Tomahawk (BGM-109)


Tomahawk (BGM-109)

  • A001  Male
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Pridružio: 22 Mar 2011
  • Poruke: 575

Tomahavk je subsonična krstareća raketa velikog dometa.

- Bez bustera: 1300 kg
- Sa busterom: 1600 kg
- Bez bustera: 5,56 m
- Sa busterom: 6,25 m
Bojeva glava:
- Konvencionalna
- Nuklearna
Motor: Williams International F107-WR-402 turbofan
Raspon krila: 2,67 m
- Block II TLAM-A : 2500 km
- Block III TLAM-C, Block IV TLAM-E : 1700 km
- TLAM-D 1300 km
Brzina: ~ 880 km/h
Sistem navođenja: GPS,INS,TERCOM,DSMAC

- AGM-109H/L Medium Range Air to Surface Missile (MRASM) - kraći domet, turbo-mlazno pokretana ASM sa kasetnom municijom; nikad nije ušla u upotrebu.
- BGM-109A Tomahawk Land Attack Missile - Nuclear (TLAM-A) sa nuklearnom bojevom glavom W80.
- BGM-109C Tomahawk Land Attack Missile - Conventional (TLAM-C) sa jedinačnom bojevom glavom.
- BGM-109D Tomahawk Land Attack Missile - Dispenser (TLAM-D) sa submunicijom.
- BGM-109G Ground Launched Cruise Missile (GLCM)- sa nuklearnom bojevom glavom W84; Povučena iz upotrebe 1987.
- RGM/UGM-109B Tomahawk Anti Ship Missile (TASM) - radarski navođena protiv-brodna varijanta.
- RGM/UGM-109E Tomahawk Land Attack Missile (TLAM Block IV) - poboljšana verzija TLAM-C.

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F14 i Tomahawk:

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Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • yu8nu 
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 29 Apr 2011
  • Poruke: 22
  • Gde živiš: KN03xh

Ja cu malo oko oznaka:

Poznata I kao krstareca raketa, BGM 109 C.

Prva tri slova mogu da nose oznaku BGM ( Boat Ground Missile – u slobodnom prevodu brod zemlja projektil ) ili AGM ( Air Ground Missile – u prevodu vazduh zemlja projektil ). BGM verziju koristi mornarica. Lansiranje se vrsi sa brodova ili podmornica, karakteristike si vec naveo, pa da se ne ponavljamo samo napomena da je tamnije boje te se lako raspoznaje u prirodi ( ako imate priliku da se sa njom sretnete ).
AGM koristi avijacija, nesto je kraca od prve verzije, otprilike slicnog precnika I svetlije boje. Oznaka 109 je jedinstvena I oznacava familiju TLAM raketa ( Tomahawk Land Attack Missile ).
Slovo iza broja moze biti :
C – oznacava raketu sa konvencionalnim punjenjem ( otprilike oko 450 kg eksploziva ),
D – oznacava raketu sa nuklearnim punjenjem,

Ranije su bile jos dve verzije : A – sa nuklearnim punjenjem za gadjanje ciljeva sa zemlje na zemlju I N – sa konvencionalnim punjenjem za dejstva po brodovima. Ove dve verzije su prosle testiranje I ispitivanje ali su, kao sto rece, unistene Sporazumom o razoruzanju sa Rusijom I nikad nisu usle u operativnu upotrebu.

Ova raketa sa oznakom C je najinteresantnija jer je I najvise koriscena.

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31485

Obnavljaju se zalihe. Aman ce trebati...

Citat:Therefore, such cruise missiles stocks are being replenished.

Raytheon have just won a $337.8 million for 361 additions to the Tomahawk fleet of the U.S Navy, split into 238 RGM-109 missiles that are launched from the Vertical Launch System (VLS) on surface ships, and 123 UGM-109 that are launched from submarines equipped with the Capsule Launch System (CLS).

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  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 36123
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Priča o Tomahawk-u 29 godina kasnije...

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  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31485

Testiran novi tragac sa kojim ce dobiti mogucnost gadjanja i pokretnih ciljeva

Citat:A new seeker employing Electronic Support Measures (ESM) was recently tested with the Raytheon Tomahawk Block IV cruise missile, as part of the weapon’s product improvement program. The new seeker will enable the cruise missile to engage moving or relocatable targets, including ships or mobile surface-to-air missile sites, identified by their unique electromagnetic signature. The new seeker can automatically locate and track moving and stationary targets by sensing the electro-magnetic radiation they emit (i.e. radar, communications etc). A major enhancement previously introduced with the Tomahawk Block IV missile includes a two-way satellite data-link that enables a strike controller to redirect the missile in-flight to preprogrammed alternate targets or more critical targets.
Such retargeting capability will be further enhanced with the new seeker with its full spherical coverage

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103314

3,000th Tactical Tomahawk Delivered to US Navy

Citat:The U.S. Navy marked a significant milestone Nov. 5, as the service joined defense contractor Raytheon Missile Systems in celebrating the delivery of the 3,000th Tactical Tomahawk (TACTOM) missile.

TACTOM, also known as Tomahawk Block IV, is a deep-strike, long-range cruise missile often used for land-attack warfare and employed from U.S. Navy surface combatants and U.S. Navy and United Kingdom Royal Navy submarines.

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  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31485

Napisano: 21 Dec 2013 19:31


Dopuna: 02 Jul 2014 15:09

Citat:The United Kingdom (UK) has requested a possible sale of up to 65 Block IV All-Up-Round Torpedo Tube Launched Tomahawk Land-Attack Missiles, containers, engineering support, test equipment, operational flight test support, communications equipment, technical assistance, personnel training/equipment, spare and repair parts, and other related elements of logistics support. The estimated cost is $140 million.

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  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31485

Buduca unapredjenja i opcija da novi budu nadzvucni [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • Pridružio: 30 Mar 2013
  • Poruke: 492

Toni ::Testiran novi tragac sa kojim ce dobiti mogucnost gadjanja i pokretnih ciljeva

Citat:A new seeker employing Electronic Support Measures (ESM) was recently tested with the Raytheon Tomahawk Block IV cruise missile, as part of the weapon’s product improvement program. The new seeker will enable the cruise missile to engage moving or relocatable targets, including ships or mobile surface-to-air missile sites, identified by their unique electromagnetic signature. The new seeker can automatically locate and track moving and stationary targets by sensing the electro-magnetic radiation they emit (i.e. radar, communications etc). A major enhancement previously introduced with the Tomahawk Block IV missile includes a two-way satellite data-link that enables a strike controller to redirect the missile in-flight to preprogrammed alternate targets or more critical targets.
Such retargeting capability will be further enhanced with the new seeker with its full spherical coverage

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US Navy test shows Tomahawk cruise missile with synthetic guidance can hit moving targets at sea

Citat:A synthetically guided Tomahawk cruise missile successfully hit its first moving maritime target Jan. 27 after being launched from the USS Kidd (DDG-100) near San Nicolas Island in California. The Tomahawk Block IV flight test demonstrated guidance capability when the missile in flight altered its course toward the moving target after receiving position updates from surveillance aircraft.

“This is a significant accomplishment,” said Capt. Joe Mauser, Tomahawk Weapons System (PMA-280) program manager. "It demonstrates the viability of long-range communications for position updates of moving targets. This success further demonstrates the existing capability of Tomahawk as a netted weapon, and in doing so, extends its reach beyond fixed and re-locatable points to moving targets.”

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103314

Varšava traži da kupi rakete "tomahavk"

Citat:Poljski ministar odbrane Tomaš Siemonijak rekao je danas da je pitao u SAD da li bi Varšava mogla da kupi rakete "tomahavk" za svoje nove podmornice.

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