Citat:By nine o'clock in the evening, the allied forces managed to establish control over the Lisichansk oil refinery. There are four kilometers left: to take Zolotorevka with the long-suffering Belogorovka and finally close the "cauldron".
The Lisichansk Oil Refinery was, in fact, the central hub, warehouse and transshipment base of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the region.
On THE CAESAR: People were picking up a fight with me over whether the was a Caesar destroyed in my video or not. It was, just as I said.
[Quote more below]
"A total of 14 French CAESAR self-propelled artillery systems were actually transferred to Ukraine (officially 18, but they were not).
▪️3 units were destroyed in airstrikes on the train at Kurakhovo;
▪️2 units were sold for a ridiculous ~120,000 dollars each and are in the bowels of Uralvagonzavod;
▪️1 units were destroyed on Kubansky Island in the Odessa region.
The most interesting thing in this whole story is the mood in France itself. Especially after the SAUs ended up in Russia. Because it hits the image of the French Armed Forces and the mood among the local military very hard.
What are they saying in French military circles?
▪️Sending the CAESAR SAUs to Ukraine was a complete madness: the artillery systems transferred to Kiev were partly intended for Morocco under government contracts. Some were also taken off combat duty.
▪️ Only one CAESAR unit was left in some units of the French Armed Forces after the transfer to Ukraine.
▪️ If CAESARs have found themselves in the hands of the Russian Armed Forces, it is, according to the French, a disaster: the launchers are on combat duty. Although there are no optics as such on the Caesars, but the fire guidance and coordination system as such is definitely of interest.
A similar picture is observed not only in the artillery systems: before the transfer of MANPADS Mistral also removed from the units on combat duty on the border, in fact denuding their own borders.
▪️ In the future, it is planned to transfer the battered combat vehicles and trucks, which have exhausted their service life and are being withdrawn from Mali: it is not difficult to imagine what reputational damage the French wrecks will cause to the image of France, having ended up in Ukraine.|
Предавање историчара Срђана Граовца на тему „Од украјинског до светског рата?“ (29. 6. 2022.)
Говорећи о најактуелнијом геополитичком питању у свету, рату у Украјини, господин Граовац указао је да се свет налази ближе ескалацији сукоба и Трећем светском рату него деескалацији и мировном решењу украјинске кризе. Граовац је нагласио да Кисинџерово упозорење, изречено на Светском економском форуму у Давосу, да неколико наредних месеци дели свет од мира или проширења сукоба и глобалне катастрофе, нешто што треба тумачити као апел светским лидерима да се спречи најгори сценарио.
Срђан Граовац - „Од украјинског до светског рата?ˮ