Australia’s Project LAND 4503 novi borbeni helikopter

Australia’s Project LAND 4503 novi borbeni helikopter

  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2880
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

Competitors Line up for Australia’s Future Attack Helicopter Project
Citat:Australia’s Department of Defense (DoD) issued a Request for Information (RFI) regarding the project back in mid-July, which would see Initial Operational Capability (IOC) set for 2026 with 12 airframes delivered and Final Operational Capability (FOC) for the entire 29-unit fleet targeted for 2028. The DoD plans for 24 of these new helicopters to be based at a single location while the remaining five will serve as trainers.
Citat:Airbus Helicopters is marketing its Tiger Mk3 as the “Tiger platform beyond 2020.
Boeing, too, is pitching local industrial workshare as it promotes its AH-64E Apache.
Bell, meanwhile, is offering up the AH-1Z Viper, a marinized platform designed for amphibious operations and used by the U.S. Marine Corps.

Kandidati Tiger Mk3, AH-64E Apache i AH-1Z Viper.
Citat:Although the Tiger ARHs delivered between 2004 and 2011 under Project AIR 87 have finally achieved a satisfactory level of serviceability and performance with the Australian Army, years of issues with the fleet prompted the DoD to forego an AUD500‑AUD700 million capability upgrade and opt instead to retire the Tigers in the mid-2020s.
Modernizacija sadašnjih Tigrova za 500 do 700 miljona australskih dolara jih ne zanima. Radije nove.

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