Poslao: 19 Feb 2017 22:31
- aramis s

- SuperModerator
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Pa pravili smo i Noru sa kontra volanom.
Poslao: 20 Feb 2017 07:21
- bato

- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 31 Jan 2010
- Poruke: 1063
- Gde živiš: Novi Sad
IDEX 2017: Lazar aims for Africa
The new Lazar III 8x8 multi-role armoured vehicle, built by Serbia's Yugoimport, is being pushed towards the export market in Africa.
A spokesperson from the company told Shephard that the new Lazar 8x8 is much more cost effective than equivalent 8x8 vehicles like Patria's AMV.
According to the spokesperson the Lazar is half the price and therefore any interested armies could get two vehicles for the price of one AMV. He added that the capability of the vehicle is, if not close to, then the same as the Finnish or other western counterparts.
If that is the case then its value would certainly be attractive to the African marketplace which would need a cheaper platform on offer to even to be able to consider the purchase of a new armoured The spokesperson insisted that the Yugoimport has used all of the best quality systems on the market to produce the Lazar III. This includes a Cummins engine with 520hp, Tyron Runflats and Allison Transmission with Timoney providing the drive line systems. It also means that replacement parts are easy to source and cheaper than bespoke systems.
'Timoney is the best. Whatever Patria uses is not as good but you get our vehicle at 50% the cost of Patria's,' he added. But if any African countries prefer their own system then Yugoimport is happy to install these instead if they wish.
At IDEX the company is displaying two variants of the vehicle; the civilian variant that is used by the Serbian police, and a new military variant which is amphibious and fitted with a Russian 2A42A turret that has a 30mm cannon and coaxial 7.62mm machine gun or an anti-tank weapon.
The spokesperson said that the military variant is in testing by Serbia's independent military testing organisation and they are expecting the results this year. The Serbian police have been using the civilian variant of Lazar III for the past year on the border with Kosovo doing counter-terrorist operations. Its introduction had followed two years of testing.
He said that the company has a lot of experience with Russian amphibious vehicles and this is why they are able to develop a modern 8x8 with a much lower budget than equivalent western European and US companies.
He has high hopes for the Lazar III and although the Serbian army has only a small budget the government is considering the new vehicles because they are still using the same equipment they had back in 1991 before the break-up of Yugoslavia.
The vehicle is 8m long, 3m wide with a weight of 28t – the same weight as the AMV28A, Patria's new amphibious vehicle variant that was launched at IDEX. Lazar III can achieve a top speed of 110km/h and has 15m² of crew space.vehicle.
Citat:and a new military variant which is amphibious Шта сам пропустио? Можда "грешка у корацима" новинара, или потврда да ће војне бити амфибије. Како год... добра реклама.
Citat:and coaxial 7.62mm machine gun or an anti-tank weaponНишта мање интересантно. Значи да се има у оптицају и друга руска купола MB2-05. Опремљена Конкурсима.
Poslao: 20 Feb 2017 14:05
- Pridružio: 01 Okt 2014
- Poruke: 235
Znaju afrikanci da nema neke velike razlike izmedju Lazara 3 i Patrie osim sto je Patria vise od 50% skuplja.
Kad bi neki buduci Lazar 4 amfibije bio kako najavjuju to bi bio pun pogodak.Ne samo za Srbiju kojoj treba minimalno 200 Lazara nego i drugima koji oce da kuje jer je duplo jeftiniji.
Poslao: 20 Feb 2017 19:54
- proka89

- Legendarni građanin
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- 14Ovo se svidja korisnicima: sekretar, CheefCoach, srbi, StefanNBG90, boksi, Bahuss, pedja63, Arhiv, Crvena Petokraka, yrraf, mačković, sasakrajina, Cvijo_ue, Zmaj Tolak
Registruj se da bi pohvalio/la poruku!
Jedna lepa slika Lazara III, mislim da nije bila ranije:
Poslao: 21 Feb 2017 13:59
- Pridružio: 09 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 227
simba222 ::Znaju afrikanci da nema neke velike razlike izmedju Lazara 3 i Patrie osim sto je Patria vise od 50% skuplja.
Kad bi neki buduci Lazar 4 amfibije bio kako najavjuju to bi bio pun pogodak.Ne samo za Srbiju kojoj treba minimalno 200 Lazara nego i drugima koji oce da kuje jer je duplo jeftiniji.
Razlika Lazara i Patrie je ogromna - točno onoliko kolika je razlika u cijeni.
Da je samo razlika u cijeni zar misliš da ne bi mnoge druge zemlje jurnule kupit Lazara.
Činjenica jest da je Lazar nižeg tehničkog dosega od Patrije, ali to nije ni bitno. Lazar nije tu da dosegne Patriju, već da bude konkurentan u slabije razvijenim zemljama koje imaju manje novaca i pristaju na slabije karakteristike.
Poslao: 21 Feb 2017 14:13
- Pridružio: 01 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 731
Na osnovu kojih podataka tvrdiš da je nešto tehnološki viši nivo od onog drugog? Ne volim te paušalne komentare zato navedi šta Patria radi bolje i koliko procenata bolje.
Ja ti garantujem da će Lazar 3 sa topom 30mm imati odnos 1:10 u odnosu na hrvatsku verziju Patrie a jeftiniji je bar 30% od nje. To što su oni napravili (Finci) ono čudo od poklopca kod vozača koje košta 50.000e i još se time hvale to mu ne daje ič prednosti u realnim uslovima.
Eto navedi mi gde je Lazar inferioran u tom tehnološkom smislu a da ima veze sa realnom borbenom upotrebom.
Poslao: 21 Feb 2017 15:00
- yrraf

- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 03 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 2681
- Gde živiš: Loznica Srbija
Mnogo je paušalnih ocena kad se upoređuju Patria i Lazar pa i od strane samog SDPR. Veoma je bitno koja je verzija Patrija u pitanju. Ima ih sa amfibijskim sposobnostima i bez, sa i bez rampe, keramički oklop ili pancirni čelik, komunikaciona oprema, rpg. mreže itd. Verujem da Lazar sa istim nivoom opreme kao Patrija neće biti više od 30% jeftiniji (naglašavam klot vozilo bez naoružanja). Razlika u ceni je radna snaga, jeftiniji razvoj (opet jeftina radna snaga) i naravno niži profit jer je Patria dobro pozicioniran, dokazan brend a to se plaća. Značajna razlika u ceni može se postići kod ugradnje naoružanja, jer je sve što su do sad ugrađivali na Patriu bezobrazno skupo. U suštini nema šta kod Lazara da bude nešto drastično nekvalitetnije od Patrie. Motor, menjač i kompletan pogonski sistem su uvozni i od renomiranih proizvođača, čelik takođe. Naš je razvoj i sklapanje, a po poslednjim primercima deluje mi da je i tu najzad postignut zadovoljavajući nivo.
Poslao: 21 Feb 2017 15:03
- jazbar
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
- Poruke: 16160
- Gde živiš: Lublana
Lazar je prototip, na njemu nisu vršena nikakva ozbiljna testiranja. Potpuna nepoznanica.
Poslao: 21 Feb 2017 15:19
- Pridružio: 01 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 731
Ne bi smeo da bude samo prototip jer su do sada napravili 2 prototipa i šest vozila nulte serije. Ispitivanja raznorazna su već trebala da budu gotova da bi moglo da se uđe u proizvodnju ove nulte serije.