Hrana, oruđe budućnosti i plen


Hrana, oruđe budućnosti i plen

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103088

Citat:66% of Ukrainian grain went to the West
Total Ukrainian grains transported=9.3 million tons

🇪🇸- 1.80 (or 19% of total weight)
🇹🇷– 1.29 (14%)
🇮🇹– 0.86 (9%)
🇨🇳- 0.84 (9%)
🇳🇱-0.55 (6%)
🇪🇬–0.42 (5%)
🇧🇩-0.27 (3%)
🇹🇩–0.25 (3%)
🇮🇱-0.24 (3%)
🇩🇪–0.22 (2%)
Other countries - 2.59 (28%)
From August to October, 350 out of 455 ships were sent from the unblocked ports of Ukraine to developed countries with 6.1 out of 9.3 million tons (66%) of Ukrainian grain and its products, the statistics & distribution are calculated according to the UN and MarineTraffic

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • S2M  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • No pasarán – Sie kommen nicht durch
  • Pridružio: 21 Nov 2009
  • Poruke: 6581

"RUSIJA TO NE MOŽE DA DOZVOLI": Nebenzja u UN o novoj odluci Moskve - Od sada kontrola svih brodova koji plove za Ukrajinu

Citat:UKRAJINA je "grubo prekršila" Istanbulski sporazum o izvozu žitarica preko Crnog mora i primorala Moskvu da ga suspenduje na neodređeno vreme, rekao je danas u Savetu bezbednosti ruski izaslanik pri UN Vasilij Nebenzja, piše Raša Tudej.
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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103088

Produzili sporazum za izvoz zitarica...Erdi se zahvalio putku
Turkey's Erdogan thanks all parties for extension of grain deal
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Citat:Russia is not going to "cut" the grain deal-Russian Foreign Ministry.
Erdogan thanked Putin for his "will and contribution" to the extension of the food deal.

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31441

Egipatski planovi za pretvaranje pustinje u obradivo zemljiste.

Citat:Unbelievable work is currently underway in Egypt's Sinai peninsula to install the main infrastructure of a MEGA agricultural project that aims at reclaiming and cultivating over 500,000 feddans of desert lands in North and Central Sinai.

Citat:Project is being executed under supervision of the Egyptian military, which leads most of the current agriculture expansion projects in the country

Treated wastewater coming out of Bahr Al-Baqr treatment plant will be used as the main water resource for this agricultural project

Citat:When you see these maps, you will understand spontaneously why I'm saying it's an unbelievable work

Over 18 pumping station are being built to bring water from Al-Salam canal to North & Central Sinai.

2115km road network will be established within the project's infrastructure.

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Citat:Satellite Imagery Showing the progress of Toshka Agricultural Production Project in Five Years

The project is being executed by the Egyptian-military affiliated NSPO and Army Engineering Authority to reclaim and cultivate around 1.1 million acres of Egypt's desert land.

Citat:Toshka Project isn't only about reclaiming desert lands but also establishing factories by the Egyptian-military NSPO for agricultural derivatived products, such as sugar cane, dates and a production plant for MDF wood with an annual production capacity of 120,000m³ annually.

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  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31441

^^^ Egipcani razvijaju Sinaj, 540 novih masina od Mercedesa, Katerpilara i Komatsua.

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  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31441

^^^ Odavde pa nadalje objasnjava pravljenje obradivog zemljista, dovodjenje vode.

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Citat:Egypt's New Delta Artificial River which extends for about 170km long

The Project is one of three main water resources of the New Delta agriculture development project aimed at reclaiming & planting over 2.8 million feddans in the western desert.

Citat:The world's largest treatment plant has been built within the scope of the New Delta project to recycle wastewater being transferred from Alexandria drains to western desert through the artificial river.

This huge plant will have a daily water recycling capacity of 7,500,000 m³.

To facilitate flow of wastewater to the New Delta treatment plant, the Egyptians digged the 170km long artificial path, built along it over 12 pumping stations to divert off water from its original course to reach downwards in the vast western desert.

Citat:About 300k feddans of Mostakbel Misr have already been reclaimed and planted using underground water, while the reset of planned area will be reclaimed within a year after completing the southeastern artificial water path that will transfer 10,000,000 m³ of Nile water per day.

  • ikan 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 03 Feb 2013
  • Poruke: 2945

Kolega je pisao u onoj tamo temi, a trebao ovde, pa da nastavim njegovo

Pšenica se otkupljivala za 35 a sad je 16 dinara. Dosta njih je stavilo u mlin na čuvanje, pa je neko u vladi odlučio da "tržišna" cena ode dole da bi bud zašto otkupili.

Niža klasa brašna u prodavnicama tip 400 je 65 dinara, a tip 500 73 dinara?????

Hleb drži cenu od 50-70 dinara za daj Bože 500 grama veknu, kvalitet 0.

Šou program.

  • Pridružio: 24 Mar 2008
  • Poruke: 462

Овај капацитет за прераду отпадних вода који су изградили је већи рецимо од тренутног протицаја реке Нишаве или скоро дупло протицају Западне Мораве на улазу у Овчарско-Кабларску клисуру.
Заиста пажње вредан пројекат. Као и цео план за озелењавање пустиње уосталом.

Кад би постојао начин искоришћавања Катара депресије у Сахари (ту сматрам новац, политичку вољу и могућност искоришћавања целог комплекса за производњу струје дугорочно због неизбежних наслага соли које би остале) то би био грађевински пројекат у рангу брана Три клисуре

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103088

Digli se poljski farmeri kazu da je ukr zito preplavilo trziste,oborilo cene,losijeg kvaliteta itd
Poljski ministar poljoprivrede podneo ostavku i Poljska obustavlja za sada kupovinu ukr zita
Poland suspends imports of Ukrainian grain
Citat:The move, agreed jointly with Ukraine, follows waves of social unrest and the resignation of Poland’s agriculture minister.
Poland will temporarily stop all imports of grain from Ukraine, the two countries’ governments announced Friday.
The measure comes after a meeting earlier in the day between Poland's new Agriculture Minister Robert Telus, who took office Thursday, with his Ukrainian counterpart Mykola Solskyi at a border crossing between the two countries.

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103088

^^I rumunski farmeri protestvuju
Citat:Thousands of farmers in Romania protested because they are dissatisfied with the policy of the European authorities that support Ukrainian grain producers at the expense of other countries, many roads in Romania are blocked by tractors
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