Poslao: 20 Jun 2010 01:23
- Javelin
- Novi MyCity građanin
- Pridružio: 20 Jun 2010
- Poruke: 9
Lijepe priče, prave iz 1001 noći.
Izvinite što upadam ovako ali ovo je bilo jače od mene.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 20 Jun 2010 01:49
- Danko SVIK VRS

- Mod u pemziji
- Pridružio: 19 Maj 2009
- Poruke: 4980
- Gde živiš: Beograd - Srbija; Novi Grad - Republika Srpska
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
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Pogledajte malo ove snimke na gore navedenom sajtu.
Poslao: 20 Jun 2010 10:39
- Pridružio: 21 Maj 2008
- Poruke: 15443
Javelin ::Lijepe priče, prave iz 1001 noći.
Izvinite što upadam ovako ali ovo je bilo jače od mene.
Извињење се не прихвата.
Ако немате конструктиван коментар или критику, не морате ни да "упадате" у дискусију.
Poslao: 20 Jun 2010 14:11
- SailorCG
- Ugledni građanin
- Pridružio: 22 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 449
- Gde živiš: Boka kotorska
Linkovi ti ne rade ako si mislio na youtube klipove. Inače ovi naslovi sa Historyja ne da su pristrasni nego ne prikazuju ni jedno jedino obaranje židovskih aviona od strane Arapa...nevjerovatna "objektivnost". Nije mi jasno kako im je zanimljivo da prave takve "dokumentarce".
Poslao: 20 Jun 2010 17:19
- azarakhsh
- Zaslužni građanin
- Pridružio: 14 Feb 2009
- Poruke: 572
I ja sam mislio na isti način komentitati ove Dankove linkove. Emisije su očito rađene jednostrano i u propagandne svrhe pa ih ne bi mogli uzeti kao relevantan pokazatelj efikasnosti pojedinih strana u sukobu.
Inače veoma interesantan podatak za ilustraciju mogućnosti IDF/AF i protivničkih arapskih zračnih snaga tokom Yom Kippurskog rata je činjenica da su izraelci sa isporukama F-4E i A-4H dobili i najnovija laserski i TV vođena oružja o kojima su arapi mogli samo sanjati:
LGB GBU-1B ( laserski vođena 340 kg bomba M117 )
AGM-62 Walleye I ( TV vođena 374 kg )
GBU-8 Hobs ( TV vođena bomba Mk84 907 kp ili M118 od 1361 kp)
AGM-65A Maverick ( TV vođena raketa)
Poslao: 21 Jun 2010 00:39
- Danko SVIK VRS

- Mod u pemziji
- Pridružio: 19 Maj 2009
- Poruke: 4980
- Gde živiš: Beograd - Srbija; Novi Grad - Republika Srpska
Prekjuče sam glat otvarao taj sajt, imao je i egipatsku priču, očigledno da nešto nije uredu sa vezom.
Poslao: 21 Jun 2010 21:04
- SailorCG
- Ugledni građanin
- Pridružio: 22 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 449
- Gde živiš: Boka kotorska
Malo umjetničkih viđenja vazdušnih borbi iznad Svete Zemlje.
Dopuna: 21 Jun 2010 21:04
Na strani Arapa su letjeli i pakistanski piloti u ratovima 1967. i 1973.
Dvojica od njih su postigli i značajne uspjehe pa su shodno tome odlikovani od svoje vlade.
Da ne bih ja pričao ove skenovi iz knjige o PAF i njihovom učešću u arapskim ratovima.
Šahbazi iznad Golana
I još malo zanimljivih podataka iza arapsko-židovskih ratova.
Mrzilo me da prevodim ali ako bude trebalo prevešću:
PAF flyer unveils exploits in Arab-Israel War
September 6, 2008
By Azeem Samar
KARACHI: Sattar Alvi is the gallant flyer of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) who in the Ramazan War of 1973 scored a kill against our ideological enemy No.1, Israel.
It was April 26, 1974, when part of Shahbaz Squadron (call sign Shahbaz but in actual No. 67 Squadron) of the Syrian Air Force, Flight Lieutenant Alvi downed a Mirage-IIICJ fighter jet of Israel over the famous Golan Heights that are still under occupation of the Zionist state. He was the Shahbaz-8 in the squadron of MIG-21 fighters all flown by the Pakistani pilots. His victim Captain Lutz of the Israeli air force, had bailed out from the Mirage, later captured by the Syrian forces and admitted to a hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.
It took around 20 minutes for Sattar Alvi and his squadron to take off from the Syrian air base of Dumayr, fly over Jordan to reach the Golan Heights, strike the enemy aircraft and safely land back at the Syrian base. The limited fuel capacity of MiG fighters allowed just a 30-minute flying mission and that was the major concern of the eight Pakistani pilots.
The two intruding Israeli Mirages, backed by two Israeli Phantoms F4-Es, were on a reconnaissance mission from the Ramat David Air Base.
Another concern for them was intense ground activity of the Israeli forces to jam the radio communication among the Syrian fighter planes. “We the eight flyers of Shahbaz squadron switched our radio communication from Urdu to Pushto and Punjabi and more than once we were confronted with abuse in Punjabi language from the Israeli side and it should be because of some Israeli-Indian cooperation during the war,” said Alvi.
Alvi said that he had taken a one-year leave from the PAF and volunteered to serve the Syrian air force after the outbreak of the 1973 Ramadan War. “But on my paper my year-long absence from the PAF had to be shown as deputation for an air force of the brotherly country,” he said.
Sattar Alvi retired as Air-Commodore from the Pakistan Air Force in 1998 and his last appointment was commander of the Pakistani forces in Saudi Arabia. Alvi was not the first Pakistani pilot to score against the Israeli forces. Earlier Flt-Lt Saiful Azam, from the then East Pakistan, downed at least three Israeli fighters during the 1967 Arab-Israel war.
Alvi believed that if it was in the vital interest of the nation there was no harm in establishing friendly relations with Israel. “If Muslims could co-exist peacefully with Jews in Madina under an accord during the time of Last Prophet Muhammad (SAW) then why could it not happen now”, said Alvi who held several important instructional and command appointments in the PAF.
He was also director at Air Headquarters for the project of commissioning of the F-7 Chinese fighters into the PAF. He had also remained officer commanding of the Combat Commander’s School in Sargodha that is considered as the Top Gun of the PAF.
After his successful mission over Golan Heights, the Syrian government awarded him two of their coveted military awards i.e. Wissam Faris and Wissam Shujaat. Later the Pakistani government decorated him with Sitara-e-Shujaat. “Other than the military medals I was also awarded with land and other prizes by the Syrian government that during my stay there. I donated all of it to their National Defence Fund,” he said.
Alvi said that Pakistan still has a small but competent air force with very creditable leadership and officials. “I strongly believe that the PAF has the capacity and edge to play a role for building the air force of the brotherly Middle Eastern countries,” he said.
He said that Syria has still a long way to go for modernising and upgrading its forces to combat against much stronger enemy in the form of Israel with widened numerical and technological superiority. “In the region I think it is only the Egyptian air force equipped with American warplanes that could counter Israel but there is no chance in near future that Egypt would wage a war against the Zionist state,” he said.
Flight Lieutenant Saiful Azam
Flight Lieutenant Saiful Azam has the unique distinction of having kills against air forces of two different countries. As a young Flying Officer, Saiful Azam shot down an Indian Air Force Gnat during the 1965 War which earned him a Sitara-i-Jurat.
After the 1965 war, on the request of some Arab countries, some PAF pilots were deputed to the air forces of Jordon, Syria, Iraq and Egypt. During the 1967 Arab-Israel war, these pilots participated in defensive combat operations.
Saiful Azam, on deputation to the joint command of the Royal Jordanian Air force and the Iraqi Air Force, became the first Pakistani pilot to score against the Israeli Air Force. He shot down a Vatour Bomber, a super Mystere, and a Mirage IIIC in only two missions. To date, he remains the highest shooter of Israeli aircrafts.
He received various gallantry awards from both Jordan and Iraq for his extraordinary skill and courage. He retired as a Group Captain from Bangladesh Air Force. In 2001, he was honoured by the United States Air Force (USAF) and enjoys the status of being one of the 22 ‘Living Eagles’ of the world.
Poslao: 21 Jun 2010 23:14
- Danko SVIK VRS

- Mod u pemziji
- Pridružio: 19 Maj 2009
- Poruke: 4980
- Gde živiš: Beograd - Srbija; Novi Grad - Republika Srpska
Jedna ispravka.
Istorijski gledano, ne kaže se Arapsko-židovski (Arapsko-jevrejski) ratovi, već Arapsko-izraelski ili Izraelsko-arapski ratovi.
Kad pominješ Židove ili Jevreje onda misliš na komplet populaciju tog naroda u svetu, pri čemu baš užasno grešiš ispravnije je koristiti termin Izraelci i izraelski narod. Jer tada se to odnosi na populaciju koja živi u Izraelu.
A i u gornjem tekstu se pominju sirijske i izraelske vazduhoplovne snage i Arapsko-izraelski rat, a ne sirijske i jevrejske vazduhoplovne snage i Arapsko-jevrejski rat.
Stoga bi sve učesnike rasprave zamolio da se koriste termini iz istorije: Arapsko-izraelski rat i izraelsko vazduhoplovstvo (a ne Arapsko-jevrejski rat i jevrejsko vazduhopolovstvo).
Poslao: 21 Jun 2010 23:47
- Javelin
- Novi MyCity građanin
- Pridružio: 20 Jun 2010
- Poruke: 9
Da u pravu si, arapsko izraelski ratovi su niz sukoba u kojima je država Izrael branila svoj suverenitet od ujedinjene agresije arapskih zemalja i iz svih izašla kao pobedjednik.
Nekima ovdje postojanje države Izrael nije dovoljan dokaz njenih ratnih pobjeda izgleda.
Da su Arapi mogli, od Izraela ne bi ostalo ni sjećanje. Naravno svjesni opasnosti, izraelci su sa svojom vojskom i vazduhoplovstvom odbranili slobodu, a današnja želja nekih da umanje veličanstvenu pobjedu nad ujedinjenom arapskom armadom je samo obično posipanje pepelom onih koji gube, jer ni jedna od navodnih spornih pobjeda muslimanskih pilota nije dokumentovano potvrđenja osim u pričama i bajkama koje kruže internetom...usotalom toga smo se naslušali i ovdje kod nas na Balkanu.
Shvatite ovo kao dobronamjernu kritiku na ovu inače izuzetnu temu, koja doduše malo više favorizuje one koji su vršili agresiju na Izrael.
Pozdrav od jednog bivšeg "židovskog" pilota.