Cena im je otisla MALO VISE,nego sto su se nadali
Citat:The cost to the taxpayer of converting 12 RAAF Super Hornets into $250 million electronic warfare warriors, or ''Growlers'', has increased almost six fold from $300 million to $1.7 billion.
Citat:Three EA-18Gs from VAQ-132 have deployed to RAAF Base Amberley for Exercise Growler 2012. They will be there to train with RAAF F/A-18F Super Hornets from No. 1 Squadron.
Drzavna delegacija Danske u poseti Boeingovoj fabrici u St. Louisu,gde su
razgledali F/A-18E/F Super Hornet,a nakon toga otisli u Fort Worth na
gledanje F-35JSF.
Citat:Danish military officials crisscrossed the U.S. last week in a major step toward restarting competition for the country’s fighter replacement program.