Dana 17.05.2020. poleteo je novi avion proizvodjaca CESSNA.
U pitanju je dvomotorni SkyCourier.
Avion ce se proizvoditi u 2 varijante:
1) putnickoj sa 19 mesta
2) transportnoj sa mogucnoscu prevoza 3 kontejnera klase LD3.
Citat:The 3rd aircraft in the Cessna SkyCourier test program has completed 1st flight.
The aircraft will be used for:
Avionics testing
Flammable fluids testing
Cold-hot weather testing at the McKinley Climatic Laboratory at Eglin Air Force Base
Kao Sherpa, ili C-212, samo nešto manji, bez zadnjih kargo vrata i T-repom. Meni je Sherpa i dalje omiljeni u ovoj klasi. U stvari više liči na Twin Otter-a.
Bice ponudjen stranim kupcima
Cessna SkyCourier offered through FMS Citat:The Cessna 408 SkyCourier will be offered to foreign nations as a military platform through the Foreign Military Sale programme.
The US Department of Defense has just decided this as part of a wider IDIQ (indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity) award to Textron Aviation, which is also valid for the Beechcraft B200 and B300 King Air, and the Cessna 208 Caravan/Grand Caravan. This should make acquiring the SkyCourier easier for military customers.
Najverovatnije će moći, kada ga jednom ponude civilstvu. U principu, sve što mu treba su rolo-vrata i linija unutra. Poznajući firmu, biće skup k'o đavo.
Harbin Y-12F je praktično isti avion, a proverena platforma. PZL M28 ima i zadnja kargo vrata. Twin Otter će da napravi 5 tura dok ovaj završi 3. Ovom avionu je glavni adut ipak to što je dizajniran oko Fedexovog zahteva za regionalni kargo koji može da primi 3 LD3 kontejnera.
Jos jedan operater
Another new Cessna 408-operator: Kamaka Air Citat:Hawaiian based Kamaka Air received their first Cessna 408 SkyCourier on 10 February 2023 at the Cessna Textron Aviation facility in Wichita (KS) but only released picture of the happy event on 24 February 2023.