Citat:@Josep Borrell Fontelles
I return with a clear to do list:
1. This war will be won on the battlefield. Additional €500 million from the EPF are underway. Weapon deliveries will be tailored to Ukrainian needs.
Citat:Russian reinforcements moving into Donbass.
-There are some reports coming in that the Ukrainian soldiers surrounded at the Azovmash factory attempted to break out. Reportedly, all of their vehicles & half of their personnel have been destroyed, the rest is now hiding in residential areas, the search is ongoing.
-Donetsk People's Militia: "Assault units have been prepared for action in the complicated industrial areas, they are using infantry rocket flamethrowers to destroy Nazi 'Azov' positions."
Citat:The people of London have gathered in front of the Russian Embassy, bringing things with them that the Russians can take as trophies in exchange for leaving UA alone.
People brought washing machines, toasters, linen, children's toys and other items that Russians seem to need.
– U popodnevnim satima, kod Časova Jara, Donjecka oblast, „Kinžalom“ je uništeno dobro branjeno komandno mesto grupacije ukrajinskih trupa u Donbasu.
— U oblasti Novogrodovke, Donjecka oblast, uništen je bazni logor terorističke organizacije nacista Desni sektor
– Operativno-taktička avijacija Vazdušno-kosmičkih snaga Rusije pogodila je 42 vojna objekta Ukrajine
- U oblasti Selidovo u Donjeckoj oblasti, Točka-U, uništene su 2 MLRS u podzemnom skloništu i do 40 ukrajinskih nacionalista
- U rejonima naselja Popasnaja, Novozvanovka i Zolote uništene su 2 grupe četa ukrajinske 24. mehanizovane brigade i brigada teritorijalne odbrane.
– U udarima na području Popasne, Novozvanovke i Zolota uništeno je do 300 ukrajinskih militanata i preko 50 borbenih vozila.
– Ruski sistemi PVO u rejonu Sinelnikovo Dnjepropetrovske oblasti oborili su lovac Su-27 ukrajinskog ratnog vazduhoplovstva.(google prevod)
Ministarstvo odbrane objavljuje snimak razaranja baznog logora „Desnog sektora“* u oblasti naselja Novogrodovka u Donjeckoj oblasti.
Danci pazare tablete joda...kazu zabrinuti su
Citat:Denmark's Health Agency, concerned by the war in Ukraine, will buy 2 million iodine tablets to protect people in the event of a nuclear accident close to the Nordic country, it said on Monday.