju pokoravati, odn postovati pravila ponasanja.
Odsustvo legitimnosti odn prihavtanja od strane znacajnog dela drzavljana, nece promeniti ni sustinu vlasti, nis sustinu drzave, ono ce biti pouzdan znak da prema obliku poretka (rezima) ta drzava ne pripada demokratiji nego nekom obliku autokratije, a u pogledu pravnog oblika ne pripada pravnoj drzavi ili drzavi vladavine prava, vec zakonskoj drzavi. sto znaci da ne moze i nece od drugih drzavnih vlast, primati nikakve naredbe i upustva. Drugo na svojoj teritoriji (odn. prema drugim zajednicama i nosiocima manje sile) drzavna vlast ima svojstva vrhovnistva-suprematije, tj sve zajednice i pojedinci na njenoj teritoriji joj se moraju pokoravati, odn postovati pravila ponasanja.
Odsustvo legitimnosti odn prihavtanja od strane znacajnog dela drzavljana, nece promeniti ni sustinu vlasti, nis sustinu drzave, ono ce biti pouzdan znak da prema obliku poretka (rezima) ta drzava ne pripada demokratiji nego nekom obliku autokratije, a u pogledu pravnog oblika ne pripada pravnoj drzavi ili drzavi vladavine prava, vec zakonskoj drzavi.
Drugo pravo je sazdano na pretpostavkama dispozicije i sankcije. Ona je sustina svakog prava i pravnog sistema.
Mislim da ti ovde mesas dva pojma a to je legalitet i legitimitet.
Zakonitost je uslkladjenost svih pravnih akata nize snage od zakona sa zakonom i to je tema neka druga. Moderno pravo nastalo u eri nacionalnih drzava, je tako koncipirano da u velikoj vecini njih ne postoji mogucnost naroda na samoopredeljenje, posto bi to otvaralo pandorinu kutiju, da ako se nekoj manjini ili grupi ne svidi u drzavi da oni kazu mi ne postujemo, odbijamo legitimnost centralne vlasti i ajmo oruzje u ruke i da otcepljujemo. Razumes poentu. Da li ja smatram ti ili bilo ko sa pol. i moralne strane da sa nacistima nema pregovora i da je obaveza svakog gradjanina da se bori protiv toga je jedna stvar i plod nekih drugih ideja a ne prava. Ukrajinska vlast posle euro-majdana je uspostavila legitimitem i suverenost posto je uza se dobila ocigledno vecinu stanovnistva (necinjenje protiv vlasti je prihvatanje), dobila je monopole sile (vojsku i policiju), i medjunarodno priznata. I to je sto se prava tice
Problem koji ti ne zelis da prihvatis jeste da Legitimnost i suverenost nisu cementirane pojave vec fluktuisu. Vlast oba stvara evolutivno, ali bas zbog toga ne ostavlja prava da ako se nekom svidi ili ne da se oglusuje o Ustav, zakone i otcepljuje. Zato je konstantna borba izmedju supremacije drzavnih normi koji kako sam rekao iskljucuju u velikoj vecini pravo na samoopredeljenje sa medjunarodnim aktima koji su plod pol. borbi sila i dogovora.
Dopuna: 04 Feb 2022 9:40
Ustav Ukrajine priznaje Autonomnu Republiku Krim kao kontinuitet Krimske ASSR koja je svoj suverenitet unela u Ukrajinu. Dokle god je Ustav bio na snazi, dokle god je bio poštovan Krim nije postavljao potanje svog suvereniteta. Onog momenta kada Ustav biva prekršen, zapravo de facto i poništen, Krim potvrđuje i obnavlja svoj suverenitet.
Ustav Ukrajine nijednog momenta nije bio suspendovan i nijednog momenta nije bio van snage.Ustav Ukrajine od clana 135 definise tacno AR Krim, i nema nikakvog kontinuiteta i suvereniteta, evo i zakon kojem je AR Krim uveden u poredak Ukrajine. Ne postoji to u nijednom pravnom sistemu? Da to postoji ne bi imao nijednu celovitu drzavu, to sto ti pricas nema veze sa pravom, pravo je kodifikovano i daje zna se koje mogucnosti.
of December 23, 1998 No. 350-XIV
About approval of the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea
(as amended on on March 19, 2009)
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine decides:
1. Approve the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea adopted at the second session of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on October 21, 1998.
2. The constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea becomes effective at the same time with entry into force of this Law.
3. Determine that changes in the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea are accepted by the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and affirm the Law of Ukraine.
4. Consider invalid from the date of the introduction in operation of this Law Law of Ukraine "About the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea" of April 4, 1996.
5. This Law is subject to publication in official publications of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine together with the text of the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and becomes effective from the date of its publication.
President of Ukraine L. Kuchma
It is adopted at the second session of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on October 21, 1998
The Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea according to the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine of February 10, 1998 "About the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea" and being guided by interests of Crimeans of PRINIMAYET this
Article 1. Status of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea
1. The Autonomous Republic of Crimea is the integral component of Ukraine and within the powers determined by the Constitution of Ukraine resolves the issues carried to its maintaining. The Autonomous Republic of Crimea performs also the powers delegated by the laws of Ukraine according to the Constitution of Ukraine.
2. Powers, procedure for forming and activities of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea are determined by the Constitution of Ukraine and the laws of Ukraine, the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and regulatory legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea by the questions carried to its competence.
3. The Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is representative body of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and performs representative, rule-making, control functions and powers within the competence. The Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is executive body of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and performs executive functions and powers within the competence.
4. The organization and activities of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea are based on separation of powers between them;
submission to control, accountability and responsibility to the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea as the representative body elected directly by citizens, the bodies formed or created by it of the officials elected, appointed or approved by the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
Article 2. Legal basis and guarantees of the status and powers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea
1. The legal basis of the status and powers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine, the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
2. In case of contradiction of provisions of regulatory legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and acts of Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine are effective.
Article 3. Basic principles and guarantees of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea
1. The basic principles of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea are:
supremacy of law;
observance and providing rights and freedoms of man and citizen;
collective nature;
combination of interests of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and state interests of Ukraine.
2. Basic guarantees of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea are:
the legal, organizational, financial, property, resource independence in the limits set by the Constitution of Ukraine providing implementation of powers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea;
accounting of the features of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea provided by the Constitution of Ukraine, public authorities of Ukraine in case of decision making, concerning the Autonomous Republic of Crimea;
state guarantees of the status and powers, property rights of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea;
judicial protection of the status and powers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
Article 4. Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regulatory legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and acts of Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea
1. The constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is accepted on basis and according to the Constitution of Ukraine.
2. The constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regulatory legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea are published in state language, and also in the Russian and Crimean Tatar languages.
3. Regulations of the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea have direct action.
4. The regulatory legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea or their provision contradicting the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea have no legal force. Such acts can be appealed in court by persons whose rights and the interests are violated, and are recognized as court invalid if other is not established by the law of Ukraine. The Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea have the right to repeal the acts fully or partially.
5. The regulatory legal acts concerning rights and freedoms of man and citizen, establishing them obligations become effective after their promulgation in accordance with the established procedure.
6. Regulatory legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea are obligatory for execution in the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
Article 5. Control of the state of compliance of the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regulatory legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and acts of Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to the Constitution of Ukraine and laws of Ukraine
1. The solution of questions of compliance of the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea of the Constitution of Ukraine is performed according to the Constitution of Ukraine the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.
2. Based on discrepancy of regulatory legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to the Constitution of Ukraine and the laws of Ukraine the President of Ukraine can suspend these regulatory legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea with the simultaneous address to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine concerning their constitutionality.
3. Acts of Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea are repealed by the President of Ukraine.
4. In the Autonomous Republic of Crimea the Representation of the President of Ukraine is effective.
Citat:Article 134
The Autonomous Republic of Crimea is an inseparable constituent part of Ukraine
and decides on the issues ascribed to its authority within the limits of authority
determined by the Constitution of Ukraine.
Article 135
The Autonomous Republic of Crimea has the Constitution of the Autonomous
Republic of Crimea that is adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous
Republic of Crimea and approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by no less
than one-half of the constitutional composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
Normative legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of
Crimea and decisions of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of
Crimea shall not contradict the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine and are
adopted in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine, acts
of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and for their
Article 136
The representative body of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is the Verkhovna
Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the deputies of which are elected on
the basis of general, equal, direct vote by secret ballot. The term of authority of the
Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the deputies of which are
elected at regular elections, is five years. The suspension of the authority of the
Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea results in the termination
of the authorities of deputies.
The next election to the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea
is held on the last Sunday of October of the fifth year of the authority the
Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, elected at regular
The Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea within the limits of
its authority adopts decisions and resolutions that are mandatory for execution in
the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
The Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is the
government of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The Head of the Council of
Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is appointed to office and
dismissed by the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea upon
the consent of the President of Ukraine.
The authority, the procedure for the formation and operation of the Verkhovna
Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and of the Council of Ministers
of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, are determined by the Constitution of
Ukraine and the laws of Ukraine, and by normative legal acts of the Verkhovna
Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on issues ascribed to its authority.In the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, justice is administered by courts of
Article 137
The Autonomous Republic of Crimea exercises normative regulation on the
following issues:
1) agriculture and forestry;
2) land reclamation and mining;
3) public works, crafts and trades; charity;
4) city construction and housing management;
5) tourism, hotel business, fairs;
6) museums, libraries, theatres, other cultural establishments, historical and
cultural preserves;
7) public transportation, roadways, water supply;
hunting and fishing;
9) sanitary and hospital services.
For reasons of non-conformity of normative legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada of
the Autonomous Republic of Crimea with the Constitution of Ukraine and the laws
of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine may suspend the effect of these normative
legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and
challenge concurrently their constitutionality at the Constitutional Court of
Article 138
The competence of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea comprises:
1) designating elections of deputies to the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous
Republic of Crimea, approving the composition of the electoral commission of the
Autonomous Republic of Crimea;
2) organising and conducting local referendums;
3) managing property that belongs to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea;4) elaborating, approving and implementing the budget of the Autonomous
Republic of Crimea on the basis of the uniform tax and budget policy of Ukraine;
5) elaborating, approving and implementing programmes of the Autonomous
Republic of Crimea for socio-economic and cultural development, the rational
environmental management, and environmental protection in accordance with
national programmes;
6) recognising the status of localities as resorts; establishing zones for the sanitary
protection of resorts;
7) participating in ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, national harmony,
the promotion of the protection of legal order and public security;
ensuring the operation and development of the state language and national
languages and cultures in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea; protection and use
of historical monuments;
9) participating in the development and implementation of state programmes for
the return of deported peoples;
10) initiating the introduction of a state of emergency and the establishment of
zones of an ecological emergency situation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea
or in its particular areas.
Other authoeities may also be delegated to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea by
the laws of Ukraine.
Article 139
The Representative Office of the President of Ukraine, which status is determined
by the law of Ukraine, operates in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
Citat:Zaključak. Nakon 2014. godinu došlo je do diskontinuiteta. Pre svega pravnog a zatim shodno tome i državnog, sistemskog, političkog.
Opet plod tumacenja, to sto je neko proglasio kao razlog za izlazak ne znaci da je pravno valjan. Daleko od toga da nije bilo krsenja zakona od onog kako je moguca smena presednika (impicment), ko je trebao da ga nasledi itd...ali nista od toga ne daje pravni razlog za otcepljenje, pogotovo sto ustav drzave nije suspendovan, suverenitet je potvrdjen, i monopol sile. Kazem pravno valjan razlog o tome pricamo, nemoj neko sada da se ubaci i kaze oni su nacisti, pravi sektor i tako to. sve je to tacno, i jedino u sta se moze pravno uobliciti jeste pravo na samoopredeljenje, posto nijedan pravni akt ni Ustava AR Krim ni Ukrajine nije davao mogucnost otcepljenja. Znaci ako se slazes da je jedini pravno valjan razlog SAMOOPREDELjENJE onda smo na istoj talasnoj duzini i nemamo spora.
Dopuna: 04 Feb 2022 9:49
I da zakljucimo zasto je KiM i Krim pravno gledano isto, oba su produkt politike sile a ne prava, Pravo, cak i danas medjunarodni akti su jasni, a kako ih sile tumace, pravdajuci to ugnjetavanjem i tome slicnim stvarima je druga prica. I ja ne znam opet sto negiramo Putinovo izjednacavanje KiM i Krima i pravimo mi nase neke kvazi pravne ideje zasto nije isto.
A svi znamo zasto je KiM okupiran od strane SAD i zasto je Krim okupirana a kasnije uveden u ustavni poredak Rusije. To sa pravom i idejama samoopredeljenja nema veze vec iskljucivo sa strategijskom vaznoscu Krima za Rusiju, i to nema spora, nazovimo stvari kakve jesu.