Poslao: 14 Apr 2018 21:54
- Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 19953
Ta slika je podrvrgnuta photoshopu, evo ti originalne:
Kao sto se vidi (na osnovu ogrebotina itd) neko je klonirao dva krajnja bloka ERO-a da bi dobio vecu pokrivenost. Boga pitaj zasto...
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 05 Maj 2018 23:20
- sremac983
- Legendarni građanin
- Neimar i savremeni farmer.
- Pridružio: 24 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 11667
- Gde živiš: U sremu voljenome...
Јбт, каква је сад па ово полумодернизација.
Где су се загубиле оне ниве сукњице које добијају Т72Б3М мод 2016?
Где су се загубили ЕРО панели по боку куполе, као и решетке по моторном делу?
Poslao: 05 Maj 2018 23:23
- sremac983
- Legendarni građanin
- Neimar i savremeni farmer.
- Pridružio: 24 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 11667
- Gde živiš: U sremu voljenome...
Ово је био предлог модернизације у 2017.
Poslao: 07 Maj 2018 01:36
- Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 19953
Dobio je stare suknjice sa T-72 koji su dobili nove. Zasto? Rusi, sta reci.
Poslao: 28 Avg 2018 18:57
- Toni
- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 31062
Retka zverka, T-80 UE-1
Citat:It is a pity that this modification of the famous "reactive" family did not get much distribution, because in some positions it exceeds even T-72B3 and T-80BVM. For example, on these two modernized vehicles for some reason, ignoring the experience of local wars and conflicts, and did not begin to install a closed machine-gun installation, the need for which the tankmen spoke during the first Chechen war.
At the T-80UU-1 large-caliber NSVT the commander of the car manages from his place - he does not need to be substituted for bullets.
Also on the tank there is an autonomous power unit with an output of 18 kW - it saves fuel and makes the tank more hidden in the defense. If measures were taken on the T-80BVM to improve the economy of the engine, but the T-72B3 remained unchanged.
Therefore, it remains to be hoped that the valuable experience gained in the development of the T-80UU-1 will still be used on other Russian machines.