Poslao: 27 Jul 2016 13:45
- Toni

- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 31433
Rusi misle da je njihov nacin upotrebe zastareo i da treba da se menja sa uvodjenjem nove generacije vozila. Takodje da ova postojeca generacija vozila nije odgovarajuca za moderno bojiste, ni modernizovana, stoga se i islo u razvoj potpuno novih.
Tactics of Russian motor rifle brigades will change with introduction of Armata tracked platform
Citat:Motor rifle units are extremely vulnerable to the enemy`s fire on the modern battlefield. However, the tactics has not been radically changed. One can often see an attack of main battle tanks (MBT) in line order supported by infantry fighting vehicles (IFV) and dismounted non-protected soldiers in the drills. Such a Cold-war era combat tactics became obsolete about 20 years ago. According to Russian defense analysts, such outdated approach to combat must be replaced by a modern one. The issuance of the Armata-based heavy armoured vehicles to the Land Forces` units will allow increasing the probability of the soldiers` survival on the modern battlefield.
Both IFVs and armoured personnel carriers (APC) have already revealed their combat potential as fire support, convoy, and reconnaissance means. At the same time, the aforementioned vehicles cannot boast of armour protection. For instance, the newest BMP-3M (M stands for upgraded, Modernizirovannaya) IFV developed by the Tractor Plants concern is armoured at Level 5 STANAG 4569 (all-round protection against 25mm tungsten alloy armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot (APFSDS) rounds at 500 m) and lacks additional applique armour. In the 1990s, the NII Stali scientific-research institute (now a subsidiary of the Tractor Plants concern) developed an explosive reactive armour (ERA) kit for BMP-3 designated as Kaktus (Cactus), but Russia`s Ministry of Defense (MoD) decided not to acquire it in large quantities. Hence, the BMP-3`s protection has not been enhanced at all. Hence, even the latest organic IFV of the Land Forces does not provide sufficient protection against enemy`s fire, let alone ageing BMP-2 that can be destroyed by the US M2 Bradley at 1,500 m distance through the medium of 25mm armour-piercing rounds. The armour protection specifications of BTR-80 / BTR-80A / BTR-82A APCs fall short of even those of BMP-2. Their frontal armour could withstand only several hits of 12.7mm heavy machinegun (for instance DShK or M2HB), while the sides are protected only against 7.62mm armour-piercing bullets. Hence, neither IFVs nor APCs could provide an effective fire support to Russian tanks on the modern battlefield.
The idea to introduce the joint armoured battle order to the tactics has gone down, since the motor rifle units of Russia`s Land Forces use vehicles with enormously varying armour protection. For instance, a motor rifle battalion operates heavy-armoured MBTs, medium-armoured IFVs, low-armoured APCs and non-armoured trucks. Previously, 120mm 2B11 Sani (Sledge) mortars were being transported by GAZ-66 light trucks that did not have armour protection at all. The usage of such battle order would result in extremely heavy losses as only heavy-armoured MBTs had a chance to reach the enemy`s next resistance line. Hence, IFVs, APCs, trucks, and dismounted soldiers could not survive on the battlefield. The infantry`s offensive was suppressed by the fire of the enemy`s small arms and light weapons (SALW). Hence, there is no need to increase the IFVs` firepower and mobility. Armour protection of IFVs and APCs seems to be the most vital feature on the modern battlefield. It should not come short of the tank protection level, Gazeta.ru supposes.
"We have hammered out an ideology of future land tactics based on the Armata heavy vehicles. The Uralvagonzavod Corporation offers to get rid of traditional units (such as brigade, battalion, company, etc.) and to switch to combat modules that will include both combat and support vehicles," the UVZ`s Deputy Director General for Military Vehicles, Vyacheslav Khalitov said. According to him, such combat module may include one or two T-14 Armata MBTs, a fire support vehicle (FSV) armed with 57mm automatic cannon, an FSV armed with 152mm howitzer, a mobile command post and a logistic support vehicle. "The aforementioned combat module`s combat potential will exceed the one of the present-day motor rifle and armour units. The module`s armour protection and mobility will not be graded," Khalitov added.
According to him, the organizational structure of the combat module can be adjusted to all types of terrain. "The combination of combat modules is required to complete various tasks. The module can be complemented by self-propelled surface-to-air (SAM) missile systems, artillery units, armoured engineering vehicles, mechanized bridge layers, mine clearance vehicles, and mine planters. Hence, the organizational structure of the new combat module can be easily adapted to all types of combat environment. Such flexible approach is the tactics of future," Khalitov said. Hence, the Armata heavy platform can drastically change the modern battlefield.
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Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 27 Jul 2016 14:04
- Pridružio: 14 Apr 2014
- Poruke: 1444
Citat:an FSV armed with 152mm howitzer
Стиже нам разваљотка наследник СУ152?
Poslao: 27 Jul 2016 21:13
- aramis s

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- Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
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- Gde živiš: iznad smoga Beograda
Nešto ne vidim da pominju BVP u okviru modula, koji je po meni važniji od 1 haubice 152mm.
Poslao: 05 Jul 2018 15:34
- Toni

- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 31433
Novi nacini upotrebe tenkova po iskustvima iz Sirije
Citat:Andrei Stanavov visited the Pogonovo test range in Russia’s Voronezh Region to observe tactical exercises by the 20th Guards Combined Arms Army and looked at how modern warfare has changed Russian battlefield tactics of using tanks.
First of all, he noted the introduction of three new elements of tank combat, which appeared on the basis of the experience of the war in Syria:
tank carousel;
tank trousers;
syrian shaft.
Each of the new elements has its own characteristics, which take into account the technical and moral backlog of Russian tanks such as T-72. For example, a “tank carousel” it is Non-stop shooting, when three, six, nine or more tanks move uninterrupted in a circular motion, one pummeling the enemy, the other moving to the rear and reloading, the third preparing to enter firing position, and so on. According to Stanavov, the “tank carousel” can be used when it is unknown what kind of armament the enemy has at his disposal – tanks, anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) or grenade launchers.
Another element is “tank trousers” which involves tanks alternating fire between two trenches, without staying in one position for more than a few seconds. The tank enters the trench, fires, kicks into reverse and moves to the next. Enemy anti-tank weapons don’t have time to react.
Local conflicts clearly showed that positional defense and the offensive in the classical sense have outlived its usefulness. The main task of tankmen on the battlefield is to constantly maneuver and hide the weakly protected machines in the folds of the terrain.
In Syria, mounds and bench terrace began to be used in tactics on the use of armor on the battlefield. Here, tanks can move along the parapet and, when they reach an opening, shoot, quickly concealing themselves back behind the embankment. So long as they remain in constant motion, it becomes almost impossible to aim at or hit them. Furthermore, to deceive the enemy, the commander can choose which opening to fire from at random, giving the impression there are more tanks deployed than in reality. Openings can be created using engineering equipment, and if necessary, by the crew itself.
In an era of local conflicts without clear front lines, the idea of large tank armies facing off along vast fronts has become a thing of the past.
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Poslao: 05 Jul 2018 18:19
- Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 20306
Sve je to vec korisceno u ceceniji, a "pantalone" su u standardnim prirucnicima vec dugo vremena.
Poslao: 05 Jul 2018 18:21
- dobri covek

- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 06 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 11644
- Gde živiš: Vranje
A može li neko objašnjenje o čemu se radi? Znanje engleskog nam nije svima na nivou da razumemo uskospecijalizovane teme, na ruskom području nema objašnjenja o čemu se radi.
Dakle, pokažite se
Poslao: 05 Jul 2018 18:44
- Pridružio: 01 Okt 2012
- Poruke: 4065
prva tehnika,rotacija i konstantno pucanje, nekoliko tenkova u igri, jedan puca drugi krece prema poloaju za pucanje treci u pozadini puni , itd. navode kombinaciju 3, 6 ili 9 tenka itd.( karusel)
tehnika pantalonska, tenak manevrise izmedju dva polozaja, puca, pa ide na drugi polozaj puca i povlaci se, ne zadrzavajuci se vise od nekoliko sekundi , pa neprijateljska PO nema vreme da reaguje
Poslao: 06 Jul 2018 09:33
- Pridružio: 25 Nov 2017
- Poruke: 199
Sto ce reci staro dobro pravilo uppotrebe OMJ : pokret,vatra i oklop kao i upotreba jedinice minimum jacine tenkovske cete uz pratnju minimum mehanizovanoog voda i koordinisanu pomoc artiljerije.
Poslao: 06 Jul 2018 12:23
- dobri covek

- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 06 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 11644
- Gde živiš: Vranje
To je, koliko se ja razumem, taktika.
Osim toga, nije ništa novo, jer se proradjuje već nekoliko godina na raznim taktičkim vežbama ruske armije. Nevezano za Siriju, a veznao, obično, za "uništenje bande" - što je česta tema u zadnje vreme na ruskim vežbama.
Jednostavno, imaju dovoljno tenkova, goriva i municije da uvežbaju svoje posade. Opet dodjosmo na ono "ima se - može se!"
Poslao: 06 Sep 2018 21:35
- voja64

- Stručni saradnik foruma
- Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
- Poruke: 25869
Druga nedelja u Septembru određen za dan tenkista u davna vremena..