Navodno,Lt.Gen. Coultier,chief of stuff US Africa command sa još nekom brojem "special forces" ekipom je u Azovstalju.Navodno je u Ukr od početka marta.Vest je ,naravno,nepotvrđena a sajt je
Citat:Elimination of the night shelling consequences in the Dnipropetrovsk region: fuel oil tanks were burning in the Novomoskovsk district, and the oil depot in the Synelnykiv district was destroyed. Fires were extinguished.
Citat:The Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ruslan Stefanchuk, offered the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to organize a mission to establish and collect the facts of Russia's crimes in Ukraine for international courts.
MLRS „Grad“ DNR gađa položaje nacionalista odreda „Azov“ na teritoriji Azovstal.
Dopisnik Izvestija Denis Kulaga bio je svedok kako se par ruskih tenkova T-80 približava granicama Severodonjecka. Na snimku se vidi kako se borbena vozila kreću kroz šumski prostor.(google prevod)