Hrana, oruđe budućnosti i plen


Hrana, oruđe budućnosti i plen

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103088

Letonija i Litvanija obnovile uvoz ruskog zita...opet im je dobro njihovo zito
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Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103088

Evropska unija uvodi nove carine na uvoz žitarica iz Rusije i Belorusije
Citat:Savet Evropske unije je danas usvojio uredbu čiji je cilj uvođenje novih carina na uvoz žitarica iz Rusije i Belorusije.
"Cilj novih carina je da se u praksi zaustavi uvoz žitarica iz Rusije i Belorusije", istakao je belgijski ministar finansija Vinsent van Petegem.
On je dodao da će ove mere sprečiti destabilizaciju tržišta žitarica Evropske unije, zaustaviti ruski izvoz "nelegalno prisvojenog žita proizvedenog na teritoriji Ukrajine" i sprečiti Moskvu da koriste prihode od izvoza ovih proizvoda za dalje finansiranje rata.
"Ovo je još jedan način na koji EU pokazuje stalnu podršku Ukrajini", naglasio je belgijski ministar.
Uredbom se povećavaju uvozne carine za žitarice, seme uljarica i prerađevine, kao za sušeni grašak i pelete od šećerne repe iz Rusije i Belorusije.

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  • Pridružio: 13 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 2919

Napisano: 13 Jul 2024 17:27

kod kineza sveopsti cirkus oko jestivog ulja.
naime, saznalo se da se prevoz ulja vrsi u istim cisternama u kojima se pre toga prenosile razne hemikalije i to bez prethodnog ciscenja istih.

A food safety scandal has caused mounting public outrage in China days before a high-level Chinese Communist party meeting at which leaders will try to boost confidence in the economy.

Last week the state-run newspaper Beijing News published an in-depth exposé on the “open secret” of fuel tankers being used to transport cooking oil, without the tankers being washed or disinfected in between.

In the report, an undercover reporter interviewed a trucker who had driven a tanker of coal-derived fuel from Ningxia, a region in the west of China, to the east coast city of Qinhuangdao in Hebei, a journey of more than 800 miles (1,290km). The trucker told the journalist he was not allowed to return with an empty vehicle, and subsequently drove to a facility in another part of Hebei to load up with nearly 32 tons of soya bean oil, without cleaning the tanker. Several other tankers featured in the article made similar journeys.

The scandal has implicated several major Chinese companies including the state-owned oil and grain company Sinograin and Hopefull Grain and Oil Group, a private conglomerate. Both companies said they were investigating the claims.

This week the office of the food safety commission under China’s State Council said it was investigating the claims and that “individuals found violating the law through improper use of tanker trucks will face severe punishment”.
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i pre nego sto me se opet napadne da sirim zapadnu propagandu, cirkus je izazvala drzavna agencija Beijing News. njihovo pisanje na kineskom, pa ko hoce, nek koristi prevodioc
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Dopuna: 13 Jul 2024 18:05

gledam sad ove vesti oko kine i hrane.
i naletim na ovo:

The 2008 Chinese milk scandal was a significant food safety incident in China. The scandal involved Sanlu Group's milk and infant formula along with other food materials and components being (zabranjeno)erated with the chemical melamine, which resulted in kidney stones and other kidney damage in infants. The chemical was used to increase the nitrogen content of diluted milk, giving it the appearance of higher protein content in order to pass quality control testing. 300,000 affected children were identified, among which 54,000 were hospitalized, according to the latest report in January 2009. The deaths of six babies were officially concluded to be related to the contaminated milk.
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nisam ni znao za ovo. koje njesra, 300.000 dece imalo problema, od toga 54.000 zavrsilo u bolnici, 6 umrlo.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103088

Nemiri na Martiniku zbog skoka cena hrane
Citat:Riots in the French overseas region in the Caribbean
On the streets of the island of Martinique, which is an overseas department that is a unique territorial part of France, riots broke out due to the latest food price increases.

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  • Pridružio: 13 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 2919

kuba i problemi oko hrane.

HAVANA, Sept 16 (Reuters) - Cuba's communist-run government on Monday slashed by a quarter the weight of its subsidized ration of daily bread, the latest shortage to strain a decades-old subsidies scheme created by the late Fidel Castro.
The bread, one of a handful of still subsidized basic food products in Cuba, will be reduced from 80 grams to 60 grams (2.1 oz), or approximately the weight of an average cookie or a small bar of soap. Its price, too, was slightly reduced, to just under 1 peso, or 1/3 of a cent.
Still, many Cubans, who earn around 4648 pesos a month, or around $15, can scarcely afford to shop for more expensive bread on the private market, leaving them with few alternatives.
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  • amstel  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 13 Maj 2012
  • Poruke: 2563
  • Gde živiš: Hiljadu milja od topolivnice

ЕУ улаже у развој пољопривреде...

БРИСЕЛ- Председница Европске комисије Урсула фон дер Лајен издвојила је скоро 150.000 евра, тачније скоро 1.000 евра дневно, како би платила професору средњовековне историје Петеру Штрошнајдеру да изради извештај о пољопривреди, преноси Политко позивајући се на документ у који је имао увид....

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