Neko je pitao ranije pa sam kacio sliku da se vidi bolje, ne mogu sad da trazim. Uglavnom rupa je pregrada u CFT tanku da preko rupe mehos dohvati poklopac od topa i na taj nacin izvrsi punjenje topa a da se ne skida ceo CFT tank. Imaju je i svi ostali koji imaju CFT na F-16 samo se ovde dobro vidi.
Viperi koji ucestvuju na ovogodisnjoj vezbi RIMPAC 2012
Ista se odrzava oko Havajskih ostrva u periodu
od 24 jula do 3 avgusta
Dopuna: 27 Jul 2012 14:52
Izraelci prizemljili jedan deo flote F-16C/D "Barak" Citat:The Israeli air force has grounded some of its Lockheed Martin F-16C/D "Barak" fighters after technicians discovered paint on the inner side of the type's air intake is peeling off and could potentially enter the engine. The problem was detected on aircraft operated from the service's bases in Hazor and Ramat David.
BAE dobio ugovor za modernizaciju korejskih
BAE Systems has been awarded a $1.1 billion contract by South Korea to upgrade its KF-16 fighter jets.
By the end of 2021, BAE Systems will upgrade the mission computers and operating systems of 134 KF-16 fighters. A separate firm will be chosen to upgrade the warplanes radar.
Drugi egipatski F-16D-52 (9822)
NAS Fort Worth
Jul 2012
Dopuna: 17 Avg 2012 16:48
Ameri nude jos Vipera Indoneziji Citat:The Indonesian Military (TNI) is set for an aggressive upgrade to its worn-out firepower next year as the United States has made a fresh offer to donate jet fighters and lawmakers are willing to swell the defense budget.