Citat:10 years of F-16 service in Poland. Polish Air Force aircrafts F-16 block 52+ Fighting Falcon (also known as a Viper) during two exceptional Air-to-Air video sessions from the deck CASA C-295.
Bahrein jos ceka za odobrenje ....
Citat:A third deal, the sale of F-16 fighters built by Lockheed Martin Corp to Bahrain, remains under consideration, but approval is not as far along, said one of the sources.
Raytheon to upgrade CDUs of 130 F-16s Citat:The U.S. Department of Defense has given Raytheon a $8.8 million contract to upgrade the Center Display Unit on 130 F-16 fighters.
The upgrading will be done at Indianapolis and is expected to be completed by Sept. 30, 2017.