Ruski napredak
Citat:Fighting continues in Kherson Oblast.
Russian troops still trying to push towards Mykolaiv.
The village of Snihurivka was reportedly entered by Russian forces again.
There are no signs Russia is planning to withdraw from the city of Kerson so far.
Madjari pozvali ukr ambasadora
Citat:Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said on Wednesday that Hungary's foreign ministry summoned Ukraine's ambassador for what it called his "offensive statements" about Hungary's stance on the war.
Ukoliko je bilo obrisite..
Navodno ukr tenk uhvatio rusku kolonu BTR 82 u zasjedu i artiljerija je takodje tukla po koloni u drugom dijelu videa.
Ovaj se zakucao u kapiju ruske ambasade u Bukurestu...i naravno poginuo
Citat:A car slammed with the gate of the Russian Embassy in Bucharest, Romania, erupting into flames and killing the driver.
A car carrying containers of flammable materials crashed into the gate of the Russian Embassy in the Romanian capital early Wednesday, bursting into flames and killing the driver, police said.
Hајприближнија карта за 06042022 што се тиче 💥Битке за Мариупољ. Ознаком ❌ приказан део града који је дефинитивно очишћен од украјинских снага као и главни правци удара здружених снага руске армије, НМ ДНР и РСГ (Чечени)_
Navodno-"Fragmenti protivvazdušne rakete S-300PM u regionu Voronježa. Kompleks je presreo balističku raketu ispaljenu sa teritorije Ukrajine." (google prevod) FOTO