Boeing F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet


Boeing F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet

  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2880
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

Raptor1 ::Cigi ::Citat:Beyond these initial four aircraft the navy has not said how many aircraft will go through the SLEP process, but it will likely encompass most if not all of the service’s 568 Super Hornet programme-of-record (with more being requested).
Kako u članku piše, većina ili svih 568 komada.
To znaći na kratko šta misle o F-35.

Narudzbe F35 teku po planu ne planiraju smanjenje.

Trebaju im wingovi za sve nosace, Samo mi nije jasno jeli broj od 568 sa ovih novih 110 sto su sad naruceni ili ne.

Citat:F-35 development started in 1992 with the origins of the Joint Strike Fighter program and is set to culminate in full production in 2018.
To je bio plan. To o ćemu ti prićaš je već n-ti plan.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 26 Okt 2011
  • Poruke: 1232

74 nova F35 su planirani FY19, 9 od tih su F35C , uz njih idu i 24 F18SH , 98 aviona godisnje.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101646

Nagradjena posada
Aircrew that landed a Growler while blind and freezing awarded for bravery

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101646

Trampov Growler

Citat:Американскому президенту Дональду Трампу представили именной истребитель F/A-18 Growler. "На авиастроительном заводе Boeing президенту в ангаре были представлены два новых реактивных истребителя, - цитирует агентство РИА Новости слова журналистов пула Белого дома. - Первый был F/A-18, на котором красовалось: "Главнокомандующий Дональд Дж. Трамп".

  • Pridružio: 26 Okt 2011
  • Poruke: 1232

Boeing je najavio novi projekat Stealth SuperHornet ima sav tekst na aviationweeku ali treba platiti da bi to citao .

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31276

Raptor1 ::Boeing je najavio novi projekat Stealth SuperHornet ima sav tekst na aviationweeku ali treba platiti da bi to citao .

Netreba da se plati, samo da si drug clan komiteta Wink

Citat:Gillian confirms that an improved low-observable (LO) coating will be one of five key characteristics of the Block III Super Hornet. The fighter is already “a very stealth airplane today”—he says, declining to elaborate—but there are new coatings engineers can apply on different surfaces of the aircraft to make it even more survivable, he says.

The F/A-18 was not designed specifically to be stealthy and lacks many of the fundamental stealth characteristics baked into Lockheed Martin’s F-35 and F-22 airframes. But there are other ways to enhance stealth, such as adding LO coating and radar-absorbent material improvements in certain locations on the airframe. A few simple changes “can buy us just a little bit of performance that’s low-cost and easy to go do,” Gillian says.

The souped-up aircraft the Navy has agreed to buy looks very different from Boeing’s original 2013 proposal for an “Advanced Super Hornet,” which focused on stealth. Boeing engineers found they needed to make design compromises to significantly reduce the aircraft’s radar cross section—for instance, by restricting payload, Gillian told Aviation Week in 2017 (AW&ST Feb. 20-March 5, 2017, p. 17).

This drove Boeing to drop certain features of the 2013 proposal, such as an enclosed weapons pod and internal infrared search-and-track (IRST) sensor, from the newest package.

The Navy will begin procuring the Block III Super Hornet in fiscal 2019 with a 24-aircraft buy, the first of which will come off the production line in 2020. Over the next five years, the Navy proposes buying 110 additional Super Hornets, including a three-year procurement, which is a significant boost from last year’s budget request. Meanwhile, the Navy will accelerate divestiture of the legacy Hornets, with the last active component squadron transitioning to the Super Hornet in 2018. The service plans to send the last F/A-18 A-D to the boneyard no later than the fiscal 2030 timeframe.

Boeing aims to deliver one Block III squadron per carrier air wing by 2024 and two squadrons of Block IIIs per carrier air wing by 2027, Gillian says.

Boeing will achieve this goal both by building new Super Hornets and by upgrading the older Block II aircraft to the Block III configuration i -depot. Boeing intends to start service life modification (SLM) work on the Block II aircraft in St. Louis in April.

The SLM’s initial focus will be extending airframe life to 9,000 hr. from 6,000, Gillian says. Later, SLM will incorporate efforts to make the aircraft more “maintainable”—for example, grooming wire, fixing corrosion and replacing ducts. Boeing is also working with the Navy on a “reset” of the Super Hornet’s environmental control system following a spike in hypoxia-like physiological episodes in the fleet.

SLM will expand to include the full Block II-to-Block III conversion in the early 2020s, Gillian says. This means LO improvements; an advanced cockpit system with a large-area display for improved user interface, a more powerful computer called the distributed targeting processor network, a bigger data pipe for passing information called Tactical Targeting Network Technology and conformal fuel tanks (CFT).

The CFTs will extend the range of the aircraft by 100-120 nm. They are designed to replace the extra fuel tanks the Super Hornet currently slings under its wings, reducing weight and drag and enabling additional payload.

Boeing in February received a potential $219.6 million order to design, develop, test and integrate the CFTs. This work will manifest both in the new-build aircraft that will roll off the line in 2020 and the aircraft being converted from Block II to Block III, Gillian says.

Finally, the Block III upgrade also will include a long-range IRST sensor that will allow the Super Hornet to detect and track advanced threats from a distance.

Gillian expects SLM work will take 18 months per aircraft at first, but he wants to drive that time down to 12 months.

To je Block III bez onog ogromnog kontejnera za oruzje koji je meni uvek bio glup...

  • Pridružio: 26 Okt 2011
  • Poruke: 1232

Toni na pocetak Seglerka je objavila onaj clanak koji je bio jedino na placanje posle su vjerovatno otvorili da registrovani clanovi mogu da procitaju cijeli tekst.

F18 Hornete koriste jos izgleda ostat ce do kraja 2030godine , F35C ide sporo B verzija ide puno brze. Nije ni cudo da se Trump zali da Evropejci su batalili vojsku kad Amerika ima bise mornarickih aviona nego cijela zapadna evropa . Mocna britanska imperija spala na 3 squadrona

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101646

Jos 10 SH za amere
Citat:President Donald Trump signed into law on 23 March a spending bill that adds 143 aircraft, worth $9.5 billion, to what was already requested by the Department of Defence, including 20 additional F-35 Lightning II fighters, 10 F/A-18 Super Hornets, and three KC-46A tanker aircraft.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101646

Australijski specijal

Citat:6 Squadron 100 years Special

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101646

Boeing and Kuwait cement Super Hornet deal
Citat:Boeing and the government of Kuwait on Friday finalized a long-awaited deal for 28 Super Hornets, with a contract value that could amount to almost $1.2 billion.
Under the agreement, Kuwait will purchase 22 single-seat F/A-18E models and six F/A-18Fs, the two-seat version of the jet.
The contract immediately obligates $275.9 million for long-lead nonrecurring engineering costs, including radar warning receivers and aircraft armament equipment.
However, because the final award value has not been definitized, Boeing stands to make as much as $1.2 billion — the ceiling value of the contract.
The State Department approved the Super Hornet sale to Kuwait in November 2016. At the time, Kuwait was considering a purchase of up to 40 aircraft to replace its current fleet of legacy Hornets, and the department estimated the sale could rack up a value of up to $10.1 billion.


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