Welcome (rules)!

Welcome (rules)!

  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2006
  • Poruke: 3247
  • Gde živiš: Gde ja zivim...

Welcome to International military MyCity Forum for foreign users .
You are welcome to join and post about military technology, equipment, history, hardware, tactics, news...in english here!

This subforum's language is English. Using alternate languages to get around the flaming or insulting rules is not allowed and can earn a ban.

There's a wealth of knowledge and experience on tap here via the army enthuasistic members of this forum and those who have served or still serve in Serbian or other armed forces of various countries.

Be civil to your fellow forum user. Don't hijack a good conversation thread with an off-topic political or flame war. Posts of this nature will be deleted.
Don't direct post gory or graphic images. Don't post terrorist propaganda videos. These can be identified by usually having terrorist organization logos, featuring terrorist themed music, and reading of manifestos or shouting of religious decrees while sniping, bombing, or beheading a victim.
Don't make threatening comments against another user, or post personal information about another user.
All such posts are fully logged and are forwarded to the authorities where we see fit.
Don't post threads with TITLES IN ALL CAPS.

Political discussions about any current world or x-yu wars should be discussed in an informed and intelligent manner and should be strictly and narrowly focused on military aspects of wars.

Don't use signatures that are unreasonably large.

Don't use provocative avatars or avatars based on any current or former unit or armies involved in recent Balkan conflicts!

Don't use racial or religious slurs.
Do not post content from other sites without receiving permission. This includes hotlinking of images and posting more than small excerpts with a link back to the original site.


Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Nista pametno
  • Pridružio: 30 Maj 2013
  • Poruke: 14
  • Gde živiš: Sector 001

Also this is EX-yu forum.So dont discuss about conflict happened in 1991-1999 period.

  • Pridružio: 13 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 1

elcome to International military MyCity Forum for foreign users .
You are welcome to join and post about military technology, equipment, history, hardware, tactics, news...in english here!

Ko je trenutno na forumu

Ukupno su 1086 korisnika na forumu :: 120 registrovanih, 11 sakrivenih i 955 gosta   ::   [ Administrator ] [ Supermoderator ] [ Moderator ] :: Detaljnije

Najviše korisnika na forumu ikad bilo je 3195 - dana 09 Nov 2023 14:47

Korisnici koji su trenutno na forumu:
Korisnici trenutno na forumu: 04bokibole, 100ka, Ageofloneliness, ALBION101, aleksandar89, AleksandarV, amaterSRB, Asteker, Automaticar, B61, Beardonitch, bgs, bogart81, Bojan198527, bokisha253, Boris BM, BratSrpska, brkan1, Centauro, dak2, Dambi, Darko8, darkojovxp, Dejan_vw, Django777, djboj, djile1, Djole3621, Djordje__________, dozorni, draganl, dule10savic, EXIT78, gaga23, Georgius, gmlale, goflja76, Goran_, GORDI, GveX, Holy Saber, hvost, isioux, jalos, Japidson, jeen yuhs, jodzula, JOntra, komsija1, Kordon, krkalon, Leonov, Litostroton, LostInSpaceandTime, macak44, Macalone, Magistar78, Manjane, markomacii9, mačković, Medojed, Metanoja, Milo97, MiloradKomadic, Milos ZA, Mićko, MountAndBlade, Mskok, Mzee, Najax, Natuzzi, nebojsag, nenooo, nick79, NMNJ, orah, ostoja, Panter, Papadubi, peradetlić, perko91, Petarvu, ping15, pisac12, Podljub, Pohovani_00, Povratak1912, PrincipL, Profesor_018, Pv123, rakivan, Ranutovac, Raso75, redstar011, rikirubio, samo opusteno, Savantije, scimitar19, Seeker, Shinobi, stalja, Stanlio, stegonosa, styg, TangoSix, Titan, tomigun, Toper, Tunguska55, vathra, Velizar Laro, veljkovicdani, Vlado82, vukan0799, Wrangler, zauzet, ZetaMan, zmajbre, |_MeD_|, šumar bk2