Eksplozije u Kijevu
Citat:Explosions reported in Kiev near the shopping center
A series of explosions in Kiev: they thundered one after another
Eyewitnesses report that there was a blast wave, a fire and columns of black smoke over the place of explosions.
Explosions thundered in Kiev near the Epicenter shopping center
Zarobljeni ukri
Citat:After the liberation of the strategic Popasnaya, the Allied forces actively moved north to the settlement.
Kamyshevakh, a group of soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Lvov and Lugansk was taken prisoner there.
Citat:Latvian mercs with interesting hats in Ukraine.
An RC-135V Rivet Joint landing at Kadena AB
The RC-135V/W is the USAF's standard airborne SIGINT platform. Missions flown by the RC-135s are designated either Burning Wind or Misty Wind.[24] Its sensor suite allows the mission crew to detect, identify and geolocate signals throughout the electromagnetic spectrum.[25] The mission crew can then forward gathered information in a variety of formats to a wide range of consumers via Rivet Joint's extensive communications suite. The crew consists of the cockpit crew, electronic warfare officers, intelligence operators, and airborne systems maintenance personnel. All Rivet Joint airframe and mission systems modifications are performed by L-3 Communications in Greenville, Texas, under the oversight of the Air Force Materiel Command.[4][25]
All RC-135s are assigned to Air Combat Command. The RC-135 is permanently based at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, and operated by the 55th Wing, using various forward deployment locations worldwide.[25]
Under the "BIG SAFARI" program name, RC-135Vs were upgraded from the RC-135C "Big Team" configuration. RC-135Ws were originally delivered as C-135B transports, and most were modified from RC-135Ms. This is the only difference between the V and W variants; both carry the same mission equipment. For many years, the RC-135V/W could be identified by the four large disc-capped MUCELS antennas forward, four somewhat smaller blade antennae aft and myriad of smaller underside antennas. Baseline 8 Rivet Joints (in the 2000s) introduced the first major change to the external RC-135V/W configuration replacing the MUCELS antennas with plain blade antennas. The configuration of smaller underside antennas was also changed significantly.
https://fr24.com/FORTE12/2bdf9045 https://fr24.com/2be02ed0
Arahne, druže...
Nema potrebe da ionako zagušenu temu dodatno puniš ovim podacima o avionima i sa Flightradara.
Na tu temu, svi ti avioni, BpL, avio cisterne i slično tamo su poprilično dugo, bezmalo od 2014. godine, tako da Global Hawk, AWACS i avio cisterne nisu nista novo a ni spektakularno, uzevši u obzir trenutnu situaciju.
Citat:A journalist of Ukrainian 1+1 TV Andriy Tsaplienko posted this photo to illustrate that Ukrainian military now controls the territory north of Kharkiv up to Russian border.
Poginuo beloruski dobrovoljac/placenik
Citat:The Kastus Kalinouski Battalion, consisting of Belarusian volunteers fighting for Ukraine, suffered its third loss.
In March two other members of the Battalion, Aliaksiej Skoblia and Dzmitry Apanasovich, were killed
Today our Battalion suffered a huge loss.
During the liberation of the Ukrainian village from russian occupation, the commander of the detachment, a soldier of our Battalion Pavel «Volat» was mortally wounded.
He was taken to the hospital in critical condition, but it was late.
"Iz Azovstala izašli sa belim zastavama" Citat:Ukrajinski vojnici koji su napustili Azovstal pokrenuli su pregovore, saopšteno je iz bataljona Vostok. Osnivač bataljona Vostok (DPR) Aleksandar Hodakovski rekao je da 10 ljudi koji su napustili teritoriju fabrike predstavljaju interese veće grupe. "Nekoliko naših vojnika, oficira, zajedno sa grupom koja je izašla iz tunela sa belim zastavama, ponovo je otišla tamo sa istom grupom da nastavi pregovarački proces. Još uvek ne znamo rezultate pregovaračkog procesa u ovom trenutku", rekao je Hodakovski u emisiji "60 minuta" na TV kanalu "Rusija 1".
Боевое крещение получил МиГ-31.
Впервые за свою большую 40-летнюю историю экипаж мигаря на боевом патрулировании сбил фронтовой бомбардировщик Су-24М повитряных сил Украины, который шёл бомбить нашу колонну.
Счёт шёл на секунды, экипаж принял решение, сработал, и самолёт хохлов воткнулся в землю.
Колонна и жизни наших военнослужащих были спасены.
Тут голосом Левитана:
..."За решительные и профессиональные действия, за проявленную разумную инициативу, экипажу объявлен...
Формулировка, конечно, другая, но выговор самый настоящий.
Ибо сбили без разрешения великого начальника.
С другой стороны, могли и уволить, а была бы война, то и расстрелять нахуй!