Nosaci aviona klase Gerald R. Ford


Nosaci aviona klase Gerald R. Ford

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

Novi vek nam po pitanju americkih nosaca aviona donosi neke novitete.

2015 godine postace operativan potpuno novi NA sa imenom 38-og predsednika SAD . Naziv i oznaka novog NA jeste USS Gerald R. Ford CVN-78. Zvanicno su poznata imena prva 3 NA te nove klase .

Pored pomenutog CVN-78 bice tu USS John F. Kennedy CVN-79 i USS Enterprise CVN-80.

Trenutno USN raspolaze sa 10 aktivnih NA ( svi iz Nimic klase ) a novi CVN-78 ce da uskoci na mesto penzionisanog CVN-65 Enterprise( od dec. 2012).

Kobilica novog NA je polozena 13 nov.2009 a konstrukcioni radovi su poceli 11 avg. 2005g.Gradnja se obavlja u poznatom brodogradilistu Newport News Shipbuilding- Hamport Roads- Virginia.

Citat:Huntington Ingals reports (in a 8 Nov. 2012 GLOBE NEWSWIRE press release) that they have "Reached 87 percent structural completion of CVN-78 Gerald R. Ford". By 19 December 2012, construction had reached 90 percent structural completion. "Of the nearly 500 total structural lifts needed to complete the ship, 446 have been accomplished."
The island is scheduled to "land" in 2012.It is scheduled for launch (i.e. christening) in 2013 and delivery in 2015.

Sto se drugog NA u klasi tice

Citat:On February 25, 2011, the ceremonial first cut of steel for the CVN 79 was made at Newport News Shipbuilding. The CVN 79 will be second in the Ford-class of nuclear aircraft carriers.

Ceremonial First Cut of Steel for CVN 79


Neki izvori podataka


Arrow )



Neke osnovne karakteristike

Deplasman (puni ?) -100.000 t

Duzina (najveca)- 333,

Sirina (najveca)- 78m

Brzina - 30+ cvorova

Pogon - 2x A1B atomska reaktora

Posada- 4660 clanova

Naoruzanje- poput onog na NA klase Nimitz uz dodatke

Avijacijska grupa- oko 75 aviona i helikoptera

Kada su u pitanju noviteti treba pomenuti pre svega integraciju novih elektomagnetnih katapult uredjaja iliti EMALS.

Citat:The EMALS is being developed by General Atomics for the U.S. Navy's newest Gerald R. Ford class aircraft carriers.


Ostali noviteti

What is new in the Ford-class

Citat:Overall design

Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78 ) is the first new aircraft carrier design in 40 years, replacing the Nimitz class of carriers. The new design brings many performance improvements, including:

25 percent increase in sortie generation rate
2.5 times electrical generation capacity over the Nimitz-class
Manpower reduction of 500 billets
The new carrier class was redesigned from the keel to the mast of the island house. Among the improvements:

New reactor and propulsion plants
Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS), an improvement over steam catapult system
New island
All electric ship
Major space rearrangement
Flight deck extensions
Advanced arresting gear

Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78 ) is the Navy's first aircraft carrier to be completely designed using a 3-dimensional product model.


Jos neke pojedinosti i zanimljivosti o novim NA

Gerald R Ford Class (CVN 78/79) – US Navy CVN 21 Future Carrier Programme, United States of America

Citat:The first two ships, USS Gerald R Ford (CVN 78 ) and USS John F Kennedy (CVN 79), will be commissioned in 2015 and 2019, and further ships of the class will enter service at intervals of five years. A total of ten Ford class carriers are planned with construction continuing to 2058.

Citat:The CVN 78 will replace USS Enterprise (CVN 65), which entered service in 1961 and will approach the end of its operational life by 2015. The total acquisition cost of the CVN 21 is expected to be $11.7bn.

Citat:"Northrop is using a suite of CAD tools for the CVN 21 programme."

"Sortie rates for the CVN 21 increased to 160 sorties a day compared with 140 a day for the Nimitz Class."


Dosadasnja arhiva sa foto-galerijom

NavSource Online: Aircraft Carrier Photo Archive

PCU GERALD R. FORD (CVN-78 ) (CVN-21 Program, formerly CVNX)


Jedan dokument vezan za nove NA

Navy Ford (CVN-78 ) Class Aircraft Carrier Program: Background and Issues for Congress

Ronald O'Rourke Specialist in Naval Affairs December 10, 2012


Crtez CVN-78

Ostatak fotki gradnje


Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102188

Napisano: 27 Jan 2013 5:01

Citat:(Jan. 26, 2013) Huntington Ingalls Industries celebrated significant progress today as the 555-metric ton island was lowered onto the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78 ) at the company’s Newport News Shipbuilding division. The 60-foot long, 30-foot wide island was the 452nd lift of the nearly 500 total lifts needed to complete the aircraft carrier. (U.S. Navy photo courtesy Huntington Ingalls Industries/Released)

Dopuna: 27 Jan 2013 14:01

Citat:It was a historic day for the CVN-78 USS Gerald R Ford carrier.

On Saturday, a ceremony for the 'Island Landing' was held; an 'Island Landing' is where builders place the navigation bridge and flight operations center on the carrier.

The carrier is named after the former president and construction began on the Gerald R Ford in 2009. It is set to launch later this year.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208


USS Gerald Ford, CVN-78, construction, Dec 2012 - 90% complete


  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2012
  • Poruke: 113

super nosac koji ce da bude u sluzbi preko 50 godina:

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

Announcement: New aircraft carrier (CVN-80) to be named USS Enterprise!

Citat:At the inactivation ceremony of the USS Enterprise (CVN-65) the announcement was made that the next carrier of the Gerald R. Ford class will be named USS Enterprise (CVN-80). The crowd's reaction shows that this was well received news.


  • Pridružio: 14 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 1368

Logično. Inače brojka je za strahopoštovanje. Od drugog svetskog rata su dogurali do 80og nosača.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

The USS Gerald Ford Is The Single Most Expensive Piece Of Military Hardware Ever Built

Citat:The USS Gerald R. Ford is the most expensive weapon ever created and will run about $11.5 billion, with three ships costing about $40.2 billion.


  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 1548

Ma šta je za njih 40 milijardi...peace of cake....koliko će imati onda oni aktivnih nosača 2020 na primer?Amerika se sprema za veliki rat tu nema više nikakvih sumnji jedino još treba da donesu definitivnu odluku kada.To u sledećih 10 godina mora da se obavi(tj. započne)...kada Indiju privole na svoju stranu, verovatno tada .

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208


Do 2020 ce imati sve ove danas sa tim da ce CVN-65 USS Enterprise biti zamenjen sa novim CVN-78 USS Gerald R. Ford

ostala 2 CVN-79 i 80 dolaze nakon 2020 g

Sve imas na


  • Pridružio: 14 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 1368

Ako oni izguraju F35B, a na kraju hoće, biće naivno reći da imaju samo 11 nosača aviona.

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