Poslao: 20 Jan 2014 04:20
- vrabac
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
- Poruke: 4961
Za ono za šta treba da slugeranjiše minimum je 14,5 spreda i 12,7 sa boka na 200 m AL PANCIRNI.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 20 Jan 2014 04:37
- CheefCoach
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 14 Avg 2011
- Poruke: 6594
vrabac ::Za ono za šta treba da slugeranjiše minimum je 14,5 spreda i 12,7 sa boka na 200 m AL PANCIRNI.
To je nivo 4 spreda i skoro nivo 4 sa boka. Ako nam ne svidja NATO to ne znaci da ne treba da kopiramo dobre stvari koje su oni smislili. BVP-u je posao da podrzava pesadiju u napadu i da podrzava i prati tenkove u borbi prenoseci pesadince koji ratuju zajedno sa tenkovima. U nekim slucajevima Lazar bi zadovoljavao navedeno.
Sad je pitanje sta je starije taktika ili tehnika? Sa boljom tehnikom postoji mogucnost vise razlicitih taktickih resenja.
Poslao: 30 Jan 2014 00:24
- kljift
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 7193
Oni su rodonačelnici MRAPogradnje. Kad čoek malo bolje razmisli, ti MRAPovi bi i trebalo biti jeftina i dostupna vozila. Zaštita od manjih kalibara, minskih sredstava, parčadi artiljerijske municije.
Poslao: 30 Jan 2014 00:48
- suza123
- Zaslužni građanin
- Pridružio: 12 Jan 2014
- Poruke: 519
CheefCoach ::vrabac ::Za ono za šta treba da slugeranjiše minimum je 14,5 spreda i 12,7 sa boka na 200 m AL PANCIRNI.
To je nivo 4 spreda i skoro nivo 4 sa boka. Ako nam ne svidja NATO to ne znaci da ne treba da kopiramo dobre stvari koje su oni smislili. BVP-u je posao da podrzava pesadiju u napadu i da podrzava i prati tenkove u borbi prenoseci pesadince koji ratuju zajedno sa tenkovima. U nekim slucajevima Lazar bi zadovoljavao navedeno.
Sad je pitanje sta je starije taktika ili tehnika? Sa boljom tehnikom postoji mogucnost vise razlicitih taktickih resenja.
Kad nemas para za tehniku - onda mora da prilagodis taktiku. Umesto da se 300-400 BVP menjaju u nesto tesko - i time se gubi amfibija - pitanje iskrsne: da li je bolje imati "jace" oklopno vozilo - pored tenka - koje ce da zastiti BVP? Ako upotrebljavas BVP za pratnju i podrsku tenkovskog napada - taj tenk moze da lako razvali po protivnoku sa 12.7mm (ili 14.5 mm) .... ili cak 30mm top. Da li to znaci da svi BVP mogu da prezive zasedu ....verovatno ne .... ali taj iz zasede (pogotovo ako upotrebljava 12.7mm PAM) SIGURNO treba da bude unisten ...bilo od drugog BVP vozila (sa 20mm ili 30 mm topom) - ili upotrebom tenka. E sad .. upotreba sredstva kao sto je Ruski Terminator (mozda u jeftinijoj izvedbi) bi bio neki kompromis - da ne moras da kupujes nove BVP. Svetski proizvodjaci BVP-a hoce da svi kupe ono sto oni nude ... al nece da ti kazu da cim se poveca oklop da izdrzi 14.5mm (STANAG 4) protivnik nece da "gubi vreme" nego ce da ga rokne sa necim jacim ..ili sa Strsljenom, jeftinom Maljutkom, itd. barem dovoljno da ga zaustavi ... i izbaci iz borbe.
Amer ekonomija potrosnje prevladava svetom ...."kupujte... samo kupujte" ...neka drugi brinu da li ce ikad da se dugovi odplate. Instant gratification - jos malo pa ce prodavati oruzje na kredit karticu .....
Poslao: 07 Feb 2014 13:04
- mr.uC
- Novi MyCity građanin
- Pridružio: 12 Jul 2013
- Poruke: 12
Ruski Atom na francuskoj sasiji...
ima slicnosti...
Poslao: 17 Feb 2014 10:04
- Misirac
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 03 Nov 2009
- Poruke: 5881
- Gde živiš: U podrumu,mučim električara...
Pise Obramba da smo prodali pakistankoj policiji 20 Lazar 2, ima li neko vise informacija?
Poslao: 17 Feb 2014 10:42
- CheefCoach
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 14 Avg 2011
- Poruke: 6594
Misirac ::Pise Obramba da smo prodali pakistankoj policiji 20 Lazar 2, ima li neko vise informacija?
Ovde je Loes doneo informaciju da smo prodali 3 Lazara (i valjda 13 BOV-ova) sa opcijom da se proda jos jedan Lazar; a on tvrdi da je informaciju dobio iz YI.
Poslao: 17 Feb 2014 11:15
- proka89
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 29 Avg 2011
- Poruke: 5415
Jako zanimljiv tekst:
The morale of the police force has understandably hit an all-time low given the number of men it has lost to recent attacks. What is making matters worse is that they still have to go out in the field unprotected and unmotivated. The government has been making empty promises of providing them with armoured personnel carriers (APCs) for the last two years.
The most recent claims were made by Federal Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar and Sindh Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah on Thursday last week, when they again reiterated for “emergency procurement of bullet-proof vehicles in weeks’ time.” The officials, however, don’t expect the APCs to reach them anytime soon.
The same was said by the CM on December 15 last year, when he announced to provide APCs to the department but said there were no funds available. For their part, the Sindh government claims it is depending on the federal government to disburse the funds. “The personnel are trying to do their best, but it is quite difficult to perform our job without the appropriate equipment,” the adviser to home ministry, Sharfuddin Memon told The Express Tribune. “Despite having suffered several losses, the morale is still high. It will not, however, stay high if the federal government continues to use delay tactics.”
In desperate need
The APCs that the police department currently have are so badly damaged that bullets can easily pierce through them. In mid-November, 2013, several bullets penetrated through the body of an APC, killing a police official, Muhammad Essa and injuring another, Asad. The attack occurred on Mirza Adam Khan Road and was reportedly carried out by members of the Baba Ladla group. “Our initial reaction was that one of us inside the APC might have opened fire by mistake,” recalls Asad, who sustained a bullet-wound in his upper torso. Investigations later confirmed that the gangsters’ bullets had penetrated the APC.
Earlier in the eight-day long operation in Lyari in May 2012, almost 18 APCs were destroyed by rockets, hand grenades and anti-aircraft guns used by the criminals. The damage was not just limited to the destruction of the APCs however – Civil Lines SHO Fawad Ahmed Khan also lost his life in the attacks.
The failed operation and loss of SHO Khan had compelled the Sindh Police to replace the B-6 level APCs manufactured by Heavy Industries Taxila. Currently, the Sindh Police has around 90 APCs, manufactured by the HIT. The wheeled variety of locally manufactured APCs (B-6) costs about Rs17.5 million each, while the B-7, an upgraded version, costs about Rs55 million. The department had shown interest in buying APCs from foreign countries.
To achieve the plan, the police logistics experts approached at least five countries – Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, Serbia and United States of America.
It was subsequently decided to procure at least 20 Serbian Lazar II armoured fighting vehicles. The vehicles were meant to reach the city by December 2012, but could not be purchased due to the lack of interest by the relevant authorities. The lethargic attitude of the authorities in giving practical shape to the project has caused losses of around Rs150 million because of the increase in dollar rates, The Express Tribune has learnt.
“Serbia was the only country that gave us a live demonstration by firing and bombing the vehicle while we were inside,” said the former Sindh police’s DIG Finance Dost Ali Baloch who was a part of the team of experts who visited Serbia. “Besides this, Serbia also offered to deliver the APCs in two phases by the end of December 2013 with the lowest cost worth around Rs1 billion for 20 APCs.”
Meanwhile, police officials said that the Transparency International-Pakistan’s (TIP) reservations regarding the purchase of Lazar II from Serbia caused a delay in buying the vehicles. In September 2013, TIP had sent a reminder to Sindh IGP Shahid Nadeem Baloch and asked him to examine the rules before buying the vehicles.
Published in The Express Tribune, February 17th, 2014.