Windows XP na nuklearnim podmornicama

Windows XP na nuklearnim podmornicama

  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 36097
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Britanska kraljevska flota razvila je modifikovanu verziju operativnog sistema Win XP za svoje ratne brodove. Prva verzija "Podmorničkog Windowsa" instalirana je na nuklearne podmornice a uskoro će biti adaptirana i za površinske brodove.

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December 25, 2008:
The British Royal Navy has developed a modified version of the Microsoft Windows XP operating system for its warships.
The first version, "Windows for Submarines," is being installed on the fleets nuclear submarines. Versions of this operating system is being adapted for surface ships as well.
The British selected a commercial operating system for this because it was cheaper to maintain, and easier to train sailors in its use. It took a lot less time to develop the new ship-wide network (everything is connected by commercial Ethernet cables and software) using Windows, and XP is one of the more stable versions of Windows (which runs on 85 percent of the worlds PCs).
The security risks inherent in Windows (which attracts most of the attention from hackers) were tended to during the modification of Windows for navy use. How well the Royal Navy version of Windows stands up to the hackers, remains to be seen.
In contrast, the U.S. Navy uses Linux to run critical systems on its warships. The U.S. Army is using Linux for its networked FCS (Future Combat System) vehicles (which are still in development). The army is also converting many of its Microsoft Windows applications to run under Linux.
It's not just the better security Linux provides, but the fact that there are many versions of Linux to choose from, and the operating system is easier to modify (being an "open source" system, unlike the proprietary Windows.) Currently, the U.S. Department of Defense has over 200 Linux based software projects in development. The military uses custom made software for its most critical applications, and it's easier to create this stuff using Linux.

(NSI News Source Info)

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13918

Ja sam mislio da se neki UNIX koristi za ove potrebe. Posto elektroprivreda ne moze reci svojim potrosacima "izvinite, desio se glic ili bag".

Nadam se da su popravli sve nedostatke.

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12609

Na praksi u Pupinu Linux se korisitio za SAU termoelektrana. Windows nema sta da trazi u takvim sistemima. Zasto su Britanci uzeli windows nije mi bas najasnije. Pa meni se cesto desi da se XP zablokira na desetak sekundi a sistem je ok odrzavan.

  • Pridružio: 02 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 7414

Citat:The British selected a commercial operating system for this because it was cheaper to maintain, and easier to train sailors in its use. It took a lot less time to develop the new ship-wide network (everything is connected by commercial Ethernet cables and software) using Windows, and XP is one of the more stable versions of Windows (which runs on 85 percent of the worlds PCs).

Jedini problem koji su mogli imati pa da se odluce na nesto ovakvo je da nemaju dovoljno programera i tehnickog osoblja koji bi odrzavali Linux sisteme. Sve ostalo je mlacenje prazne slame. Linux je daleko pouzdaniji i nikako nije tesko napraviti mrezu sa Linuxom, a obuciti mornare da ih koriste u meri kojoj treba uopste nije problem sto znam iz licnog iskustva u obucavanju par ljudi za jedan ili drugi sistem. Vreme koje ce potrositi na obucavanje ljudi za Win (naravno u varijanti da nemaju nikakva znanja) uopste nije zanemarljivo.

Citat:(everything is connected by commercial Ethernet cables and software)
Imam kucnu mrezu (4 racunara povezana izmedju komsija) koju sam sa Linuxom namestio za 15 min. Linux je pravljen za mreze i jedini problem koji postoji moze biti obrazovni sistem koji forsira Microsoft proizvode. Dovoljno je reci da i Microsoft tera jedan od svojih servera na Unixu.

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