Novi ometacki kontejner `Hibinji` nosi Su-34 ( pored Su-27SM/SM3 ) ali ne i Su-24M/M2 . Dakle odgovor je ne nosi ..
Evo nekih detalja o izvidjackoj opremi MR i ometackoj opremi varijante MP
Welzow's Fencers
Citat:The first Su-24MR "Fencer-E" of the 11.ORAP flew their first operational sorties from their Brandenburg base on February 17, 1986. For a few weeks, the regiment's new reconnaissance variants flew alongside the Yak-28R that they were replacing. The last "Brewer-D" indeed left Germany on July 2, 1986. Welzow was left with two squadrons entirely equipped with Su-24MR.
The Su-24MR (MR for Modifikatsirovanyy Razvedchik) was a conventional tactical reconnaissance aircraft whose large size permitted it to carry the BRK-1 embedded reconnaissance complex (Bortovoy Razvedyvatel'nyy Kompleks). The classic infrared and electronic reconnaissance systems of the BKR-1 reconnaissance suite made of the Su-24MR a much more capable reconnaissance platform than its predecessors.
A M-101 Shtik (Bayonet) Side Looking Airborne Radar (SLAR) was located inside its nose. It was possible to scan an area of 4 to 24 kilometers wide on each side alternatively with a resolution of 5 to 7.5 meters. The extension of the white paint behind the nose radome was a ruse to hide the large lateral dielectric panels of the SLAR. An AFA AP-402M rotary prism-equipped panoramic camera with a focal length of 90.5 mm was located under the fuselage right behind the front nose wheel. The Kadr complex included an AFA-A-100 oblique camera with a focal length of 1000 mm mounted under the left reactor air intake. This complex made it possible to jettison the exposed films housed inside a parachute-equipped cassette in flight when necessary; however, we have not been able to find how the cassette was ejected. An Aist-M (Stork) TV reconnaisssance system also found its place inside the fuselage, just behind the AP-402M camera. Finally, the Zima (Winter) IR sensor formed a small fairing that could be found set back under the right engine air intake. A data link was used to transmit the images collected by TV, IR and laser means to a ground station. The aircraft position and the time also were recorded for each pictura taken. The digital data were received and analyzed with the Posrednik (Intermediary) mobile complex mounted on two trucks. Like all the "Fencer," the Su-24MR had on its back a big air scoop feeding a heat exchanger to cool the onboard systems it carried. However, the one of the "Fencer-E" seemed bigger due to its rounded top. The latter in fact housed the antenna of the ShRK-1 large band data link transmitter.
The Su-24MR had no offensive capability: the Orion-A attack radar, the Kayra-24 weapons system and the GSh-6-23M cannon that the "Fencer-D" attack aircraft carried were not mounted. However, the Rel'yef' terrain-following radar was still present. In order to ensure its survival, this variant enjoyed the remarkable Su-24M self-defense suite that included on the late production batches: an SPO-15 Bereza (Birch) radar warning and homing radar receiver, a L-082 Mak-UL (Poppy) IR missile detector, a SPS-161 Geran-F (Geranium) radar jamming system, an SPS-143 ECM complex and APP-50A flare launchers. "Fencer-F" were wired to carry R-60 or R-60M (AA-8 "”Aphid"”) short-range IR air to air missiles under their wings. The 11.ORAP aircraft often were observed with APU-60-2 adapters for two R-60 missiles under the left wing outboard pylon. As part of their mission and in addition to their standard onboard equipment, the Su-24MR from Welzow always carried one or two specialized pods such as the Konteyner n°2 that was a SRS-14 Tangazh (Pitch) ELINT pod mounted under the fuselage or the Konteyner n°1 Shpil'-2M (Spire) designed for laser low-level reconnaissance.
The images collected from an altitude of 400 meters were almost of photographic quality thanks to a 25 cm resolution. The laser system that could be used both by day and by night could cover a strip of land with a width equal to four times the aircraft altitude. The data collected were transmitted to the ground in real time with the data link. Konteyner n°3 Efir-1M (Ether) was attached only under the right wing. It was designed for measuring the levels of radioactivity in the air. The data were recorded on magnetic tapes or transmitted to the ground via the data link connection. Other external stores often observed at Welzow were the impressive 3000-liter PTB-3000 drop tanks. They were always present on the flight line, resting on wooden brackets. The "Fencer" of the 11.ORAP had a particular feature that they only shared - within the 16.VA - with the Su-24 of the 497.BAP from Grossenhain and the Su-24M of the 116.GBAP from Brand. It was a retractable in-flight refueling boom that was centered in front of the windscreen. However, unlike the aircraft of the 116.GBAP that used UPAZ-1A Sakhalin in-flight refueling pods, the Su-24MR did not practiced in-flight refueling using the "buddy-buddy" technique between them. The "Fencer-F" indeed always carried a reconnaissance pod under its belly and consequently were not equipped to carry the Sakhalin refueling pod.
Having lost its Yak-28PP electronic warfare aircraft in 1986, the third squadron of the 11.ORAP was back in 1989 when it received eight Su-24MP "Fencer-F" from Chortkov in Ukraine, where they operated alongside Yak-28PP within the 118.OAPREB (Otde'lnyy Aviatsionnyy Polk Radioelektronnoy Borb'i - Separate Electronic Warfare Aviation Regiment). They were the only "Fencer" of that type ever deployed outside the territory of the USSR. The Su-24MP (MP for Modifikatsirovanyy Postanovshchik-Pomekh - Modified [for] Jamming) - sometimes compared to the US EF-111 "Raven" - was expected to become the successor of the Yak-28PP within the VVS. The Su-24MP could easily be distinguished from the other "Fencer" variants by a large rectangular antenna fairing placed under its nose radome and by the two hockey stick shaped antennas of the SPS-5 Fasol' (Kidney Bean) jamming system located behind the engines air intakes as also was the case for the Yak-28PP. Like the MR variant, the MP version had no Orion-A radar and its nose was painted white to hide the rectangular dielectric panels of the jamming systems mounted inside the nose radome. The aircraft of the 11.ORAP regularly carried a ventral pod that apparently looked like the Shpil'-2M pod of the Su-24MR. However, this was a completely different equipment. The "Fencer-F" could carry two ventral pods of a type perhaps designated Konteyner n°1 and Konteyner n°2 in the manner of those of the Su-24MR. The first pod housed SPS-6 Los' (Moose) and Mimoza (Mimosa) jammers while the second was an automatic decoy launcher designed to jam radar. The electronic warfare suite of the Su-24MP was named Landysh (Lily of the valley). The Su-24MP could rely on different systems common to the M and MR models already described and carried R-60 missiles to ensure its survivability. In any event, the eight Su-24MP based at Welzow were rare aircraft. The total production of the "Fencer-F" remains an enigma - only eight aircraft plus two prototypes, or twenty, were built.
Moje pitanje je postavljeno iz razloga da dokučim da li je čuveni susret Su-24 i krstarice Donald Kuk samo plod nečije mašte ili se on stvarno dogodio.
Если бы "Дональд Кук" к Севастополю подошёл... u ovom linjku ima zanimljivog viđenja
Citat:Военный эксперт и аналитик мировых ВМС Игорь Стешин в интервью "Военной Политике" рассказал любопытную версию относительно визита корабля : "Следует понимать, что для американцев любая война - это изучение противника. По моим данным, "Кук" был снабжен целой надстройкой с аппаратурой, которая засекала частоты, на которых работает новая российская армия, и измеряет еще целый ряд параметров, которые напрямую относятся к средствам РЭБ. Учитывая, что связи ни у кого в те дни в Крыму, кроме российских военных не было, то такая версия имеет место быть." - заявил эксперт. Po Stešinu, glavni cilj krstarice je radioelektronsko izviđanje i hvatanje frekvencija rada radara, komunikacija i sl.
još jedan zanimljiv citat iz pomenutog linka
Citat:Дональд Кук" по заверениям специалистов в области РЭБ и ПВО не сделал бы ни единого выстрела или даже намёка на выстрел у берегов Крыма, потому что помимо "Монолита" американский эсминец "вели" как минимум 10 систем наблюдения. Чувствительная к излучению американская электроника, по словам экспертов, буквально ревела в те минуты, когда одна за другой по кораблю начали "работать" системы обнаружения. Не "Монолитом" единым жил в те непростые минуты Крым. Po ovome, Rusi su upalili Monolit radare Bastiona da bi amerikancima stavili do znanja da su zasečeni i da se nalaze pod udarom raketa. Zanimljivo je da nisu samo Monoliti pratili krstaricu već i gomila drugih uređaja, koje rusi ne navode.
U ovom Большой блеф НАТО: на что на самом деле «способна» система ПРОkao i u gomili drugih linkova pominje se
Citat:12 апреля летчики ВВС России на самолетах Су-24 облетели эсминец несколько раз, «заглушив» всю электронику корабля комплексом РЭБ «Хибины». Ответ на вопрос, эффективна ли военная электроника США, стал очевиден для всех. После нескольких часов замешательства, страха и надрывного радиообмена капитана корабля, моряки США с позором удалились в румынский порт Констанца.
Međutim, ako se proćita ovaj link Ослепляй и властвуй: пять лучших российских систем радиоэлектронной борьбы onda postaje jasno da se Hibini ne kači na Su-24, a cela priča je izmišljena.
Citat iz pomenutog linka Citat:Сегодня «Хибины» устанавливается только на СУ-30, СУ-34 и СУ-35, поэтому история с апрельским нападением СУ-24 на американский эсминец «Дональд Кук», согласно которой российский бомбардировщик имел на борту этот комплекс, не более чем газетный слух.
Sklon sam da verujem, na osnovu činjenica koje govore u prilog tome da se Hibini ne ugrađuje na stari Su-24, da je cela priča sa razaračem izmišljena, u svrhu dezinformacija i propagandnog rata.
Ali je isto tako zanimljivo koliko je ta dezinformacija ostavila traga na internetu.
Ima i ovo:
Комплекс РЭБ Хибины tu u linku piše da su avioni nosači kontejnera osim Su-34, Su-35 i Su-30SM i Су-24МК / Су-24МК2 - контейнер КС-418Э с комплексом РЭП "Хибины".
na kraju stranice stoji
Citat: 2014 г. 15 апреля - на одном из сайтов патриотической направленности появилась публикация "Хибины" против "Иджис" или что так сильно испугало Пентагон?" (источник), которую модераторы даже того сайта определили в раздел "Домыслы". В статье с искажением фактов описывается якобы атака Су-24 с применением комплекса "Хибины", которая якобы имела место в недавнем облете самолетом такого типа американского эсминца "Дональд Кук" 12 апреля 2014 г. Статья вызвала оживленное обсуждение в сети и была перепечатана многими сайтами включая весьма уважаемые. Позже была удалена так же на многих сайтах. Что касается реальной ситуации, то можем отметить следующее:
- облет самолетом Су-24 американского корабля действительно имел место;
- во время облета американского корабля Су-24 не совершал никаких враждебных действий.
- комплекс "Хибины" не устанавливается на самолеты Су-24. Ok, ne može na Su-24 a da li može na Su-24MK?
Da li je moguće da je leteo MK ili MK2?
To je samo maketa ....a MK/MK2 jesu izvozne varijante od M/M2 moze sigurno kontejner REB `Hibinji` na Su-24M/M2 jer on ima svoje karakteristicne kontejnere za ometanje .
Te kontejnere sam vidjao na Su-34 i Su-27SM/SM3 cini mi se i na remontovanim Su-27S/P.
Ono što su meni rusi rekli je da je najverovatnije dejstvovala neka varijanta "Гефест" sistema, koja je možda čak i nešto kao modernizovani Gefest. Inače, nakon sletanja inkriminišućeg SU-24, navedena je na ovom forumu i fotografija aviona, ali se na njoj vidi da je bez ičega podvešanog leteo. Drugi avion i njegove fotografije, nisu prezentovani. Moja pretpostavka je da ako je išta okačeno, onda je to sigurno bilo na drugom avionu, koji je sa bezbednog odstojanja obavljao posao postavljanja smetnji.
I sve to navodi da je u pitanju "lovacka prica". Moze se lako desitd da je bilo:
MR leti nisko i na brodu ga ne primecuju dok se nije pojavio prakticno niotkuda. Ostatak nakitili novinari, sa ili bez necijeg "blagoslova".