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- Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 7256
Napisano: 05 Okt 2014 3:55
Tema je otvorena kao vapaj na teme tipa šta sve možeš sa milijardama dolara i sklopi idealnu vojsku. Posvećena je svim onim rešenjima koja se stidljivo pojavljuju i nude neku mogućnost da čitave jedinice ne budu beznadežno prevaziđene u beznadežnim okolnostima.
Britansko - holandska modernizacija haubica M101 105mm iz tridesetih. Modernizacija je omogućila korištenje modernije municije uz povećanje dometa i efikasnosti. Izvedena je uz maksimalnu upotrebu postojećih elemenata, a glavna modifikacija bila je nova cijev 105mm 33 kalibra uz određene promjene i ojačanja pratećih elemenata. Krajem devedesetih projekat je usvojen od Kanade (132 komada) i Čilea (12 komada). Osim cijevi 105mm/33 kalibra nuđene su i 105mm/30, 105mm/37 kalibara. Omogućeno je korištenje svih postojećih i budućih tipova klasične i gasogeneratorske municije.
MOBAT - M101 105mm/33 na DAFu 4x4.
Weapon elevation is all-electric using joystick control with traverse limits being 45º left and right. An auxiliary power unit is fitted as standard to keep the batteries charged. Elevation range is from -90 to +1,260 mils with traverse being 800 mils left and right. A burst rate of fire of 8 rds/min can be obtained while a sustained rate of fire of 5 rds/min can be achieved.
A total of 40 105 mm projectiles and associated charges are carried with these being stowed to the immediate rear of the cab under cover.
The baseline MOBAT has a standard gun sight but options include the integration of an automatic gunlaying and navigation system coupled with an onboard computerised fire-control system.
For the Far East trials, MOBAT was fitted with the BAE Systems Laser Inertial Pointing System (LINAPS) of which 137 have now been supplied for installation on the BAE Systems Land Systems 105 mm Light Guns of the Royal Artillery.
LINAPS provides the precise location of the MOBAT with a route navigation capability and also provides the gun crew with orientation and location data without the requirement for the standard sighting system.
Modernizacija haubice M114/39 iz osamdesetih. Sistem je usvojen od Holandije, Danske i Norveške, a ispitivan je i u Kanadi i Brazilu. The M114/39 calibre modification is accomplished using the maximum number of existing gun parts and new components only where necessary. The major change involves a new 155 mm 39 calibre barrel with a larger chamber, increased twist rifling and a muzzle brake which makes the weapon, with current projectiles and charges, baiiisticaliy similar to the US 155 mm M109A2 self-propelled and US 155 mm M198 towed howitzers.
RDM Technology has developed a VW air-cooled diesel auxiliary power unit that can be installed on the forward part of the carriage. This develops 60 hp and enables the M139and M114/39 to move around under their own power at 10 km/h. This APU remains at the prototype stage.
M 46/84 Yugoimport SDPR.
The 155 mm Gun M46/84 is a conversion of the Russian 130 mm Gun M-46 (or the Chinese North Industries Corporation Type 59-1) to accommodate a new 155 mm 45 calibre barrel capable of firing Extended Range Full Bore - Base Bleed ammunition of the separate loading type (projectile and charge).
This conversion gives a range increase of 45 per cent over the original 130 mm M-46 when firing ERFB-BB ammunition. The efficiency of the 155 mm ERFB projectile is claimed to be about three times that of the older Russian-designed 130 mm OF-482 projectile.
The converted gun could also be delivered in 152 mm calibre with this model being designated the cal. 152 M46/86. It uses the same system of propelling charges and Serbia projectiles M84 and M84-GG. Maximum range with the M84 projectile is 27,500 m and with the M84-GG base bleed it is 34,000 m. The 152 mm model also has a 45 calibre barrel.
Elbitova modernizacija vremešnijih PORVa.
Elop’s new clip-on solution overcomes environmental and visibility limitations, using a 3-5µm thermal imager that provides optimal imaging 24/7.
A-TIM – Advanced Clip-on Thermal Imaging Sight for ATGM Launchers
Uses existing eyepiece for both standard and thermal sight
TAFS – Target acquisition unit clip on ATGM
Links Targeting & Firing Team - a complete solution for target acquisition and upgrade of firing effectiveness by incorporating: GPS, digital compass, LRF and tilt sensors.
Common battlefield language – enables identification of every target as absolute coordinates
Maliutka M2T, rumunski projekat sa poboljšanim raketnim motorom i tandem kumulativnom bojevom glavom od Milan 2T POLKa.
Yugoimportove Maljutke
Poboljšani sistem za vođenje uz veću otpornost na smetnje - Kina.
Dopuna: 05 Okt 2014 18:02
AN/PRC-1177 Tactical Radio Set
The worldwide increasing application of wireless communication technique necessitated an increasing of the operating channels available with the radio sets in use.
· Associated Industries has developed a very decisive modification to the PRC-77 resulting with the PRC-1177. Two advantages of the PRC-77 design for the basis of this modification are the rugged design and selective tuning via the variable tuning capacitors through which a high special purity of the transceiver can be gained.
· Associated Industries utilizes the 25 KHz sector arm modification that is installed in the front panel gearing mechanism. This type of modification allows the same type "user friendly" features of the PRC-77 which has a proven track record.
The module A40 is replaced with the module A40/AS that contains a different switch on the A40-1 board and an additional two reference crystal oscillators (5.625 and 5.675 MHz). In the receiver path, the IF- Crystal filter with its + 16 KHz bandwidth is exchanged for a crystal filter with + 8.5 KHz bandwidth.
In addition there is a slight modification to the A22 module creating the A22/AS which allows the decrease in nominal FM deviation to 6 KHz and the 150 Hz tone signaling is set to 2.0 Hz deviation.
The AN/PRC-1177 modification is a very simple and low priced solution permitting the adaptation of inventories to the more modern tactical requirements.
DEUTSCHE ELNO - VHF radio set PRC-77A/25 GY (RT-841A/25) is a modified form of the PRC-77 (RT-841).
It offers a channel spacing of 25kHz, and has a digital synthesiser.
This enables 1840 instead of 920 speech channels.
The cost of maintenance and repairs is also significantly reduced, while service life is increased.
Upon request, existing radio sets from the model PRC-77 (RT-841) can be up-graded.
Dopuna: 05 Okt 2014 20:55
Soltamova modernizacija topova M 46.
The upgraded M-46 is fitted with a monobloc autofrettaged 155 mm barrel 45 calibres long that incorporates a horizontal sliding breech block which is automatically operated. It uses standard M82 primers that are automatically ejected after firing.
The complete weapon system can be divided into two major subassemblies: the ordnance and the carriage.
Whereas the carriage, understructure and recoil mechanism remain unchanged, the ordnance is completely replaced by the new 155 mm 45 calibre barrel assembly that together with the pneumatic ramming device comprises the conversion kit.
The aiming and sighting systems can be brought up to NATO standards as an option and a modern inertial aiming device can also be fitted.
The 155 mm conversion kit comprises the 45 calibre ordnance consisting of the barrel, breech ring assembly, breech block assembly, automatic breech block operating mechanism, new single-baffle muzzle brake, fume extractor and cradle adaptors with the loader assist device and its associated installation.
According to Soltam, the upgraded weapon has a number of unique features:
(1) firing cannot commence unless the breech block is completely closed and locked
(2) the horizontal breech mechanism, operated together with the pneumatic ramming device, enables a high rate of accurate fire to be achieved without the need to lower the ordnance for loading
(3) the gun crew area is clear of the overpressure effects and residual post-firing gases due to the efficient muzzle brake and bore evacuator.
The Soltam upgraded M-46 gun can fire all of the standard 155 mm types of ammunition in worldwide use starting with the M107 family of ammunition and ending with the more recent 155 mm ERFB-BB family of long-range ammunition.
With unassisted ammunition, ranges of up to 30,000 m can be achieved and with assisted ammunition, ranges of up to 39,000 mean be achieved.
This is the US M-114 155mm howitzer, updated by Soltam, as these howitzers were left over from World War 2. Key improvements include replacement of the barrel and muzzle brake, addition of a pneumatic rammer driven by an air compressor, new elevation, traverse, and mount, and a telescopic sight for direct firing (+1). The crew requirements are also reduced. Crew of 6 people can operate the system.
This most cost-effective Upgrading Project of the American M114, provides 50% range increase by replacing only the 23 caliber tube with a new unique design, 33 cal. one and equipping it with a high efficiency muzzle brake. Increasing max. range from 14.3 km to 22.5 km
This most cost-effective Upgrading Project of the American M114, provides 50% range increase by replacing only the 23 caliber tube with a new unique design, 33 cal. one and equipping it with a high efficiency muzzle brake. Increasing max. range from 14.3 km to 22.5 km.
The 155 mm/33 calibre version does not require such extensive modifications to the existing weapon when compared to the other 155 mm/39 calibre modernisation packages and, according to Soltam Systems, it is a more cost-effective solution.
The new 155 mm/33 calibre barrel has a high-efficiency muzzle brake and is fitted with the original breech ring and breech mechanism of the M114. The new ordnance has a constant 1:20 twist rifling with 48 lands and grooves. The muzzle brake is the same as that fitted to other Soltam Systems 155 mm towed artillery systems.
The conversion kit includes the following:
155 mm/33 calibre tube and muzzle brake
Pneumatic ramming system and its installation (the pneumatic cylinder is located on the right trail leg)
Mounts and fixtures kit
Direct firing telescope as an option
Upgrading instruction and technical data pack
Dopuna: 05 Okt 2014 22:08
Yak-52B-light plane, Yakovlev established on the basis of the education Yak-52 aircraft. The experience of the war in Afghanistan pointed to the need for combat operations in light attack aircraft guerrilla movements. One of the projects was the establishment of such an yakovlevsky Yak-52B (scheduled in the case of production assign it a symbol Yak-54). The reference was made cheap and reliable Yak-52 UTS. The aircraft made two pylon with a hung UB-32 blocks. The aircraft had strengthened wings.
Dopuna: 06 Okt 2014 16:52
As a result of the effectiveness of the Russian-supplied towed 130 mm Field Gun M-46 in the Indo-Pakistan conflicts, the Indian Army mounted some on Vijayanta tank chassis (originally the Vickers MBT). The conversion is now in Indian Army service, which originally had a fleet of about 2,200 Vijayanta MBTs and about 750 130 mm M-46 guns. The Vijayanta tank has now started to be phased out of Indian Army service.
The 130 mm gun has a range of 27,150 m and fires an HE projectile weighing 33.4 kg with a muzzle velocity of 930 m/s. It can also fire an APHE projectile weighing 33.6 kg, also at a muzzle velocity of 930 m/s, which can penetrate 230 mm of conventional steel armour at an incidence of 0° at a range of 1,000 m.
It would appear that the Vijayanta/130 mm M-46 combination can carry 30 rounds of separate loading ammunition. It is known to the Indian Army as 'Catapult'.
The latest information available indicates that a total of 170 Catapult systems were built of which 100 are operational and the remainder are in reserve. Some have recently been observed fitted with a horizontal shield over the gun and crew compartments to provide protection against top attack weapons. Some sources have quoted a much lower figure of only 20 mm Catapult 130 mm self-propelled artillery systems in service. It is also reported that India has a small quantity of Russian 152 mm 2S19 self-propelled artillery systems in service.
Rebirth of Catapult artillery system with Arjun Chassis
In unusual twist of events and as per latest media reports, Indian Army plans to bring back M46 howitzers mounted on Vijayanta tank chassis (originally the Vickers MBT) back to life. Indian army will soon place orders for 40 Arjun chassis to be used for mounting Soviet era M46 Howitzers.
‘Bhim’ self-propelled howitzer project which was supposed to replace Catapult system before it was shelved after supplier of 155mm / L52 howitzer guns by Denel of South Africa was blacklisted by Indian government . Project went cold and find for replacement Gun to be mounted on Arjun chassis not yet been successfully, Bhim was successfully tested by Indian army and was cleared for Production before the project went cold due to blacklisting.
After success with M-46 guns in 1971 war with Pakistan , Indian army had used soviet union supplied towed 130 mm Field Gun M-46 and mounted it with Vijayanta tank chassis and was known has Catapult artillery system which served in Indian army till 2008 before it was put in reserve .
According to Military experts India had put into reserve around 100 Catapult artillery systems most of the guns will come from here, but before it is mounted on Arjun chassis, Guns will be upgraded to 155mm 52 calibre standard by OFB and then DRDO will integrate it with Arjun chassis.
Initial order of 40 can go up if Army is satisfied with the Final Product and Indian army can procure more of these guns from old soviet bloc countries, Indian army had a requirement of 200 mounted howitzers on Arjun chassis for the Bhim Project.
Arjun Catapult artillery system is a Self propelled Gun, The System compromise of 130mm M46 field gun mounted over Arjun MK-1 Chassis
Specifications :
Weight :44.5 tonnes
Caliber : 130 mm
Breech : Horizontal sliding wedge
Elevation :-2.5° to 45°
Maximum Gun range : 40km
Rate of fire : 6 (normal) 8 (burst) 5 (sustained)
Engine : MTU 838 Ka 501 diesel 1,400 hp (1,040 kW)
Transmission : Renk epicyclic train gearbox, 4 fwd + 2 rev gears
Suspension :hydropneumatic
Ground clearance : 0.45 metres (1 ft 6 in)
Fuel capacity : 1,610 litres (350 imp gal; 430 US gal)
Operational range : 450 kilometres (280 mi)[7]
Speed : 72 km/h (45 mph) Road or 40 km/h (25 mph) Cross country
Feasibility study of mounting 130 mm Catapult Gun on Arjun Chassis Mk-I was carried out in May- June 2012. The technical study concluded that upgradation of the existing Catapult on the chassis could be carried out in a very short time and the equipment capabilities increased.
A date in the month of November, 2012 was fixed by the DG (artillery) for the first field trial. The CVRDE, Avadi, took up the challenge after they were given a spare gun system to mount on the Arjun, Mk I in July, 2012. The trials were held between 27 November to 3 December 2012. The Arjun mounted chassis outmatched Vijayanta by a large margin, also in the test for stability, while firing charged rounds.
The developmental trials were held between 31 July to 13 August, 2013 during the summer. Arjun Catapult was fitted with two sets of Goegraphical Positioning System and one Gyro used in Arjun Mk-I during these trials. Driver’s Night Vision Device (DNS) and Commanders’ night sight (HHTI) were also successfully tested. It was also provided with fire fighting system based on Instant Fire Detection Suppression System as existing in Arjun Mk-I tanks.
The Arjun Catapult was run for about 500 kms during this trial and subjected to maximum intense and sustained firings.
‘The firings and mobility trials were absolutely smooth which gave full confidence to the users as well as the development agency, that the requirement of Arjun Catapult of artillery would soon be a reality. It is expected that the user trials based on General Staff Qualitative Requirement (GSQR) would be held in November-December 2013, and 40 Catapult Guns would be inducted by the army,’ a senior DRDO official stated.
The L33 (the length of the barrel in calibres) 155 mm self-propelled gun-howitzer was developed in the late 1960s by Soltam Systems Limited. It is basically a Sherman M4A3E8 tank chassis, originally designed and built during the Second World War, fitted with a Cummins diesel engine, a new all-welded steel superstructure and a Soltam Systems 155 mm M-68 gun-howitzer taken from the Soltam Systems 155 mm towed system.
Production of the L33 (which has also been referred to as the 155 mm M68 self-propelled gun commenced just after the 1967 war and it was used operationally for the first time during the 1973 Middle East conflict.
No production figures for the Soltam Systems L33 155 mm self-propelled gun-howitzer have been released. It is estimated that between 150 and 200 units were built.
SIBAT, Foreign Defence Assistance and Defence Export, Land Sales Division, at the Israel Ministry of Defence, is now offering quantities of the L33 systems for sale with the standard Soltam Systems 155 mm/33 calibre barrel or fitted with a new 155 mm/39 calibre barrel. As far as it is known, there have been no export sales of the L33 with a 155 mm/39 calibre barrel.
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Dopuna: 07 Okt 2014 2:45
Vremešni ribarski brodovi španske proizvodnje konvertovani su u najveća plovila - patrolne brodove kubanske mornarice deplasmana oko 2500 tona. Vjeruje se da su operativna dva plovila, fotografisana sa Styx lanserima protivbrodskih raketa montiranih na pramcu, vjerovatno "recikliranih" sa rashodovanih Osa II raketnih čamaca. Brod pokazuje veliku ingenioznost Kubanske mornarice, ali i ilustruje patetično stanje nekadašnje flote okeanskih podmornica i modernih fregata.
Brodovi (7 komada) su u originalu proizvedeni u Španiji po narudžbi kubanske državne kompanije za ribolov u dubokim vodama da bi krajem devedesetih bili transferovani Mornarici gdje su konvertovani i naoružani za ulogu velikog patrolnog broda.
Naoružanje čine dva SS-N-2 “Styx” lansera PB raketa skinuta sa rashodovanih “Osa II” raketnih čamaca, 2M3 dvostruka 25mm topa sa rashodovanih torpednih čamaca, i nešto što bi mogla biti kupola T-54/55 tenka. Nije jasan način upotrebe raketa, pošto iste moraju biti povezane sa radarom prilikom procedure gađanja. Moguće je da su brodovi opremljeni samo sa IC - vođenim varijantama “Styx” raketa, znatno redukovanih karakteristika.
Nije poznato koliko je ribarica prošlo konverziju pošto se sumnja da se jednom brodu mijenjaju registarski brojevi. Od 2012 u brodogradilištu u Havani primjećeni su radovi na drugom brodu.
Kubanska kombinatorika sovjetske gvožđurije.