EU sprema misiju za obuku ukra...oni ovo vec imaju
EU mulls creating mission to train Ukrainian soldiers in neighboring country Citat:The European Union is discussing the issue of creating a mission for the training of Ukrainian soldiers in one of the neighboring countries, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said at a press conference in Spain.
"This will be an important mission. Any mission should be at the conflict’s level. This is not a small war," he said in an address aired by the website of the European Commission.
Replying to a journalist’s question as to where the mission will be set up, the official said: "This won’t be in Ukraine but in a neighboring country. We are not going to do this on Ukrainian soil."
It is expected that the issue of launching this mission will be discussed at an informal meeting of EU defense ministers in Prague on August 29.
Primećeno je, konvoj čije kretanje prati ceo svet, je krenuo. U njemu i jedan Srbin Citat:Konvoj automobila Međunarodne agencije za atomsku energiju (IAEA), sa timom stručnjaka iz više zemalja, krenuo je iz Kijeva ka nuklearnoj elektrani Zaporožje.
Izvor UN upoznat sa detaljima misije rekao je Tssu u utorak da u njoj učestvuju predstavnici deset zemalja: Albanije, Kine, Francuske, Italije, Jordana, Litvanije, Meksika, Poljske, Srbije i Severne Makedonije.
Evropska Unija donira Ukrajini više od pet miliona tableta protiv radijacije Citat:Evropska unija doniraće Ukrajini više od pet miliona tableta protiv radijacije, zbog povećanog straha od nesreće u najvećoj evropskoj nuklearnoj elektrani Zaporožje.