Max tezina na poletanju F-18E/F
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Spoljasnje gorivo max
Max tezina naoruzanja na 11 nosaca
Nijednom kombinacijom ne dobijam 30000kg, pa me zanima sta sacinjava-kako dolaze do tih 30t ?
Nedostaje odokativno 1.000kg+. Ovo je verovato masa fabrički praznog aviona. Dodaj motorsko ulje, mamce za samozaštitu, topovsku municiju...Verovatno ima još nešto što sam zaboravio a sve to ulazi u oblik prazan opremljen. Nemoj da zaboraviš i dva pilota opremljena za preživljavanje ”u fulu”.
Boeing awarded $219 million to develop conformal fuel tanks for Super Hornet Citat:The Pentagon announced on Feb. 14 that Boeing has been awarded $219 million “for the design, development, test and integration of the conformal fuel tank in support of the F/A-18.”
Majority of the work is to be carried out at El Segundo, California and St. Louis, Missouri. The job will be completed by 2022.
Kenguri imaju probleme
RAAF Super Hornet and Growler aircrews have experienced ‘physiological episodes’, Defence confirms Citat:Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18F Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler aircrews have experienced “physiological episodes” while flying the aircraft, the Department of Defence has confirmed.
“Australian F/A-18F Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler aircrew have experienced events known as physiological episodes,” a Defence spokesperson told sister publication ADBR on Monday.
“Physiological episodes are caused by complex interactions between human physiology and the aircraft breathing air system.”
The F/A-18 and EA-18G aircraft’s onboard oxygen generating system (OBOGS) is thought to have triggered a number of hypoxia-like physiological events for US Navy aircrews, as well as some decompression events, in the last decade, with the issue raised in US Congressional hearings earlier this month.
“As we sit here today, new F/A-18s are rolling off the production [line] at a cost of around (US)$69 million per aircraft. At some point, paying (US)$69 million for an aircraft we know has serious problems with its life-support system has to be questioned,” the ranking member of the House Armed Services tactical air and land forces subcommittee, Democrat Representative Niki Tsongas, said on February 6.
In response, Rear Admiral Sarah Joyner, head of the US Navy’s Physiological Episode Action Team, said the service is looking to make a series of design changes to the F/A-18’s OBOGS and environmental control system (ECS) that are designed to make the aircraft safer to operate.
Citat:The US Navy (USN) has launched a service life extension programme (SLEP) for its fleet of Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet combat aircraft, the Department of Defense (DoD) disclosed on 28 February.
The Naval Air Systems Command has awarded Boeing a USD73.2 million contract to increase the airframe hours of the first four Super Hornets, from 6,000 to 9,000. The work will continue through to April 2020.
Citat:The US Navy (USN) has launched a service life extension programme (SLEP) for its fleet of Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet combat aircraft, the Department of Defense (DoD) disclosed on 28 February.
The Naval Air Systems Command has awarded Boeing a USD73.2 million contract to increase the airframe hours of the first four Super Hornets, from 6,000 to 9,000. The work will continue through to April 2020.
Ali dizu i postojece Block II na Block III
Citat:ARLINGTON, Va., March 1, 2018 – Boeing [NYSE: BA] has been awarded a contract to modernize the U.S. Navy F/A-18 fleet, extending the life of existing Super Hornets from 6,000 to 9,000+ flight hours. In the early 2020s, Boeing will begin installing initial updates to the aircraft that will convert existing Block II Super Hornets to a new Block III configuration.
The Block III conversion will include enhanced network capability, longer range with conformal fuel tanks, an advanced cockpit system, signature improvements and an enhanced communication system. The updates are expected to keep the F/A-18 in active service for decades to come.
“The initial focus of this program will extend the life of the fleet from 6,000 to 9,000 flight hours,” said Mark Sears, SLM program director. “But SLM will expand to include Block II to Block III conversion, systems grooming and reset and O-level maintenance tasks designed to deliver a more maintainable aircraft with an extended life and more capability. Each of these jets will fly another 10 to 15 years, so making them next-generation aircraft is critical.”
Citat:Beyond these initial four aircraft the navy has not said how many aircraft will go through the SLEP process, but it will likely encompass most if not all of the service’s 568 Super Hornet programme-of-record (with more being requested).
Kako u članku piše, većina ili svih 568 komada.
To znaći na kratko šta misle o F-35.
Cigi ::Citat:Beyond these initial four aircraft the navy has not said how many aircraft will go through the SLEP process, but it will likely encompass most if not all of the service’s 568 Super Hornet programme-of-record (with more being requested).
Kako u članku piše, većina ili svih 568 komada.
To znaći na kratko šta misle o F-35.
Narudzbe F35 teku po planu ne planiraju smanjenje.
Trebaju im wingovi za sve nosace, Samo mi nije jasno jeli broj od 568 sa ovih novih 110 sto su sad naruceni ili ne.