Za ljubitelje klasike. Mod za C&C Generals. Dodata Rusija i nove jedinice, izmenjen sistem.
Citat:The End Of Days is a freeware modification for Command & Conquer: Generals Zero Hour. Our mod adds a new playable faction - Russia, and greatly improves the original three with new units, structures and special powers!
The main aim of the mod is to bring an authentic real war feeling, with a few fictional additions for more fun and diverse gameplay & tactics! Fight M1A2 Abrams Tanks or T-14 Armata Tanks with your Overlord Tanks supported by Z-19 Attack Helicopters!
The End Of Days greatly changes the gameplay of the original Generals Zero Hour by removing Heroes and Superweapons in their traditional role. Hero Units are now replaced with elite infantry, and Superweapons are mostly presented as mobile ICBM Launchers like Russia's Topol-M or China's DF-41.
Another great feature is the ability to purchase a subfaction at your tech center, replacing the original choice of "Generals" prior to battle, which allows you to change your strategy mid-game to counter your opponents! Each of the 4 factions have 3 completely different subfactions to choose from!
With the air units being much stronger than in Zero Hour, a completely new unique feature is introduced for all factions: Long Range Anti-Air Missile Systems. These are a more advanced version of stationary Anti-Air defenses, which provide incredible protection from your enemy's air power!
Many more modern units from real-life armies are at your disposal as well. Go on and find it all out by yourself!
Sve je to super toni ali ja se ziv odrati naci da skinem obican c and c pokusao preko origina ali valjda mi ne dozvoljava da im platim tako da zasad picim starom slavom Tiberium warsa 3 i mozda uskoro vidim da uzmem kain wrath
Najnoviji nastavak najpopularnije Češke video igrice ARMA, dobila je svoj nastavak.
Bohemia Interactive je izdala najnoviji nastavak njihove popularne video igrice ARMA Reforger. Diveloperi su odlucili da pre izbacivanja nove ARMA 4, da se vrate korenima natrag kroz vreme u fiktivnu zemlju Everon sredinom 80ih godina proslog veka na vrhuncu hladnog rata izmedju SAD i SSSR-a. Igrica se moze preuzeti na Steam-u, a trenutna cena je 29,99€
Toni ::Za ljubitelje klasike. Mod za C&C Generals. Dodata Rusija i nove jedinice, izmenjen sistem.
Citat:The End Of Days is a freeware modification for Command & Conquer: Generals Zero Hour. Our mod adds a new playable faction - Russia, and greatly improves the original three with new units, structures and special powers!
The main aim of the mod is to bring an authentic real war feeling, with a few fictional additions for more fun and diverse gameplay & tactics! Fight M1A2 Abrams Tanks or T-14 Armata Tanks with your Overlord Tanks supported by Z-19 Attack Helicopters!
The End Of Days greatly changes the gameplay of the original Generals Zero Hour by removing Heroes and Superweapons in their traditional role. Hero Units are now replaced with elite infantry, and Superweapons are mostly presented as mobile ICBM Launchers like Russia's Topol-M or China's DF-41.
Another great feature is the ability to purchase a subfaction at your tech center, replacing the original choice of "Generals" prior to battle, which allows you to change your strategy mid-game to counter your opponents! Each of the 4 factions have 3 completely different subfactions to choose from!
With the air units being much stronger than in Zero Hour, a completely new unique feature is introduced for all factions: Long Range Anti-Air Missile Systems. These are a more advanced version of stationary Anti-Air defenses, which provide incredible protection from your enemy's air power!
Many more modern units from real-life armies are at your disposal as well. Go on and find it all out by yourself!
Ja sam totalno smetnuo s' uma da je ova tema u "opste vojne teme". Trazih po kantini pre par meseci i tamo podelih info bas za taj mod, dobar je!
Miskohd ::Sve je to super toni ali ja se ziv odrati naci da skinem obican c and c pokusao preko origina ali valjda mi ne dozvoljava da im platim tako da zasad picim starom slavom Tiberium warsa 3 i mozda uskoro vidim da uzmem kain wrath
Origin ili steam, bio je paket svih C&C serijala za nekih 15-20 evra ili slicno. I na njih idu modovi jasno, a mozes i sa onom drugom opcijom.
Posto se instalira igra jasno instalirati njih, rade bez mane. I dodavanje vecine modova sa moddb je automatizovano, nekada se proces treba ponoviti 2-3 puta zbog promene servera sa kog se skida pretpostavljam.
Miskohd ::Sve je to super toni ali ja se ziv odrati naci da skinem obican c and c pokusao preko origina ali valjda mi ne dozvoljava da im platim tako da zasad picim starom slavom Tiberium warsa 3 i mozda uskoro vidim da uzmem kain wrath
Kasnim jedno pola godine sa komentarom
Može se još uvek naći preko torenata spakovan Generals i Zero Hour. Ja koristim neki sa instalacijom na portugalskom, ali ionako se svodi instalacija na "dalje, dalje...".
Veliki sam ljubitelj "The end of days" moda, o kome je Toni pisao, još od njegove preteče (zaboravio sam naziv moda, bruka), o kome je ovde pisano pre 7-8 godina.
Realistični modeli oružija, uz dinamiku Generalsa je ono što me je privuklo da joj se vraćam na svakih par meseci, plus dobro, staro, ukrštanje tehnike, kroz zarobljavanje neprijateljskih zgrada i fabrika
U svakom slučaju, za svaku preporuku kao zabava, uz maksimum protivnika na Hard
"The end of days" se sam prilagodjava tvojoj taktici: osloniš se na avijaciju i helikoptere, zatrpa te sa PVO, gruneš oklopom, pešadija i lovci na oklop te dočekaju, učvršćuješ odbranu baze, zasipa te artiljerijom i balističkim raketama... Lepota