Uzeo sam da čitam malo o 3. neprijateljskoj ofanzivi na engleskoj Wiki. Ne znam da li je to kvalitetan izvor informacija, ali mi se čini daleko više neutralna u odnosu na ove naše jezike. Elem, došao sam do nekih meni ranije nepoznatih i vrlo, vrlo interesantnih otkrića.
Citiraću pasuse ili neke delove pasusa odatle, pa vas molim da mi kažete da li je ovo istina:
In early January 1942, the Partisan Supreme Headquarters decided to permit fighters who were not willing to formally become Partisans to fight alongside Partisan units. These "volunteer detachments" were under the control of the Supreme Headquarters of the renamed People's Liberation Partisan and Volunteer Army of Yugoslavia, and were established from former Chetnik-aligned fighters as the Jahorina, Foča, Vlasenica, Srebrenica and Krajina Volunteer Detachments. The Krajina Volunteer Detachment consisted of refugees from that region who had fled to German-occupied Serbia to escape the Ustaše terror. Volunteer battalions and companies were also placed under the staff of the original Partisan detachments, with many of them absorbed as whole units with the addition of a communist cadre. Some volunteer detachments fought under their own leaders, and all volunteer detachments fought under the Serbian tri-colour flag
Dakle, nekim četničkim jedinicama koje su prešle u partizane je dozvoljeno da zadrže određenu autonomiju u komandovanju, kao i srpsku trobojku???
The concentration of the most reliable fighters into proletarian brigades, shock battalions and shock companies weakened the integrity of the four remaining Partisan detachments in eastern Bosnia, but enabled the Partisan Supreme Headquarters to concentrate its best forces in mobile units to undertake successful offensive operations against the Chetniks. (...) Many Bosnian Chetniks deserted to the Partisans, often joining as complete units under their previous Chetnik commanders. These former Chetnik units became units of the "Volunteer Army", which reached a strength of around 7,000–8,000 fighters by the end of March. Their loyalty and military value to the Partisans was very limited
Ovo je meni jako zanimljiv pasus. Objašnjava donekle razloge zašto su formirane udarne i proleterske brigade, ali takođe i govori o ''dobrovoljačkoj vojsci'' nastaloj iz redova četnika koji su dezertirali u partizane. To po meni implicira da je Tito i Vrhovni štab bio spreman da prihvati i drugačija mišljenja i drugačije ideologije u svom partizanskom pokretu kao i da se nisu svi ljudi koji bi pristupali partizanima privoljevali da postanu automatski i komunisti i članovi KPJ. Takođe, to mi govori o širini pokreta i shvatanju potrebe za ujedinjenjem radi zajedničke borbe, kao u Grčkoj tada npr.
Ipak, ovi odredi kao i ''regularni partizanski odredi'' su bili jako ranjivi zbog toga jer su partizanski i dobrovoljački odredi bili sastavljeni gotovo isključivo od lokalnih Srba i Srba iz Srbije pridošlih nakon pada Užičke republike:
The Partisan forces in eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina initially consisted almost entirely of Serb peasants, and this made much of the rank and file of both Partisan and volunteer detachments highly susceptible to pro-Chetnik agitation, accommodations with Chetnik forces in the local area and hostility towards non-Serbs. The Partisan moves towards multi-ethnic recruiting, imposition of extreme left-wing policies and use of terror against "class enemies" made all the Partisan and volunteer detachments vulnerable to such agitation. Chetnik infiltrators were able to join detachments and turn the rank and file against their communist cadres.
Za kraj još jedno pitanje. S obzirom da je nakon ove ofanzive usledio partizanski marš u zap. Bosnu i da se mnogo ovih dobrovoljaca vratilo u četnike, kao i da je mnogo partizana Srba nevezanih za ove dobrovoljce prišlo četnicima, da li je to razlog zašto su četnici imali jako uporište ovde tokom rata, da su činili onolike zločine protiv muslimanskog stanovništva i da su generalno ovakve stvare pogurale narod u ist. Bosni i ist. Hercegovini da bude donekle anti-komunistički i anti-partizanski? Verujem (davno sam gledao ali mi ima smisla) da se i film ''Gluvi barut'' loosely bavi ovim pitanjem.