Srpsko višenamensko oklopno vozilo "Lazar"


Srpsko višenamensko oklopno vozilo "Lazar"

  • Pridružio: 29 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 5415

Defense Web TV of Army Recognition Group in Serbia during a visit at YugoImport for a full coverage about the Serbian Defense Industry.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 03 Jan 2015
  • Poruke: 260

mikrimaus ::Највероватније, да би продали било коме потребно је да одређен број уђе у употребу.

Pa normalno, prvo pitanje nekoga ko je zainteresiran je "koliko vasa vojska ima komada i kako su zadovoljni sa njima"

  • Pridružio: 14 Apr 2014
  • Poruke: 1438

Управо тако.

  • Pridružio: 27 Maj 2012
  • Poruke: 1129

sta je ovo jel zna neko da prevede o cemu se radi

ako sam dobro razumeo jedan lazar kosta 600 000 dolara

  • Pridružio: 29 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 5415

pavle_pzs ::

sta je ovo jel zna neko da prevede o cemu se radi

ako sam dobro razumeo jedan lazar kosta 600 000 dolara

Army Guide je beskoristan izvor podataka. Koliko je nepouzdan dovoljno govori to da kada sam jednom pokusao da ih navedem kao izvor pri editovanju wiki, to je automatski onemoguceno. Dovoljno ti valjda govori podatak da je cena navedena za 20 komada, a zna se da je policija Karacija narucila samo 3 komada.

  • Pridružio: 14 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 6594

pavle_pzs ::

sta je ovo jel zna neko da prevede o cemu se radi

ako sam dobro razumeo jedan lazar kosta 600 000 dolara

Prevod: Za tu sumu je naruceno 3 Lazara 2 i 12 BOV M 10 ili 11, sa opcijom da se donaruci jos 1 Lazar 2 i 4 BOV-a. Lazar je kostao 958 k evra, a BOV 336 k. Pricam iz glave pa sam mozda omanuo neku hiljadu. I to su Lazari sa full opremom i borbenom stanicom sa mitraljezom 12,7 mm.

  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 1548

Prošle Nedelje je u Novom Sadu , Pored Doma vojske na sportskim terenima, bila Izložba Yugo/Importa, a ja radim u Zgradi Muzeja koji se bukvalno naslanja na ogradu od Tih Sportskih terena i pošto je Lazar2 bio širom otvoren, ali ipak daleko za neko kvalitetno fotografisanje , Mogao sam da vidm prvi put da je Lazar dobio na primer na Vozačkim vratima sa Unutrašnje strane neki kao tapacirung dosta lepo dizajniran sa Logom Y.I. A Vojna Policija dva momka nisu hteli da mi daju da uđem da napravim nekoliko fotki, izložba je bila spremljena za neku stranu delegecaju i kao trebao je i Nikolić da dođe, Ali nije, Uglavnom Lazar je Izgleda dobio (barem ovaj primerak dvojke) I Standardizovani Volan(a ne daj bilo koji od nekog kamiona ) Onda isto u delu gde se prevoze vojnici Sam video isti taj tapacirung kao kamuflažno Crno sivi Sa belim znakom Yugo Importa, Moja predpostavka je da to ipak mora biti neki kevlarski materijal protiv u šrapnela i slično, ovo za volan sam morao da pitam, Tj pitao sam da li su mu sredili vozački kokpit da nije opet nešto sklepano na brzinu, I Čovek mi reče da vrlo dobro izgleda...Krivo mi je sada što Nisam pokušao da dođem do nekog Foto Aparata , jer su se oni tamo dva dana nameštali, pre nego što je delegacija došla došli.
Pričam ovo , jel možda je neko isto to video pa napravio barem neke fotografije.

  • Korapg 
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 01 Jul 2014
  • Poruke: 23

  • Elektroteh. automatike
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 696
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

Prvo mi je zapalo za "uho" to što reče da je od početka Lazar2 zamišljen i projektovan za VS ?! Mooolim?

A drugo što reče da imaju porudžbine za LAzara pa su zato podigli drugu halu ? Moooolim ??

Inače kada je ovo snimljeno s obzirom da na njemu nema onog belog observation-sight systema ???

  • Pridružio: 29 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 5415

Izvestaj vezan za ovaj video koji je postavljen:

Lazar 2 MRAV/MRAP 8x8 armoured Yugoimport video report Army Recognition Defense Web TV

Citat:The Serbian Defense Company Yugoimport opens the doors of its new BSS "Complex Combat System" factory in Velika Plana (Serbia) for the editorial team of Army Recognition Group to make a video report for its Defense Web TV about the Lazar 2, the latest generation of Serbian-made 8x8 MRAV (multirole armoured)/MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected) combat vehicle.

„Complex Combat Systems“ d.o.o. is a legal successor to “Belom“ d.o.o. Company for the production of and trade in hunting ammunition. Belom Company was founded on 20th November 1995. and was named Belom which is an abbreviation for Belgrade Hunting Ammunition (Beogradska Lovacka Municija).

On the other hand, within one year as of its founding, Complex Combat Systems Company has managed to manufacture NORA 155 mm self-propelled howitzer and LAZAR 2 combat vehicle in the production facility Morava located in Velika Plana. Beside the production, BSS has also been active in the field of foreign trade in armaments and defense equipment.

The LAZAR 2 8x8 MRAV/MRAP Multipurpose Armored Vehicle 8x8 is designed following modern world trends in development of a wheeled armored vehicles families intended for carrying out of a number of tactical tasks in modern armed conflicts.
The Lazar 2 concept is merging of most important features of MRAV (Multi Role Armored Vehicle), and MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle) armored vehicle concepts, featuring with very high all-terrain/all climate conditions mobility, high fire power, high all-round ballistic protection, high AT mines/IED protection as well as possibility of battlefield observation and target engagement by embarked crew personal weapons. Vehicle concept provides these unique combination of basic characteristics of the two classes.

The hull is designed to provide comfortable space to 2+10 crew with personal equipment and weapons. The space is designed in accordance with MIL-STD 1472.

The hull of the LAZAR 2 provides a standard ballistic protection STANAG 4569 Level 2, firing of small arms 7.62x39 AP on 360° and mine protection level 2a/2, 6 kg of TNT under the center of the floor and any wheels of the vehicle. In option, the Lazar 2 can be fitted with additional armour to increase protection up to level 4 for the ballistic protection and to level 3A/3b for the mine protection.

One of the main feature of the Lazar 2 is that troops compartment is designed so as to provide for the soldiers to be oriented toward large windows made of ballistic glass, and towards gun holes, thus enabling them excellent visibility and survey of the surrounding environment and their combat engagement by using of their personal armament.

The Lazar 2 is equipped with roof-hanged seats for crew and embarked squad to increase survivability in case of AT mine /IED explosion and blast.

Two doors at the rear combined with rear ramp enable as well as well-designed crew layout, allow rapid embarkation / disembarkation of the dismounting infantry team crew. This unique feature is enabling variations of disembarking procedure in dependence with tactical situation. During embarkation, side doors can be side-opened, protecting the disembarking team from enemy small arms fire.

The version of LAZAR 2 presented at the BSS factory to Army Recognition editorial team was equipped with one man turret armed with a 30mm cannon designed for engagement of ground targets with an effective range of 3,300m (manpower and lightly armoured targets) and aerial targets (helicopters and low flying aircraft) with an effective range of 2,500m. Second armmaent consists of a remote weapon station armed with a 7.62mm machine gun.

On the right side of the main armament, two launchers for SACLOS (Semi-Automatic Command to Line Of Sight) upgraded anti-tank missile Malyutka (2T and 2F) with electronic guidance system and optoelectronic unit able to fire at a maximum range of 3,000 m and penetrate armour from 400 to 600 mm.

In conclusion and based to our first analysis, we can say that the Lazar 2 design concept offers a modern armoured vehicle that meets all combat requirements, both in urban and rural environments, which is achieved with good mobility, fire power, ballistic and anti-mine protection.

Dopunjena stranica o Lazaru 2 na Army Recognition:

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